Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 449
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 449
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449 Comfort Springs Corporation. About 30% of the three hundred workers at Comfort Springs were African American (many of whom were women), and as soon as the organizing drive came to light, the management resorted to tried and true methods of race-baiting to divide the workers. The CIO, bringing in the local National Negro Council for help, countered the racist offensive successfully, and both Black and white workers joined the United Spring and Accessory Workers, Local 91. When the plant was struck in October, 100 whites and 100 Blacks walked out together and mounted picket lines. For a month an a half management held out, and then, in December, surrendered. " Despite the breadth of CIO activity in the various industrial sectors of the region, the waterfront remained the hot spot for the CIO throughout 1937. The seamen - who after May were no longer an opposition group to the AFL, but part of a fully constituted CIO union, the NMU - kept the pressure up on the shipping companies. There were a series of sit-down and near sit-down strikes by NMU crews all year long. In April, the threat of a sit-down on one ship was enough to get a settlement from the company. Most NMU sit-downs, however, resulted in a battle. In early September, thirty-seven crewmen staged a sit-down on Bethlehem Steel's Oakmar after it tied up at Sparrows Point. The company tried to starve the crew out, but after five days an NMU launch got food and drink aboard the besieged ship. Under threat of a general shipping strike to support the Oakmar crew, the Baltimore authorities evicted the sit-down strikers by force, and the city CIO lodged a strong protest with the city government. The NMU campaign even took on an international dimension when, in November, 16 British seamen struck the S.S. Summerleaf because they found it to be unseaworthy, and placed themselves under the protection of the NMU; the required repairs to the ship were subsequently made. The waterfront was also the hot spot for the CIO because ClO-oriented activity ignited activity beyond the its own ranks. In March, an aggressive