The Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region, ca. 1600-1925

The Calvert papers, Vol I


The Calvert papers, Vol I -- No. 15. GOVERNOR CHARLES CALVERT TO CECILIUS, LORD BALTIMORE. Next Section || Previous Section || Table of Contents


26 Aprill 1672

My son Charles to me
from Maryland

Brought by Cap: Ben: Cooper recd 12 July 1672

Inclosed in it A coppy of my Co?ission to
my son Charles for the Gouernmt
of Maryland.

May itt please yor Lopp

Capt William Wheatley is now gone, by him I writ to yr Lopp a short Letter, only to Convey some Bills of Exchange the seconds And some others I send herewth It is now high time that I returne answr to all yor Lopp Letters by this Last Shippinge; and therefore I am now prepareing this against Capt Cooper sailes, who hath giuen mee butt a weekes time;

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that I may giue a full answr to all yor Lopps l?? and Euery perticular Contained in them, I shall now take them afore mee according to their seuerall dates. Yor Lopps of the the third of July by Gouldsmith. Gaue me to vnderstand that the Bill for £40 & the other for £70.. 15.. 0d were both Complyed with, and that all my Letters Came well to yor Lopps hands, As alsoe the Act for 250 the hho which I perceiue yor Lopp is Satisfyed with, our Endeauours were not wantinge to haue procured itt otherwise, butt Covld not prevaile which I hope yor Lopp is Sensible off, I am glad flint the Tax vpon Tobbacco is not Settled, for I am assured the Comodity will not beare that Burden, yor Lopp Mentions, that the difference betwixt his Royall Highness, and yor Lopp is not yett determined, which wee are very Sorry for, because itt begetts a beleefe in Many tht yor Lopp will hardly Recouer yor Right, And Causes many to take Land art the Hore Keele from the Gouerment of New Yorke, I am dayly perswadinge & Incouraginge persons to seat there in yor Lopps Right, And some are already gone, And more I hope will Venture Collo ffrancis Louelace Gouernour of New Yorke, is Come lately to Delaware, (As Augustine writes mee word) but vpon what Designe is not yett Knowne, I fear that he Intends to make a vissitt to the people at the Hore Keele, to Incourage them to oppose those Seated and Settled in Right of this province butt of this I shall give yor Lopp a further accompt. I sent yor Lopp all the Affidauits I Could gett, In pursuance to yor Commands by Morris & Cobb by whom I Receiued Lrs to that purpose when I send Bills of Exchange for the future, I will take Care that Letters of Advise goe with them accordinge to yor Lopps directions I Could not possibly the last Assembly doe any thinge in order to yor Lopps Command about those prejuditiall provisoes in the Act for Support. Wee satt not Long, and the sad news

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of Dear Sister Blackstons Death Comeing then to my hand, Made mee prorouge them till next October, Against which time I hope wee may haue further Commands. And the Company of Sr William Talbot, yor Lopps Ordinance will neuer pass, And therefore to moue itt to the Assembly, will I fear, prejudice our other business, there is nothing more in this Letter which I need glue answr to because itt Refers to others Receiued after. Yor Lopp next Letter is that of the 29o July by Miles Cooke which makes Mention of my Sisters Sickness, And the great Afflictions yor Lopp was in att that time, I am glad the Box of L?? by Capt Tully Came safe to yor Lopp And that yor Lopp is pleased to Signify you are sensible of my Care and Dilligence in yor Business here, My Lord itt is the greatest Comfort I haue, when yor Lopp Receiues Satisfaction in my poore Endeauours, which I know are butt Dutyes in mee, I shall neuer bee slacke in the Executinge those Commands yor Lopp shall Impose vpon mee, nor bee wantinge in my Duty to yor Lopp at any time I hope; I most humbly Returne yor Lordshipp thanks, for yor fauourable answer to the humble Request and proposition I made to yor Lopp in my owne behalfe And shall most willingly performe to the Chancellor Couzin Calvert and the Rest of the Councill, As yor Lopp Requires. And alsoe make sufficient provission for the Magazin. If yor Lopps Rents will doe the Latter, It is as much as I hope from them as they are now Curtailed; Sr Wm Talbot (in Case bee Returns to his place againe) will (I am Confident) bee very well Satisfyed With the perquisitts thereof, And will not stand In need of any other Supply, yor Lopp haueinge Confirmed to him those fees Which the Chancellor (whilst I was in England) Enjoyed; I doe Intend to send yor Lopp an accompt of the full proffitts of his place, Receiued by mee as his Atturney, that itt may appear to

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yor Lopp whether itt bee Worth his Acceptance or not; The Commission and Instructions for Baker Brooke Mentioned in this Letter, are Come, as I shall here after Signifye, I haue accordinge to yor Lopps Commands herein Reserued all the London vesells dues for you, And doe not Intend to make vse of any of them my selfe, Butt to take my Dues from others, whose bills may not bee soe Convenient for yor Lopp

