The Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region, ca. 1600-1925

The Calvert parers, Vol. III


The Calvert parers, Vol. III -- LETTER FROM SIR RICHARD LECHFORD TO LEONARD CALVERT, DATED 24TH JULY, 1634. Next Section || Previous Section || Table of Contents

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I received yor ltr?? (about the midle of July and ap?hend very well of our adventures in Mary=land) wthall had tenderd diverse bills of Exchange co?ended vnto my hand by you. Now I thought good to let you vnderstand how vnhappily matters stand wth me first my children the begininge of March was goinge beyond the seas for Nu?s. Ap?hended; and examined. wherevppon I was called before the Counsell Board, questioned about my religion, co?itted vnto the fleet my place at court taken im?diatly from me, and there remayned 9 weekes and ever since purcifants and messingers?secutinge me; and sometimes the whole Counsell sendinge for me, and sometimes one and sometimes an other vnto their houses where I received many sharpe cheques besides great charge and losse. my estate like wise was beged but unexpectedly?served. I have no time to make any larger discription of my misfortune I giue you now only a touch of it that you may make a favourable construction of me in that I haue not satisfied those bills of exchange you sent me the furrs remayne as yet unsould there prices are so low not aboue 12d? the pound that as yet wilbe giuen. I assure my selfe you conceive my loue and respecte to be such vnto you, that if my?sent abillity would have suffrerd me, to have served you in these demands or any thing else you should have?vayled: you writt of a gent who sould his share of adventure vnto you, and will receive his pay in co?odities wth you and how I should give my?por?on as

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before if I fancied the busines; wch? I willingely entertayne and will make hard shifte to put in my?por?on for this increase of truck you writt for and discharge the?te of an honest man toward yorselfe and all men else./

Thus prayinge vnto god for his blessinge on vs and all our affayrs. My best loue and service?sented vnto you in hast take leave and remayne.

Yor true and constant frind to co?and:
Richard Lechford.

July this 24 day 1634

To my much honored frind Mr. Leonard Calvertt in Maryland/Esqr?sent these wth speed

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