Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 534
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534 VITA ANDOR D. SKOTNES Education and Employment 1964-1969 1970-1971 1971-1975 1975-1976 1978-1984 1983 1985-1990 1990-present 1991 California State University, Long Beach, California University of California, Berkeley, California B.A., History Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey Teaching Assistant, History Department Ph.D. Candidate, History University of California, Irvine, California Visiting Instructor Machinist in several firms, Los Angeles, California University of California, Dominguez Hills, California Adjunct Professor Columbia University, New York, New York Assistant Director, Oral History Research Office Acting Director, Oral History Research Office Adjunct Instructor, Graduate School of Journalism Russell Sage College, Troy, New York Assistant Professor, History Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey Ph.D, History Publications American Working-Class History in Historical Journals, 1961-1972; a Bibliography. Institute of Management and Labor Relations-Rutgers University, 1974. "Structural Determination of the Proletariat and the Petty Bourgeoisie: A Critique of Nicos Poulantzas," Insurgent Sociologist, volume IX number 1, Summer 1979. "Review of Red Diaper Babies" International Journal of Oral History, Summer 1986.