By my Accompt which I shall send in Capt Conaway and Groome, It will appear to yor Lopp that I haue been Carefull of yor Commands & Instructions herein, I will alsoe Returne yor Lopp accompt of all the ffines fforfeitures and Escheated Lands that I know of I hope yor Lopp will thinke fitt, to send mee or some other a power about the Sales of Escheated Lands by the first opertunities And I shall by Conaway & Groome send yor Lopp a List of such Tracts (As I am Informed of) And the Quantity Quality, full valew, & worth of Every one of them, I will take Care that the patents for Lands bee drawne as formerly, Notwithstanding our late provisoe in that Act for Support, And when yor Lopp does send mee any power & Commission for the Sellinge any of those Escheated Lands (I shall giue accompt of by this Shippinge) Care shall bee taken that 450 bee Reserued for Euery hundred Acres, I am sorry to vnderstand by this Letter that yor Lopps Difference with his Highness is not yett at an End, Wee here Suppose the Reason of itt may bee, that the Duke Intends to make an Exchange with Cartwright and to Lett him haue Delaware and the dependencyes thereon, for that part of the Bay Granted to the said Cartwright, And Collo Louelace, Being lately Come to Delaway (as I Mentioned before) It is beleeved hee is now Come to giue Cartwright possession, Butt itt may bee the delay proceeds from Nicholls, for the Reasons sett downe by yor Lopp In the meane time I will doe my vttmost to gett yor Lopps

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Right owned, by some from our parts. I haue satisfyed my vncle (touchinge yor Lopps fauour to him) by deliuering vp his Bill for £130 Sterling, and am very well Content to take itt as yor Lopp doth Signify I shall, humbly Returning yor Lopp thankes I am glad Tully paid yor Lopp his Bill for £12.. 8s sterling, I was almost afraide of him here, but that I Could not find another Chapman for the Tobaccoes Little Cis presents his humble Duty to yor Lopp and is glad his Letter Came safe, hee Intends yor Lopp an other by the last Shipp, hee would willingly Carry one himselfe, for hee often Inquires when ffather & mother will goe to Lord againe Capt Miles Cooke is discharged from his Last Business dependinge in our Court about his Vessell, And I ordered him to Aquaint yor Lopp with itt, As done by yor Lopps Commands to mee, I Rece'd yor Lopps of the 30th of July in fauour of Mrs Boughton And the Noate of perticulars of what is due to her, The wch I will not faile to send by Capt Conaway, And Consigne itt to her, with Directions to Capt Conaway to Enquire of Mr Burke where to find her, for I will Shipp the Tobaccoes on bord his Shipp for her vizt £12000 Tobo) yor Lordshipps of the first of August was writt all by yor Lopps owne hand And Mentions the Commission & Instructions for the Surveyer Generall, And a bond to bee signed by him before the deliuery of the said Commission, which I obserued as yor Lopps directed And shall send the Bond herewith for Mr John Langford's Truly as yett hee hath gott Little, And if hee pay ten pound this yeare, bee has only a Commission for itt, hee will take Care that the Moneyes shall bee sent, And Mr Pladwells fee of 20so, I Receiud herewith Mr Langhorns obseruattions vpon our Journalls And Acts, which I will make vse of hereafter, I shall take noe notice of what yor Lopp writes touchinge Mr Langhornes opinion of the ppetuity of that Act, But will

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Endeauour to gett that Act for Quietting possessions. As itt is now drawne, to bee past In Leiue of the other, And if I Cannot gett those pernitious provisoes strucke out of the Act for Support, I will see what Can bee effected, by proposeinge this other Act of a Generall pardon, what yor Lopp writes in this Letter touchinge the Third Act sent herewith, is Contradicted I thinke by an other letter which I shall Come to by & by--I inserted Dates to my Cousin Brookes Bond to John Langford And haue Acquainted Mr Warren and Mr ffoster of Mr Symons Death & Mr Grayes Succeedinge him, And that they may hope for a Supply of theirs--yor Lopps of the 21o: August makes mention of Sr Wm Talbots Ariuall And of the good accompt hee giues of Maryland & friends here I pray god hee likes the Country and Intertainement soe well, As to Returne to vs againe, I hope there is noe great Danger that his vncle Dicke will hinder itt, Since itt seemes hee talkes of being an Instrument to perswade him backe, I shall make itt appear by an Accompt yor Lopp shall haue herewith that the Secretaries place is worth vpwards of ffour hundred pounds a year. It is possible when Tobaccos is Low soe much is not to bee gotten, Butt alloweinge a peny pd for Tobacco which wee hope to haue againe, the profitts and perquissits of that place will amount to near what I haue writt; I will Cause Capt John Tully to make satisfaction for the 3 hho of Tobaccoes which hee fell short of to yor Lopp I am Certaine hee or the husband of the Shipp Dandy hath Cheated yor Lopp of them, ffor the Sherrifes accompt makes itt out Seauenteen hogsheads, And itt will bee made out by Seuerall Oathes that Tullyes Matr Receiued soe many by ordr I humbly begg yor Lopps pardon for not sendinge that Bill of Mine for £6.. 18.. 10d Which I sett downe in that short Accompt I sent by Sr William, The which I thought I had drawne &

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Sent, I find Mr Burke has brought soe much to my accompt, And paid itt to yor Lopp hereafter I will bee more Carefull and not disapoint yor Lopp, I find that yor Lopp was forced to vndertake that I should allow of the money's taken out of Mr Hintons hands, for the Buyinge those nessesaries I sent for. I Confess itt was a Mistake in mee for I look't vpon that money of mine in Hintons hands to bee in Mr Arthurs hands because bee has Hintons Bond to mee for itt, Butt I should haue been more Cleere in itt, which hereafter I will bee punctuall in, humbly giueing yor Lopp Thankes for the trouble itt gaue you I shall obserue your Lopps Commands about forfeited & Escheated Lands, And my Mannor at the Ridge, I am now Come to that place wch Contradickes yor Lopps former Commands touchinge the Act for Quakers, Which I will obserue I haue seen Mr Bennett Hoskins Speciall grant for 2000 Acres, and It is Recorded, yor Lopps Directions touchinge such grants shall bee Carefully obserued for the future, I am now Come to yor Lordships of the 23o Augt which I find is in fauour of Mrs Anne ffoulke I wish I were able to giue your Lopp such a Satisfactory account in this Business and of her Demands and pretentions to those Lands betwixt her former Husband Chandr & oversee, as is required; If I may Guesse at what shee would pretend to and haue, by what I haue heard from her owne Mouth, It is without doubt all that Moyety which was oversees, and by his Death Escheated to yor Lopp And neuer in her former husbands possession nor in hers, I euer tould her that yor Lordshipp would shew her fauour As to that Moyety which shee posseses of the 2000 Acres (which In truth is as much Escheated as the other) In case shee would petition for itt, But as yett shee Is too proud to stoope to such a request Conceiueinge as I suppose the whole 2000 acres to

