Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 562   Enlarge and print image (52K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 562   Enlarge and print image (52K)

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ARRIVAL FROM RICHMOND, 1858. 637 to the steamer about dark," said the agent "and if all is right you will see the Underground Kail Road agent come out with some aches as a signal, and by this you may know that all is ready." " I will be there certain," said Henry. Christmas week he was confident would be granted as usual as a holiday week; a few days before Christinas he went to his master and asked permission to spend said holiday with his mother, in Cumberland county, adding that he would need Botne spending money, enough at least to pay his fare, etc. Young master freely granted his request, wrote him a pass, and doled him out enough money to pay his fare thence, but concluded that Henry could pay his way back out of his extra change. Henry expressed his obligations, etc., and returned to the American Hotel. The evening before the time appointed for storting on his Underground Rail Road voyage, he had occasion to go out to see the Underground Rail Road agent, and asked the clerk to give hi:n a pass. This favor was peremptorily refused. Henry, " not willing to give it up so," sat down to write a pass for himself; he found it all that was necessary, and was thus enabled to accomplish his business satisfactorily. Next day bis Christmas holiday commenced, but instead of his enjoying the sight of his mother, he felt that he had seen her for the last time in the flesh. It was a sad reflection. That evening at dark, lie was at the wharf, according to promise. The man with the ashes immediately appeared and signalled him. In his three suits of clothing (al) on his back), he walked on the boaf, and was conducted to the coal covering, where Egyptian darkness prevailed. The appointed hour for the starting of the steamer, was ton o'clock the following morning. By the aid of prayer, ho endured the suffering that night. No sooner had the steamer got under way, than a heavy gale was encountered; for between three and four days the gale and fog combined, threatened the steamer with a total loss. All the freight on deck, consisting of tobacco and cotton, had to be thrown overboard, to save the passengers. HEXKY, in his state of darkness, saw nothing, nor could he know the imminent peril that Ins life was in. Fortunately he was not sea-sick, but slept well find long on the voyage. The steamer was five day? coming. On landing at Philadelphia, Henry could warcnly see or walk ; the spirit of freedom, however, was burning brightly in the hidden man, and the free gales of frosli nir and a few hours on free soil soon enabled him to overcome the difficulties which first presented themselves, and he was soon one of the most joyful mortals living. lie tarried two days with his friends in Philadelphia, and then hastened on to Boston. After being in Boston two months, he was passing through the market one clay, when, to his surprise, he espied his young master, Charles L. Hobson. Henry was sure, however, that he was not recognized, but suspected that lie was hunted. Instantly, Henry pulled up his coat collar, and drew his hat over his face to disguise himself as much as possible; but he could not wholly recover from the shock he had