Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 413   Enlarge and print image (49K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 413   Enlarge and print image (49K)

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PASSENGERS FROM MAE YLAND, 1857. 339 perty. William and some six others of the servants got wind of the fact that they would stand a chance of being in the market soon. Not relishing the idea of going further South they unanimously resolved to emigrate to Canada. Accordingly they borrowed a horse from Dr. Wise, and another from H. K. Tioe, and a carriage from F. J. Posey, and Joseph P. Mong's buggy (so it was stated in the Baltimore Sun, of May 27th), and off they started for the promised land. The horses and carriages were all captured at Chambersburg, a clay or two after they set out, but the rest of the property hurried on to the Committee. How Mr. Hyson raised the money to carry out his enterprise, William and his " ungrateful" fellow-servants seemed not to be concerned. BELINDA BIVAXS. Belinda was a large woman, thirty years of age, wholly black, and fled from Mr. Hyson, in company with William, and those above referred to, with the idea of reaching Canada, whither her father had fled eight years before. She was evidently pleased with the idea of getting away from her ill-natured mistress, from poor fare and hard work without pay. She had experienced much hardship, and had become weary of her trial in bondage. She had been married, but her husband had died, leaving her with two little girls to (sire for, both of whom she succeeded in bringing away with her. In reference to tie church relations of her master and mistress, she represented the former as a backslider, and added that money was bis church; of the latter she said, "she would go and take the sacrament, come back and the old boy would be in her as big as a horse." Belinda could see but little difference between her master and mistress. JOSEPH WINSTON. In the Raclirnond Dispatch, of June 9th, the following advertisement was found: RUNAWAY.—^200 REVTAI:D will be given if taken in the state, and $500 ii taken out of the state. Hun away, ruy negro boy JOE, sometimes called JOE WINSTON ; about £3 yoars old, a little over 5 feet nigh, rather stout-built, (lark ginger-bread color, smuU moustache, stammers badly when confused or spoken to; took along two or three suits of clothe;, one a blue dress coat with brass buttons, black pants, and patent leather shoes, white hat. silver watch with gold chain ; was last seen in this city on Tuesday last, had a pass to Hanover county, ana supposej to be making his way towards York Hiver, for the purpose of getting ou board some coasting vessel. SAMUEL ELLIS. The passenger above described reached the Underground Rail Road station, June 6th, 1857. "Why did you leave your raasler?" said a member of the Committee to Joe. " I left because there was no enjoyment in slavery for colored people." After stating how the slaves were treated he added, "I was working all the time for master and he was receiving all my money for my dally labor." ""What business did your master follow?" inquired the Committee. "He