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bee hers & her Childrens propper Right, If I knew who to goe to, besids Mrs ffoukes (who Cannott speake three words of sence for her passion which this Business putts her into) I would giue a better accompt, I am Certaine nothinge will Satisfye her butt the whole 2000 Acres, But I hope yor Lopp will neuer thinke fitt to Comply with her in soe vnreasonable a Demand, Shee hath sufficiently bespattered mee and the whole Gouernment as If I had Studied her Ruine, Because I ventured to make a promise of the other Moyety of the 2000 Acres to one Mr Rozer, High Sherrife of Charles County, who liues and hath built vpon itt, hee being willing to buy the Reversion of itt, after the Lease is out for one & Twenty years, which was granted of itt to Mrs Oversee in Leiu of her Thirds to St Johns, when I came first into Maryland, which I was forced to doe otherwise I Could not bane had St Johns to my selfe but of this I will write to yor Lopp further when I send an accompt of the other Escheated Lands. This in short I Can Certainely Informe yor Lopp that Mrs ffoukes is in possession and has all along Enjoyed one Moyty, which (I hope) shee must vnderstand is by yor Lopps fauour, though shee will neuer owne itt as such, The other Moyety was neuer In her possession nor in her husbands, Butt Euer was in the possesion of Ouersee, And therefore a Lease thereof was made to Mr Alderton now husband to Oversees widdow, by him Assigned over to one Edmund Linsey, and by Edmund Linsey to the aboue Mentioned Mr Rozer, To whom I haue promised to procure a grant of the Reversion, As I shall hereafter glue an Accompt, I will Endeavour to gett those papers for yor Lopp If any such are Extant any where, to Cleere this Matter Better, I Receiued from Mrs Roads yor Lopps Letters of the 30o August and all the things sent in that shipp I deliuered Mr Nottly those writtinges, which

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Came wth this Letter, with which hee is much satisfyed and very proud of yor Lordships beinge pleased wth his accompts And the fauour shewen him in all the Lands hee purchased from Mr George Tompson, I suppose hee will signifye as much by a Letter to yor Lopp this Shippinge, hee did Aquaint mee with his Intention to Request this of yor Lopp, Butt Sr William Talbott vndertooke to procure the fauour for him soe that I thought itt vnnessesary for me to trouble yor Lopp wth it. I am sorry I Cannott affirme to yor Lopp that I euer had any hopes of our Tin Oare here, for although Capt Perry declared by word of Mouth to mee, As much as any one Man Could doe for the Satisfaction of another, and shewed mee his Letter to yor Lopp, which Confirmed as much, yett had not I faith to beleeue a word, Only out of Ciuillity to Capt Perry seemed Satisfyed, Butt my fancy is that Both Capt Perry and the Chancellor were soe Transported wth the designs and hopes of itt, that the meere force of their Imagination Led them to beeleiue they had found Mettle where neuer any was to bee Expected, for to this hower they Could neuer Extract any more mettle out of such Oare wch now makes mee Conclude wth yor Lopp that it was butt a Cheat in the fellow that first putt them vpon itt, Doctor Wharton has taken notice that yor Lopp honnoured him with a l?? this Shippinge, And intends to returne thankes hee has not yett gott a Seate of Land of his owne, Butt makes vse of a peice of Land hee farmes of Mr George Tompson, hee has past his Seasoninge (As wee phrase itt) very well, And I hope will Incourage some of his freinds and Acquantance to Come from Barbados hither-- I find that yor Lopp hath been Informed by Sr Wm Talbott that hee sould Tobaccoes at 10so the hundr when I gaue yor Loppy accompt butt of a peny p pound, for yor Rents, hee had done well if hee had tould

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yor Lopp the whole As hee did in part, It is true hee sould to Capt Daniell Ienifer some Tobaccoes to freight a Brigantine, designed then on a Voyadge to Barbados, at ten shillinges the hundred, Butt the moneyes were not to bee paid till this Shippinge for I sent him home the Bills this yeare, And I question whether Barnaby Dunch will pay those Bills of Ienifers, Sr William Talbot forgott to tell yor Lopp that hee sould Tobaccoes to Capt William Burgess for a peny p pound and was glad hee Could gett soe much, And would haue sould all his fees soe to my Knowledge, The Chancellor is Satisfyed with yor Lopps Commands about his ffees, And will not for the future (I presume) demand any other fee then that of the Greate Seale allowed by yor Lopp our Assembly is still prorouged, And as long as I find them psons soe well tempered and disposed, I shall not Change for new faces, The Business of the Easterne shore goes well on, only the psons which owne this Gouernment are a little disturbed by the other party, Butt I will Incourage them and others to Seat downe, And Assure them that they shall bee protected by this Gouernment, Thomas Joanes, whom yor Lopp mentions in this Letter, is Ariued Lately, And Aquaints mee of yor Lordships fauourable Expressions to him, Butt I Cannot find hee is like to bee soe Serviceable to yor Lopp as mee might make him selfe appeare, hee seemes to desire a Commission to Trade with the Hore Keele Indians only, Butt I refused him that, vnless hee would farme the whole Trade, for should I grant him a Lycence to trade and deale with those Indians itt would bee in effect to trade with all the Indians in the Bay As yett wee are nott agreed; Care shall bee taken that the oath of fidelity bee tendered to such as seate for the future on the Seabord side, I am sorry to vnderstand my freind Mr ffortescue was soe Bad, I hope As

