Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 466   Enlarge and print image (39K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 466   Enlarge and print image (39K)

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ARRIVAL FROM D UN WOOD Y CO UNTT, 1858. 441 WILLIAM HENBY was a plump little fellow only two years of age. At the old price (five dollars per pound) he was worth something, fat as he was. Being in the bands of his mother, the Committee considered him a lucky child. ARRIVAL FROM BALTIMORE. ELIJAH BISHOP AND WILLIAM WILLIA.MBON. ELIJAH represented to the Committee that he had been held under the enthrallment of a common " gambler and drunkard," who called himself by the name of Campbell, and carried on his sporting operations in Baltimore. Under this gambler Elijah had been wronged up to the age of twenty-eight years, when he resolved to escape. Having had several opportunities of traveling through the United States and South America with his sporting master, he managed to pick up quite an amount of information. For the benefit of Elijah's relatives, if any should have occasion to look for particulars concerning this lost individual, we add, that he was a spare-built man of a dark color. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON fled from Mrs. Rebecca Davidge, of Perryman-ville. He declared that he had been used badly—had been worked hard and had been fed and clothed but poorly. Under such treatment he had reached his twenty-fourth year. Being of a resolute and determined mind, and feeling considerably galled by the burdens heaped upon him, he resolved that he would take his chances on the Underground Rail Road. The only complaint that he had to make against his mistress was, that she hired him to a man named Smith, a farmer, and a slave-holder of the meanest type, in William's opinion. For many a day William will hold her responsible for abuses be received from him. ARRIVAL FROM DUNWOODY COUNTY, 1858. DAKIUS HARRIS. One of the most encouraging signs connected with the travel via the Underground Rail Road was, that passengers traveling thereon were, as a general thing, young and of determined minds. Darius, the subject of this sketch, was only about twenty-one when he arrived. It oould be seen in his looks that he could not be kept in the prison-house unless constantly behind bars. His large bead aud its formation indicated a large brain. He stated that " Thomas H. Hamlin, a hard case, living near Dunwoody," had professed