Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 445   Enlarge and print image (47K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 445   Enlarge and print image (47K)

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420 THE UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD. need wish to behold, than was this same Hanson. He confessed, however, that for some time previous to his departure, he had feigned sickness,—told bis master that he was " sick all over." " Ten times a day Hanson said they would ask him how he was, but was not willing to make his task much lighter." The following description was given of his master, and his reason for leaving him: " My master was a red-faced farmer, severe temper, would cnree, and swear, and drink, and sell his slaves whenever he felt like it. My mistress was a pretty cross, curious kind of a woman too, though she was a member of the Protestant Church. They were rich, and had big farms and a good many slaves. They didn't allow me any provisions hardly ; I had a wife, but they did not allow me to go see her, only once in a great while." BILL providentially escaped from a well-known cripple, whom he undertook to describe as a " very sneaking-looking man, medium size, smooth face ; a wealthy fanner, who owned eighteen or twenty head of slaves, and was Judge of the Orphans' Court." " He sells slaves occasionally." " My mistress was a very large, rough, Irish-looking woman, with a very bad disposition ; it appeared like as if she hated to see a ' nigger/ and she was always wanting her husband to have some one whipped, and she was a member of the Methodist Church. My master was a trustee in the Episcopal Church." In consequence of the tribulation Bill had experienced under his Christian master and mistress, he had been led to disbelieve in the Protestant faith altogether, and declared that he felt persuaded that it was all a " pretense," and added that he "never went to Church; no place was provided in church for 'niggers' except a little pen for the coachmen and waiters." BILL had been honored with the post of "head man on the place," but of thia office he was not proud. ARRIVAL FROM PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD. "JIM BELLE." $100 REWARD.—Ran away from the subscriber on Saturday night, Negro Man JIM BELLE. Jim is about five feet ten inches high, black color, about 26 years of age : has a down look ; speaka alow when spoken to; he has large, thick lips, ana a mustache. He was formerly owned by Edward Btansbury, l»te of Baltimore county, and purchased by Edward Worthington, near Reis-terstown, in Baltimore county, at the late Stansbury's Bale, who sold him to B. M. and W. L. Campbell, of Baltimore city, of whom 1 purchased Jim on the 13th of June last. His wife lives with her mother, Ann Robertson, in Com Alley, between Lee and Htll streets, Baltimore city, where he has other relations, and where he is making his way. I will give the above reward, no matter where taken, so he is brought home or secured in jail sol get him again. ZACHABIAH BERRY, of W., j28-6t. . near Upper Marlboro', Prince George'8 county, Md.