Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 451   Enlarge and print image (45K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 451   Enlarge and print image (45K)

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426 THE UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD. it as it stands. The sketch as taken for the record book is here transcribed as follows: " Edward reported himself from Franklin county, N. C., where, according to statement, a common ikniier by the name of Carter Cray owned him, under whose oppression his life was rendered most unhappy, who stinted him daily for food and barely allowed him clothing enough to cover his nakedness, who neither showed justice nor mercy to any under his control, the ' weaker vessels' not excepted; therefore Edward was convinced that it was in vain to hope for comfort under such a master. Moreover, his appetite for liquor, combiDed with a high temper, rendered him a being hard to please, but easy to excite to a terrible degree. Scarcely had Edward lived two years with this man (Gay) when he felt that he had lived with him long enough. Two years previous to Lis coming into the hands of Gay, he and his wife were both sold; the wife one day and he the next. She brought eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars, and he eight hundred and thirty-five dollars; thus they were sold and resold as a matter of speculation, and husband and wife were parted. After the fugitives had been well cared for by the Committee, they were forwarded on North ; but for some reason they were led to stop short of Canada, readily finding employment and going to work to take care of themselves. How they were received and in what way they were situated, the subjoined letter from Edward will explain: SKAKEATEI.ES, Dec. 17, 1S57. DEAR Sra:—As I promised to let you hear from me as soon as I found a home, I will now fulfill ray promise to you and say that I am alive and well and have found a stopping place for the winter. When we arrived at Syracuse we found Mr. Loguen ready to receive us, and as times are rather bard in Canada he thought best for as not to go there, so he sent us about twenty miles west of Syracuse to Skaneateles, where George L'pshur and myself soon found work. Henry Grimes is at work in Garden about eight miles from this place. If ^ou should chance to hear any of my frienda inquiring for me, please direct them to Skaneatelea, Onondaga county, N. Y. If you can inform me of the whereabouts of Miss Alice Jones I shall be very much obliged to you, until I can pay yon better. I forgot to ask you about her when 1 was at your house. She escaped about two years ago. Pleaae not to forget to inquire of my wife, Rachel Land, and if you should hear of her, let me know immediately. George Upshur and myself send our best respects to you and your family. Remember us to Mrs. Jackson and Miss Julia. I hope to meet you all again, if not on earth may we so live that we shall meet in that happy land where tears and partiqgs axe not known. Let me bear from you soon. This from your friend and well wisher, EDWARD LEWIS, formerly, but now WILLIAM BRADT.