Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 597   Enlarge and print image (50K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 597   Enlarge and print image (50K)

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THE CASE OF EUPHEMIA WILLIAMS. 571 year; the doctor used to say to us, there is another of my niggers ran a\yay; the reason that I can tell when Mahala ran away, is because she took a husband and ran awfry; I was married that year; the reason I cannot tell about the others is, because they went at different times in five years; the first who ran away before Mahala, was named Grace; she went in 1827; I don't know when the last went, or who it was. ****** * * Gloucester said they had raised a mob on him, on account of this case, and he would have to leave the city ; the case of this woman or these proceedings was not spoken of there ; he staid but a short time; he said one of the witnesses had betrayed him in court, yesterday, and they attacked him last night; I asked him how lie escaped from so many ; he said very few were in the city who could outrun him; I asked him where he was going, he replied he had a notion to put for Canada ; some of the gentlemen proposed his going to Baltimore; he said that would not do, as the laws of Maryland would catch him; he was going to get a boat and go to New Jersey, and then to New York; Mr. Puruell gave him just-thirty-five dollars last night; he paused a while, and Mr. P. told him to hand it back ; he then took out his money and put some more to it, and said: " Here is fifty dollars." Mr. P. said that if he got the slave he would leave fifty dollars more with a person in the ciiy. ******** Question by the judge.—"You have spoken of a conversation in which Mr. P. told you of certain letters or correspondence, and that they had reference to this alleged fugitive. I want you to give me, to the best of your recollection, everything lie said the letters contained." Witness.—Mr. P. told me when he first mentioned it to me, he said that he was going to mention something to me, that he did not want anything said, in regard to some negroes that had run away from his father; he said he wanted rae to come on here, and he> did not want me to tell any person before we left our county ; that if the negroes heard of it, they could get information to the parties before he could get here; I told him I would Dot tell any person except my wife; he then said he had correspondence with a person here, for a month or two, and he had no doubt but that several of his negroes were here, from what he had heard from his correspondent; he asked me if I could recognize the favor of this Mahala ? I told him I didn't know; he then said if anybody would know her, I would, as she had lived with my brother three years ; he then said that he would want to start the next week, but he would see me agniu at that time ; that was all he said at that time, only we turned into a hotel, and he said don't breathe this to anybody; on Saturday before we left home, he came to my house, and said: well, I shall want you to start for Philadelphia, on Monday morning; I snppoee you will go ? I told him I would rather not, if he could do with-