Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 496
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496 (68) Evening Sun, October 30, 1933; Afro-American, November 11, 1933; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20, 1987. (69) Afro-American, October 21,29,1933; Farrar, *Afro? 306-7. In the person-on- the-street column in the October 21 edition of the Afro-American, a businessman, 2 domestics, a teacher, and a church chorister commented on the Euel Lee case. The teacher's comments were representative: "I don't believe Lee guilty according to the facts presented by Bernard Ades." (70) Crisis, 39 (April 1932). 117-119,39 (May 1932), 154-156,170-171,39 (June 1932), 190; Farrar, "Afro," 288. (71) Gary Jerome Hunter, "'Don't Buy Where You Can't Work': Black Urban Boycott Movements during the Depression, 1929-1941," (Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, 1977), 59-61; Interview with Evelyn Burrell by Andor Skotnes, October 4, 1987; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20, 1987, (session 2), March 19, 1987; Opportunity, XI (July 1933), 21 Iff. Chapter 6 (1) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell by Andor Skotnes (session 1), February 20,1987; Ira De A. Reid, Tlie Negro Community of Baltimore; A Social Survey (Baltimore: October 1,1934), 65. (2) "Dr. Lillie May Jackson, May 25,1889 - July 5,1975; Servant of God, Champion of the People, Mother of Freedom" (program for memorial service, 1975); Oral History interview, Juanita Jackson Mitchell and Virginia Jackson Kiah, MS. no. 8094, page 40-41, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Sociery;Oral History interview, Juanita Jackson Mitchell, MS. no. 8095, page V:l-2, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Society; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20,1987. (3) City-Wide Young People's Forum, "The Third Annual Inter Collegiate Oratorical, Vocal and Instrumental Contest," 1934, [hereafter CWYPF, "Contest" (1934)], 18, in the Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum. (4) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20,1987, (session 2), Mar 19,1987; Sherry H. Olson, Baltimore; Ttie Building of an American City (Baltimore: 1980), 277; "A Tribute to Our Senator Clarence M. Mitchell, HI," June 1985,28-32; Phyllis Hathaway, "Lillie May Jackson, 1889-1975; Civil Rights Activist," in Winifred G. Helmes, Notable Maryland Women, 187-8. (5) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20,1987, (session 2), March 19.1987; Olson, Baltimore, 277; "A Tribute," June 1985, 28-32; Hathaway, "Lillie May Jackson," 187-8.