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yor Lopp writes I shall by my Returnes this yeare make yor Lopp amends for the small and Inconsiderable Sume sent last Shippinge Cis is glad his L?? Came safe and humbly thankes yor Lopp for the fine token, which yor Lopp writes you thought not to haue sent this yeare, This last summer I Caused two of yor Mannors to bee laid out, Wth some Addition, A worke which Mr White thought bee had done, Butt I found itt soe ill done, That I Caused Resurvey's to bee made, and lines in some parts to bee Altered, which is now Recorded as yor Lopps Commandt mee, And shall see alsoe that Copy of the Records of them bee sent as yor Lopp desires, I haue vsed all Meanes possible And wayes to procure some Elkes & deere for yor Lopp I haue sent seuerall times to Jacob Younge about itt, Who I am Certaine would as willingly gett them as yor Lopp desires, because hee hath a great desire to gett his patent which is defferred till hee Comply with yor Lopps directions herein If any pson in Maryland Can procure them It must bee this pson or none, Wee haue had such an open Winter that all our Bird Catchers haue failed, not soe much as a Red bird hath been Caught by any that I Can hear of, I haue oft spoken to my Cousin William Calvert about itt and to my Cousin Darnell and others, And they all assure mee that noe Birds are to bee had, for my owne part I seldome meete wth any my selfe, Butt I haue not neglected to speake to Euery one tht I Conceiue might procure these things, had Sr Wm been heere hee would not haue found itt soe Easy a matter, as hee has affirmed itt to yor Lopp, Those hawkes which I sent yor Lordshipp last Shippinge were paid for mee, And if more Could bee gott now I would willingly giue any Rates for them, or any the other Rarities yor Lordship desires. My Brother Vincent Low Returnes yor Lopp many humble thankes ffor the notice yor Lopp is pleased to take of him, I

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hope hee will deserue the Continuance of yor Lops Countenance & fauour to him I haue Acquainted Mr James Tompson that yor Lopp Requires him to make Inspection into the Mannors, which hee will doe, and giue accompt from time to time of any thinge which may bee done to yor Lordpps prejudice. I shall take very great Care that pottomecke Riuer bee owned (as itt is) part and belonginge to this prouince I am afrait itt will bee a very hard Matter to find such Casque here as shall preserue Syder good to England, for wee want good Coopers and such as are knoweinge in the Seasoninge of Casque for such purposes. The Chancellors Cider is pretty good Butt I am of Opinion the best Syder in the Country will doe vs noe Creditt in England, Could wee soe order itt as to preserue itt thither By Capt Benja Cooper with whom this goes, I shall send yor Lopp a good hogshead of Sweete sented Tobacco, which I intend to prsent to yor Lopp It Comes from Jarboes plantation, from whence the last Came yor Lopp had when I was in England, My wife has this yeare sent yor Lordship some dryed peaches, And would haue sent a greater number had shee had Conveniencies for doeinge More, Cheeses worth presentinge to yor Lopp are not to bee had. Mrs Spry (who made that yor Lopp tasted when I was in England) hath not any good Enough as shee thinkes, And shee will not Loose that Reputation shee hath already Gott, And vnless shee furnishes mee, noe other housewife in Maryland Can I am Certaine, for the Cheeses Generally made here are soe Ranke and soe full of Eyes, that yor Lopp would bee angry with mee should I send such, I am sorry my Cos. Lukner thinkes not of Marryinge yett, because that Match would haue Brought a great deale of Honnour besids the Aduantages of a Plentifull fortune, I thanke yor Lordship for Causeinge Mr Pladwell to deliuer Copys of the Bonds for

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1669 & 1670 to the farmers, I shall not faile of sendinge Copyes Euery yeare as the Act Requires, yor Lopp signifyes that the business betwixt his Royall Highness & yor Lopp is not yett determined which I am sorry for, I hope to heare news of yor Lordshipps good success in itt by the next Shippinge, Major ffitzherberts Brother who Maryed the Indian Brent, has Ciuilly parted with her And (as I suppose) will neuer Care to bed with her more, soe that yor Lopp needs not to fear any ill Consequence from that Match, butt what has already happened to the poore Man who vnaduisedly threw himselfe away vpon her in hopes of a great portion, which now is Come to Little, I shall doe my Endeauour to pswade people to Seate vp the Bay to the Northward of Thirty nine Degrees and a halle vpon those tearmes yor Lordship does order mee, Butt I fear none will goe as yett, for I find a greater Inclination in most yong Men to seat on the Sea Bord side, And many Discourse of the Southward plantations I pray God a Considerable number of our people doe not Remoue thither, Seruants are Attemptinge in many places to make their Escapes thither, But wee doe all wee Can to prevent these Mischeifes, If I can send yor Lordshipp any other affidauites besides that which yor Lordshipp hath of Van Swerring I will gett and send them by this Shippinge, Mr Nottly is now Speaker of or Assembly, hee and Mr John Moorecroft beinge Chossen Burgesses for the Citty of St. Maries, And by that Meanes I gott him into the Assembly, Though Doctor Wharton bee a good vderstandinge Man yett Dr Morecroft is much more for our purpose, being the best Lawyer in the Country, and has alwayes been (vpon other Assemblyes) A great Asserter of yor Lopps Charter and the Rights & privilidges thereof, I durst not putt itt to an Election in the Countyes Butt tooke this

