Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 494
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494 214-6; Nathaniel Honig, Tfie TUUL Today, 22. (35) U.S. Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States; Population (1930), volume 4,661-665; Industrial Survey of Baltimore, Second Industrial Survey of Baltimore, 1914-1939,24. (36) Marine Workers Voice, October 1929; Brace Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront; Seamen, Longshoremen, and Unionism in the 1930s (Urbana: 1988), 79,93. Nelson is skeptical about the MWV claim of 123 ship visits in one month. (37) Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront, 75-96. Many articles on Third Period trade union policy, strategy, and tactics appeared in TJie Communist, The Communist International, and in a plethora of pamphlets in the early 1930s. Some useful examples are G. Smolyansky, The Revolutionary Trade Union Movement and the Problems of the Labor Aristocracy," The Communist International, 1930, 180-189; I. Aimer, "Some Major Lessons from a Minor Strike," The Communist, August 1931, 706-713; and Nathaniel Honig, "The Trade Unions Since the N.R.A.," pamphlet, 1934. (38) Marine Workers Voice, May 1934; Sun, June 27, July 29, September 25, October 23,1932; Richmond, ,4 Long View, 110-1. Richmond relates how he was forced to move out of the plush home of literary scion V.F. Calverton — where Richmond had been living without Calverton's knowledge while the latter was out of town — because of the minor split in the YCL over the decision to focus organizing efforts on the docks. (39) Marine Workers Voice, May 1934. The following account of the Diamond Cement struggle comes from this issue of MWV. (40) Marine Workers Voice, September 1933; Sun, August 20,1933. (41) Marine Workers Voice, May 1934; Interview with Bill Bailey by Brace Nelson, January 24,1979; Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront, 96. I want to thank Brace Nelson for giving me access to his interview with Bill Bailey. (42) Sun, October 21, November 24, 1933; Marine Workers Voice, December 1933, January 1934, May 1934, (43) Marine Workers Voice, November 1933, January 1934. (44) Sun, October 21, November 23,24,1933; Marine Workers Voice, December 1933. (45) Marine Workers Voice, January 1934. (46) Interview with Bill Bailey, January 24, 1979. (47) "Resolution of the Communist International," October 26,1928; Haywood,