Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 483   Enlarge and print image (41K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 483   Enlarge and print image (41K)

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468 TOE UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD. " THOJIAS EDWAKD SKINSEB, a bright mulatto, age eighteen years, well formed, good-looking, and wide awake; says, that he fled from one G. H. CarmaD, Esq., head Clerk of the County Court." He bore voluntary testimony to Carman in the following words: " He was a very good man ; he fed and clothed well and gave some money too occasionally." Yet Thomas had no idea of remaining in Slavery under any circumstances. He hated everything like Slavery, and as young as he was, he had already made five attempts to escape. On this occasion, with older and wiser heads, he succeeded. ARRIVAL FROM NEW MARKET, 1858. ELIJAH SUAW. This " article " reported himself as having b«cn deprived of his liberty by Dr. Ephraiin Bell, of Baltimore County, Maryland. He had no fault to find with the doctor, however; on the contrary, he spoke of him us a " very clever and nice man, as much so as anybody need to live with;" but of his wife he could not speak so favorably; indeed, he described her as a most tyrannical woman. Said Elijah, " she would make a practice of rapping the broomstick around the heads of either men, women, or children when she got raised, which was pretty often. But she never rapped me, for I wouldn't stand it; I shouldn't fared any better than the rest if I hadn't been resolute. I declared over and over again to her that I would scald her with the tea kettle if she ever took the broomstick to rne, and I meant it. She took good care to keep the broomstick from about my head. She was as mischievous and stingy as she could live; wouldn't give enough to eat or wear. These facts and many more were elicited from Elijah, when in a calm state of mind and when feeling much elated with the idea that his efforts in casting off the yoke were met with favor by the Committee, and that the accommodations and privileges on the road were so much greater than ho had ever dreamed of. Such luck on the road was indeed a matter of wonder and delight to passengers generally. They wore delighted to find that the Committee received them and forwarded thorn on "without money and without price." Elijah was capable of realizing llic worth of such friendship. He was a young map twenty-three years of a^e, spare made, yellow complexion, of quick motion ami decidedly collected in his bearing. In short, he was a man well adapted to make a good British subject.