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way which I Knew would Certainely doe what I desired And now I haue gott Mr Nottly into the Chaire, I haue Assured him, That with yor Lordships Leaue, I am Resolued to Keepe him there as longe as hee and I liue together, It is most Certaine that some of the Catholiques in the Assembly, Did not behaue themselues as was Expected, hereafter they will I hope Endeauour to vnderstand themselues Better And their owne Interrest, I will doe my Endeauours to gett the Act for Liquers past, this next Meetinge if I Can--My Reason for dislikinge the Act for forraign Coynes which I writ to yor Lordshipp about, is that the Assembly did not make those Coynes soe Currant as that people should Receiue them att their seuerall Rates specifyed in that Act, And itt happens, as I feared itt would, that many will not Deale att all for those Coynes vnless they may Goe for the old and former valew, which is Accordinge to the weight of the Silver, It is an Idle Act and may bee throwne out of doores, I am glad the business of the Shipp Wm of Douer has Giuen yor Lordship noe trouble, I hear that the Ship Ariued and the Master in prisson if soe yor Lopp will heare nothinge of itt, Truly my Lord I Couett noe mans goods, nor Vessell And doe not desire to grow Rich by such Courses, which Caused me to Encline Sr Talbot to that Guift, And itt happened to bee done att St Maries, the Assembly then sittinge, who thought itt a very noble Act And wrought much vpon them to our good I hope. I once more humbly Returne yor Lordshipp many thankes for takeinge notice of the Allowance Granted mee by yor Lopp 29o July which I haue afore answered, I hope I shall bee able to liue out of itt, Butt I must Resolue to bee a Better husband then formerly, Though I will not saue itt, where my owne Creditt or yor Lordships is Concerned, I am much oblidged to Sr Wm Talbot for the Good Character

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hee has giuen of our liueinge My Resolution is to doe all I Can Twards a plentifull Table for the Land I find will yeild vs any thinge, If our Endeauours are nott wantinge--I haue Receiued all the Duplicats and Letters Mentioned to haue been sent wth this Letter, yor Lordshipps of the 4th of 7ber Mentions that I must send a pticular accompt of the seuerall Lands Escheated to yor Lordshipp afore that I shall haue any power for the Sale of them, which I shall according to Direction send yor Lopp by Conaway or Tully, I hope my Couz. Baker Brooke will doe in this perticular what yor Lordshipp Requires from him, Orders shall bee giuen to the Sherrifes as yor Lordshipp Commands, Butt first an Inquissition must bee had, And a Jury of Twelue men must bee satisfyed and make Return afore any order Can bee giuen to Seize on the Lands, I shall in the Meane time giue yor Lordshipp an Accompt of the quantity of Acres & quality of the Land. As yett I haue done nothinge in Gerrards business which Sr Wm Talbot Informed yor Lordshipp of, neither doe I know Certainely whether itt will bee worth my trouble, what I then Intended was vpon the Report of his neighborhood who I fear will proue butt ill guessers; Accordinge to yor Lordships Commands I haue gott the Mannor at the Ridg wholly to my selfe, and doe Intend to keepe itt Intire for the future. I haue taken notice of Mr Whites Rent paid yor Lordship in England, the Warrant of the 26th Nouember in fauour of My Aunt Peaseley as yett has done her noe Service, haueing not been able to dispose of any of those Lands which that Warrant Impowered mee to sell for her, And now yor Lopp will not haue mee to pursue those Commands till you haue accompt of the Quantity Qualityes &c. which I shall as well as I can Informe yor Lordship in; As alsoe what any one shall offer for these or the other Escheats lands, Mr Truman as yett has

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not stirred in that business which Mr White Acquainted yor Lordshipp wth If I hear any thing from him about itt I will doe my test to secure Mr Whites Right and my owne yor Lordship of the 16o 7ber Signifyes that yor Lopp Intended to haue sent seuerall things by Capt Connaway, But they had the Good Lucke not bee putt on Bord afore that Accident happened to his Shipp, which I was very glad to vnderstand, And humbly thanke yor Lopp both for the thinges and the trouble yor Lordshipp gaue yorselfe in the sendinge of them, they all Came safe to mee, wth Mrs Roads in the Baltemore, In yor Lordshipps the 18th 7ber is Mentioned Mr Nottlyes papers about his Lands which I have already Signifyed to bee deliuered him, the Warrant for Bartholomew Coats does not answr his request Sr Wm Talbott haueinge mistooke his Messadge in her behalfe, of this I shall write further when I send accompt of the Escheated Lands, Robt Hawkins is Come and has full possession giuen him of all that is left of that Estate of his Brother Johns lately Murdered, I reced herewith a Copy of Langfords Bond the originall being Signed, the which I will send with this packett, Mr Robt Harper Nephew to Sr Thomas Strickland has not been wth mee when I see him yor Lordshipps Commands shall bee obeyed; another l?? of the 18o 7ber in fauour of Mr Thomas Welburne whom I haue treated with all Ciuilly and promist him all fauour I can shew him, I Receiued a letter from the Lord Viscount ffaulcon urge in his behalfe, to which I returned answr p Mr Welburne yor Lopps of the 22o 7ber Came wth the thinges wch yor Lopps by yor l?? 30th Augt Signifyed that you should not send this Shippinge Euery thinge Came safe and well to my hands, And by yor Lopps Directions I soone Came to the Knowledg of all the fine Contriuances of the Cabinett. My wife has by a Letter to yor Lordshipp sent her humble thankes

