Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 525
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525 (29) Oral History interview, Enolia McMillan, MS. No. 8110, Maryland Historical Society, 15-18; Wennersten, The Black School Teacher," 372; The Crisis, 48 (August 1941), 265,48 (September 1941), 292. (30)Su/i, May 13, 1937. (31) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell, (session 2), March 19,1987. (32) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell, (session 2), March 19,1987. (33) Sun, May 13, October 14,1937, January 12,1938; Afro-American, January 15, 1938; Oral History interview, Juanita Jackson Mitchell, MS. No. 8183, pages 50-55, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Society; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19,1987. (34) Sun, April 15,16, November 17, 1939; Afro-American, December 30,1939. (35) Afro-American, December 30,1939; Sun, November 14,1939; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 3), August 5,1987. (36) The Crisis, 44 (March 1937), 88,45 (September 1938), 304; Afro-American, January 1, 1938; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19, 1987. (37) City-Wide Young People's Forum, Third Annual Inter Collegiate Oratorical, Vocal and Instrumental Contest," 1934,7, in the Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum; Farrar, "Afro," 95-8; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 4), August 12,1987; Sun, May 8,9,1936, November 25, December 4,6,10,1937; Evening Sun, September 10, October 12, December 4,1937; Baltimore News Post, December 3,1937. (38) Post Dispatch, December 3,1937; Sun, December 4,1937. (39) Sun, January 29, March 1, July 9,1938; Evening Sun, February 17, April 23, July 23,28,1938, January 10, 1939; Oral History interview, Juanita Jackson Mitchell, MS. No. OH 8095, page 33, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Society; 77ie Crisis, 50 (March 1943), 91. (40) Evening Sun, August 29, 1934; Sun, September 19,1934; Oral History interview, Clarence Mitchell, Jr., MS. No. 8209, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Society; Sun, June 19,1942. (41) Oral History interview, William L. Adams, MS. No. 8210, pages 7-9, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Society. (42) Sun, May 29,30, June 4, 10,19,26,27,28, December 10, 1942, April 22,1943; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19, 1987.