Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 642   Enlarge and print image (46K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 642   Enlarge and print image (46K)

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616 THE UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD. and during the progress of Hanway'a trial, her constant presence in the court-room, and her frequent interviews with the District Attorney, attested her deep anxiety as to the result of the impondiug struggle. When we last saw her, about a month since, she was engaged in collecting a Jarge sum of money to ransom a family of slaves, whose peculiar condition had enlisted her deepest sympathy. ^Notwithstanding her age and iufirmities, she had enlistc-d iu this work with a zeal which, even in a younger person, would have been remarkable. For many days, perhaps for many weeks, she went from door to door, asking for tlio means whereby to secure the freedom and the happiness of ao enslaved and plundered household. As a member of the Society of Friends, she lamented the guilty supineness of that body, in regard to the question of Slavery, and often, in its meetings, as well as in private intercourse, felt herself constrained to uttor the language of expostulation and rebuke. In this, as iu other relations of life, she was obedient to the revelation of God in her own soul, and a worthy example of fidelity to her convictions of duty. Her step-son, J. Wilson Moore, in a l«ttcr to us announcing her decease, says: Among the last injunctions she gave, was, " Write to Oliver Johnson, and toil him I die firm in the faith! MIND THE SLAVE !" She had enjoyed excellent health the last few years, and continued actively engaged in works of benevolence. During the fast fovv weeks, she had devoted much time and labor to the collection of funds for the liberation of ten slaves in North Carolina, who had been promised their freedom tit a comparatively small amount. Notwithstanding her great bodily suffering, her mind was clear to the last, expressing her full assurance of Divine approbation in the course she had taken. This is all that we can now say of the life of our revered and never-to-be-forgotten friend. Perhaps some one who knew her more intimately than we did. and who is better acquainted with the history of her life and labors, •will furnish us with a more complete sketch. If so, we shall publish it with great satisfaction. Happy ! ay, happy ! let her ashes rest; Her heart was h-mt-st, and fc-hc did her host; ID storm ami darkneKe, evil and dismay, Tho star of dutj was her guiding ray. Her injunction to "MruD THK SLAVE," comes to us as the dying admonition of one, whose life was a beautiful exemplification of the duty and the privilege thus enjoined. It imposes, indeed, no new obligation; but coming from such a source, it will linger in our memory while life and ite scenes shall last, inspiring in us, we hope, a purer and a more ardent devotion to the cause of freedom and humanity. And may we not hope that others also, will catch a new inspiration from the dying message of our departed friend : " MIXD THE SLAVE !"