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which now againe shee humbly desires may bee prsented, Alsoe little Cis prsents yor Lopp with his thankes for the Capp feather Sword & Belt all which hee found as yor Lordship Signifyed. I Reced herewith the Copy of a noate yor Lordshipp gaue to Mr Arthur about my moneyes, which was taken out of Hintons hands for the Buyinge those nessesaryes I sent for I shall herewith send to Mr Arthur that I allow of what has been done therein, and Cleere yor Lordship from that trouble I Reced from Mr Burke an accompt of Euery thinge to my Satisfaction, Care shall bee taken that noe patents for the future shall bee Recorded afore they haue pasted the Great Seale, If any such abuses have been Committed att any time in the Secretaries office, The pson who Informed yor Lordshipp Cheifly Occationed itt, by his beinge too Curious in the Receiueinge his ffees, yor Lordshipps Command to him now will Remoue that occation, And for what is past I will take Care shall bee Rectifyed and see the like bee not done for the future. I humbly once more Returne yor Lordshipp thankes for the Excellent token I Receiued which I haue soe much valewed, that vnless itt bee vpon very great dayes & In Compa with the best persons these parts afford, I doe not presume to bringe out a Bottle, Both sorts being Exceedinge Good in their Kind, I am sorry I haue not Syder to fill the Bottles with worth sendinge, otherwise I should willingly obey yor Lordshipps Commands and bee very proud to send itt, I haue already assured yor Lordshipp that my Endeauours haue not been wantinge to Solicite all persons any way likely to procure those Rarities sent for and specifyed in a noate sent mee in this Letter, And I am disapointed by all in Euery thinge desired, which is an Accompt I most vnwillingly return Could I speed in my desires herein, I find Capt Cooper to bee Commandr of the Elias, And to carry yor Lordshipps

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flagge in the foretopp hee is a Ciuill pson and I doubt not butt will deserue the honnour hee has Receiued, haueinge notice by this Letter that Capt John Dunsh was by Commission yor Lopps Admirall I saluted him att his Ariuall by that Title, Butt afterwards vnderstood by Mrs Roads that the Commission for some Reasons best Knowne to Mr Burke was not deliuered him though Caryed downe to Graues End, I hope yor Lopp will Cause itt to bee deliuered him, for hee has been very Ciuill to mee this yeare, though I vnderstand that Mr Burke thought hee vsed mee not well in the freight of some Goods I haue forgiuen that vnkindness by Reason hee has made mee amends by his Ciuillityes since hee last Came into Maryland I haue been very Carefull of Sr Wm Talbots Concernes and hope hee will haue Reason to thinke soe when I send him his Accompt, Mrs Saunders who Came with Mrs Roads appears to bee a very well behaued bred pson as yor Lopp writes, And therefore I Receiued her vnder my Roofe where I presume shee will Remaine for one year, & I hope shee will thinke fitt to dispose of herselfe by way of Marryadge afore that time bee Expired, I will not faile to Cause a Copy of yor Lordships last Commission to mee for the Gouerment to bee Carefully written Examined and sent herewith accordinge to yor Lopps Command, yor Lopps of the 24o September brought mee the sad news of my Sister Blackstones death which has been a great Affliction to mee euer since, I hope shee is happy our prayers shall not bee wantinge, It is a great Comfort to mee that shee was soe well prepared and Resigned as I vnderstand shee was, I Caused all the Good Men here to say Masses for her soule, Yor Lopps of the 23o 8ber Came wth Capt Wheatley with seuerall other Duplicates and mentions the sad news of my Sisters death which I reced in the foregoeinge of the 24.. 7ber I find by this Letter of

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yor Lopps there has been a hundred pounds of my moneyes taken out of Mr Hintons hands for which yor Lopp has vndertaken I shall Allow of itt. I will not omitt to Cleere yor Lordshipp from yor Engagements herein by sending a l?? to that purpose herewith, As I haue in a l?? to Mr Arthur Mready, there is nothinge Else in this Letter to bee answered but what I haue already Signifyed to yor Lopp in this answr to the foregoeinge With yor Lopps of the 18o 9ber I Reced a Copy of the ffees I allowed the Chancellar whilst I was in England as alsoe a Copy of a Bill Costs in Chancery, with a Letter from Mr Langhorne touchinge the Settlement of such ffees, As yor Lordshipp thinkes fitt to allow of for the future, The Chancellor did not acquaint mee with his Intentions of sendinge that Bill of Costs in Chancery, which I find hee sent yor Lordshippe It was his owne propper business which hee desired to bee Satisfyed in from yor Lopp or Resolution now is to take this Settlement for the future if wee Can butt vnderstand it. I reced with yor Lopps l?? of the 19o 9ber a Copy of a l?? from the Lords Commissioners of his Maties Treasury which I haue Carefully perused and will not faile to performe what therein is required, I am glad to vnderstand from yor Lopp tht Tobaccoes was Risen in price, butt I feare that will not hold Longe for wee are like to send home great Quantities this Shippinge. In the postscript of this Letter yor Lordship orders mee to obserue what the Lords Commissioners requires touching the Caryeinge all Tobaccoes to England onely but in another Letter from yor Lopp which I am not yett Come to I am Commanded to take noe notice of their Directions in that point, butt to Lett the Bonds Run as formerly for Ireland accordinge to the Acts of Parliament, I will not omitt to write to my Aunt Sumersett & Weld by the Last Shipp. By yor Lopps of the 29o 9ber I find those

