Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 648   Enlarge and print image (46K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 648   Enlarge and print image (46K)

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622 THE UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD. sending for a day or two, thinking she could get a few more dollars, and she has just brought some, and will try for more, and clothing. A thousand thanks to President Hamlin for his kindness to the contrabands; poor people 1 how deplorable their situation; where will they go to, when cold weather comes? so many of them to find homes for, but they must and will, I trust be taken care of, not by their former care-takers though. I have read the President's proclamation of emancipation, with thankfulness aud rejoicing; but upon a little reflection, I did not feel quite satisfied with it; three months seems a long time to be in the power of their angry and cruel masters, who, no doubt, will wreak all their fury and vengeance upon them, killing and abusing them in every way they can—and sell them to Cuba if they can. It makes me sad to think of it. Slavery, I fear, •will be a long time in dying, after receiving the fatal stroke. What do abolitionists think of it? and what is thy opiniou? I feel quite anxious to know something more about it. The " Daily Press " says, it will end the war and its cause. How can we be thankful enough if it should, and soon too. " Oh, praise and tanks," what a blessing for our country. I never expected to see the happy day. If thec answers this, thee will please tell me all about it, and what is thought of it by the wise ones; but I ought not to intrude on thy time, thee has so much on thy hands, nor ask thee to •write. I shall know in time, if I can be patient to wait. Enclosed are seventeen dollars; from Amy Reckless, $1,50; J. Bassett, $1; Jesse Bond, $1; Martha Reeve, $1; S. Woodnutt, $1; Hannah Wheeler, $1; a colored man, 25 cents; 25 cents thrown in, to make even; A. G., §10. Amy is very good in helping, and ia collecting clothing, which she thinks, cannot be sent till next week. I will attend to sending it, as soon aa can be, by stage driver. May every success attend thy labors (or the poor sufferers. * * * With kind regards, thy friend, A. GOODWIN. Thus, until the last fetter was broken, with singular persistency, zeal, faith and labor, she did what she could to aid the slave, without hope of reward in this world. Not only did she contribute to aid the fugitives, but was, for years, a regular and liberal contributor to the Pennsylvania Anti-slavery Society, as well as a subscriber to the Anti-slavery papers, The "Liberator," "National Anti-Slavery Standard," "Pennsylvania Freeman," etc. Having seen with joj, the desire of her heart, in the final emancipation of every bondman in the United States, she departed in peace, November 2,1867, in the 74th year of her age.