The Removal of Baltimore City Criminal Court Judge
Henry Stump, 1860. MSA Govpub
, Image No: 812288-0033
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The Removal of Baltimore City Criminal Court Judge
Henry Stump, 1860. MSA Govpub
, Image No: 812288-0033
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INTERROGATORIES. 1st. Do you reside in the city of Baltimore, and what is your occupation ? 2d. Are you acquainted with Judge Henry Stump, of the Criminal Court of Baltimore, and have you any knowledge of hi§ conduct in his official character. State all the particulars. Richard Lilly sworn. 1st. I do. Occupation saddler. 2d. I am. Have known him many years, served on the Grand Jury many times, so far as my connection with the Court is concerned I never saw anything unbecoming a Judge, never in his life saw Judge Stump drunk on the bench or in the Court House, never heard him use obscene or improper language either on or off the benchjduring an acquaintance of twenty-five years, so far as my observation goes as a Grand Juror. I never saw anything unbecoming or improper as a Judge. Wittiawi H. Jenkins sworn. 1st. I do. Occupation not particular at this time. 2d. I am. I have known Judge Stump for fifteen years and intimately for the past ten years, have frequently served as a Juror in the last seven years, have served five or six times, never saw him drunk on the bench or approaching to it, never heard him use obscene or vulgar language on or off the bench, his conduct on the bench was dignified and upright. George W. P. Smith sworn. To the 1st interrogatory this witness answereth, I reside in Worcester county on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.