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Commands of yor Lopp that I shall not take notice of tht part of the Lords Commissrs l??, Which requires that noe Master shall bee permitted to Transport Tobaccoes for Ireland, which is I find Contrary to the Act, I shall obserue the Act in those Cases, vnless I receiue orders from yor Lopp to the Contrary; I reced with this Letter of yor Lopps an Aquittance to Mr Henry Meese for Coll. Edward Carter for four pounds ten Shillinges. And I will Accordinge to yor Lordships Command satisfye what Rent is due, And whether the Land bee Escheated or not I haue not as yett seen Mr Wm Collingwood whom yor Lopp makes Mention of, when he Comes to mee I will shew him all Lawfull fauour I Can, I will speake to the London Masters about Caryeinge yor Lopp one hundred billetts a peice and Endeauour to gett them to doe yor Lopp that kindness if possibly I can, I doe Intend to send yor Lopp p Capt Conaway as much Planke of Blacke Wallnutt as will make a Shouell Board Table, 30 foot Longe with stuffe of the same wood for a frame which I shall present yor Lopp with, This l?? I Reced by Capt John Body; yor Lordshipps of the 7th December brought mee Hugh Stansly Will About wch business I haue discoursed with ffranke Swanton, who I find is very willinge & Ready to giue an Accompt of his Administration, hee desires to bee a Tenant till the Children Come of Age, and giue his Accompt yearly and to haue discharges yearly that hee may not haue a Longe Accompt to giue when the Children shall Receiue their Estates from him, My Cousin Baker Brooke who in the behalfe of the Mother and Children is Atturney in this Business, gaue mee this Letter, when the Rent is Ascertained I suppose Swanton will giue such security as will bee allowed of, And I will take Care to see the Children haue noe wronge done them, As for the Land of Stanleyes on the Easterne Shore I will Inquire into them

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& giue yor Lopp an Accompt thereof, yor Lopps of 16o Xber is in fauour of Sr Wm Talbot and his affaires here of which I hope to Render a very Good accompt, though I find hee has not that Confidence in mee (as my Actions (which hereafter will apear) will deserue I doubt not, I am sure I haue done better for him then hee Could haue done for himselfe, Had hee been here to haue Acted his owne Business, for I haue Collected most of his fees and perquissits of his office (of which I shall giue a speedy accompt) yor Lordshipp putts mee in Mind in yor Letter of the 22o December of takeinge Good Security for the payment of the Bills wch I shall send home to yor Lopp which I haue hitherto Carefully obserued, I am very Glad that Augustines Mapp is like to bee printed and that yor Lopp has gott some Moneyes Towards itt I will see the names of all yor Lordshipps Mannors Inserted as you direct mee, And send them by Capt Groome or Conaway I am now buildinge vpon yor Lordpps Mannor of Sachay where I Resolve to liue in the Summer time, Itt is a very good part of the Country for health, And much Cleered for husbandry the which I am now vpon, It is thought there is at least fiue hundr Acres of Cleere Ground. My Resolution is to build a bricke house for little Cis the next yeare, This that I am now about is to Receiue my family for the prsent I Chose this Mannor to begin vpon, because yor Lopp has two Mannors together Sachaye & pangey, yor Lopp desirs to bee satisfyed touching the Groath & Size of our English Graine, our wheat is a smaller graine then that in England, but wee Conceiue the Reason of that may bee that wee sow not in propper ground nor at proper Seasons of the yeare, I had sent mee by Mr Burke a hhd of white flaxen wheate, which I haue sowed, And when that Comes vp I will left yor Lopp Know whether our ground produces as large as the seed was when I sowed itt,

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Our Oates Barley & Pease are as large as those sorts of Graine in England. Butt till this yeare that I had good seed out of England I neuer mett with any Good wheate soe that I cannot soe well Judg and giue yor Lopp that good Accompt of itt, As hereafter I hope to doe, I Reced Augustins Mapp and shall obserue yor Lordshpps Command about Inserting what you haue directed and send itt by the last Shipp, I wish I were able to buy some of Sr Paule painters negroes at Barbados and Could gett them hither when paid for, Butt I must not aim at such a purchase vntill I haue gott some Debts paid, And that I haue some money afore hand, I should bee Glad his Hiness the Duke of York would part with his Interrest at New Yorke as yr Lop writes I thinke it has hitherto been a Charge and burden to him, And a help only to Raise some Indigent officers, Louelace has got Considerably since hee Commanded there, yor Lopps of the 23o Xber was deliuered mee by Mr Thomas Massey with whom Came his Companion Mr Henry Carew, the latter Came very ill to my house and for some dayes wee thought him in great danger, butt now hee is well Recouered and settled wth the Chancellor, Mr Massey being wth mee as yor Lopp Comanded there shall bee nothinge wantinge on my part to Incourage them, their Entertainement shall bee as good as the Country affords, And I doubt not but yor Lopp and their Superior will Receiue a good Accompt from them they both are pleased to say they are well satisfyed with their beinges, I hope there will bee a good Correspondence betwixt them and the others for I find them very freindly & well pleased together, Mr Massey seemes to bee a very good prudent & descreet pson, And I hope I shall haue a good Companion of him, I haue provided him of a good horse to his Satisfaction, And will allow him ten pounds and more if I find him able, I am sorry

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to vnderstand by yor Lopps of the 26o September that Sr Wm Talbot giues you Cause to fear hee will not bee soe kind to his mother as hee ought I hope yett hee will appear better natured and bee more dutifull then to see her want, hee seemed here to haue a great Kindness for his mother my Aunt, and sense of her Bad Condition. Yor Lopp Commands mee to secure the Shipp money and to send Bills home for those fees to yor Lordshipp to Keepe that in case Sr Wm performe not what hee ought to his mother, yor Lopp will bestow those fees vpon my Aunt to Releiue her, which I shold bee willinge to doe, but most of the Shipp fees are paid in Tobaccoes and a very small matter paid in Moneyes only head money for passengers which possibly may Amount vnto £25.. or £30.. Sterlinge, now I had afore yor Lopps l?? Came to hand Returned that money and more to Sr William by Bills, soe that vnless I Consign some Tobaccoes of his I know not which way to Comply with yor Commands herein, And I fear Tobaccoes will giue yor Lopp too great a trouble and do my Aunt little Good, I hope Sr Wm will giue yor Lordshipp better Satisfaction at his Return frown Ireland I am Come now to yor Lordshipps of the 16o January by Capt John Tully, which bringes mee the Ill news of Warrs wth holland & the Greate Stopp vpon the Exchequer. This news putts most of our Masters & Merchants into some fright & fears least they bee seized on goeinge home, I shall bee Carefull in yor Lopp directions about those Bills I send home, I haue hitherto sent first & second Bills, and shall still doe soe wth l?? of Aduise I humbly begg yor Lordships pardon that I did not send those accompts I Signifyed I would send last yeare the which I will not omitt to perfect and those of this year with a true accompt of the fines, forfeiturs and Escheats I know of I intend to gett my freind Mr Nottly to Assist me in draweinge

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out my accompt of the Seuerall years past, all which yor Lopp shall haue without faile by Conaway and Groome, I will alsoe Returne yor Lopp an accompt of the Tobaccoes exported as the Lords Commissioners Requires, And hope yor Lordship will bee mindfull of a Consideration for my trouble in their business, I shall bee very Glad to haue my mothers picture which yor Lopp thinkes to send mee next yeare. Mr Sam Leadbeater who Came in Tully is ariued, And is wth a Kinsman of his Mr Benj. Solly who I suppose will assist him in any thinge hee Can, As yett hee has not Spoke to mee, I humbly thanke yor Lordship for the hhd of vines, butt old Tully has been soe Crosgrained that before I could send for them hee sett saile vp the Bay, that I fear the vines may bee Spoyled afore I gett them out of his vessell, Butt I haue sent a messenger for the hogshead, And doe intend to trouble the Capt about itt, I vnderstand by this Letter that Tully does petition yor Lopp for 7 or 800 Acres of land vp the Bay formerly Hattons and by his mistake said to bee Lewis Stocketts who neuer Enjoyed a foote of itt, I intend to petition yor Lordshipp for itt myselfe for a very good freind of mine, And hope yor Lordship will not dispose of itt to Tully till my petition Come, I will returne a True accompt of itt with the other Escheated Lands the younge woman Anne Rouse yor Lordshipp sent my wife, is ariued and Entertained by my wife, I hope shee may proue vsefull, with our most humble thankes to yor Lordshipp, And I hope I haue now answered all yor Lordships Letters and Euery perticular Contained in them which Required answer, humbly begging yr Lopps Blessing to

Yr Lops most dutifull & Obedient son
Charles Calvert

24th Aprill 1672

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May it please yr Lop.

Since I finisht my answer to yr Lops l??? I happened to haue some discourse wth the Chancellr touching Sr Wm Talbot, and his returning hither, and I find that he is of opinion that wee shall haue my Cozens Compa no more, vpon what grounds I know not, but I hope from no good hand, for I should bee much disheartened if it should be so, for he was a greate comfort to me both in respect of his relation & parts, and truly but that I was confident of his good resolutions in returning hither to vs, I would neuer haue vndrtaken the charge & care of his Affaires here the Chancellr moued to me the sending of a l?? to yr Lop, wch he said was ready writ to request the Secrers place for himselfe, and would haue had me haue seconded it, but I made him this answer, that I had greate hopes yr Lop would prevaile wth Sr Wm to returne to vs, and the promisses wch Sr Wm had made me likewise gaue me the same hopes, whether he will send this l?? he mention'd I know not but I gaue him no encouragemt at all, but assured on the contrary that Sr Wm would haue reason to take it vnkindly from him to beleeue he had changed his resolutions afore wee had more certainty of it I humbly beg of yr Lop to send him to vs for I haue little comfort or satisfaction in the society of any of the Rest of the Councell here; by Capt Conaway I shall send all the Rest of my Cosens effects & shall then giue him an accompt of aboue a hundred thousand pounds of tobacco that by his order I haue pay'd here & the rest sent him home; Capt Cooper is now at my howse and stays for my dispatch, he has entreated me, to desire of yr Lop. a protection for his ship the next year in case of Embargo vpon Shipping wch he feares the warrs may occation his behauiour & ciuilitys I hope will deserue this fauour from yr Lop Wch is my humble request in his behalfe to yr Lop I am

Yr Lops most Obedient Son
Charles Calvert

26th Aprill 1672.

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