Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 318
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310 B. SPECIAL NOTICE. GEORGE PARKMAN, M. D., a well-known and highly respectable citizen of BOSTON, left his house in WALNUT-STREET, to meet an engagement of business, on Friday last, November 23d, between twelve and one o'clock, P. M., and was seen inthe southerly part of the city, in and near Washington-street, in conversation with some persons, at about five o'clock of the afternoon of the same day. Any person who can give information relative to him, that may lead to his discovery, is earnestly requested to communicate the same immediately to the City Marshal, for which he shall be liberally rewarded. Boston, November 25th, 1849. $3000 REWARD! DR. GEORGE PARKMAN, a well-known- citizen of Boston, left his residence, No. 8, WALNUT-STREET, on Friday last. He is 60 years of age, about 5 feet, 9 inches high ; gray hair, thin face, with a scar under the chin ; light com- plexion, and usually walks very fast. He was dressed in a dark frock coat, dark pantaloons, purple silk vest, with dark figured black stock, and black hat. As he may have wandered from home in consequence of some sudden aberration of mind, being perfectly well when he left his house ; or, as he had with him a large sum of money, he may have been foully dealt with. The above reward will be paid for information which will lead to his dis- covery, if alive ; or for the detection and conviction of the perpetrators, if any injury may have been done to him. A suitable reward will be paid for the discovery of his body. ROBERT G. SHAW. Boston, November : ith, 1849. Information may be given to the City Marshal. .m100 REWARD will be paid for INFORMATION which leads to the recovery of a gold double-bottomed Lepine turned-case Watch : ladies' size, full plate, four-holed jewelled, gold dial, black figures, steel hands, no second hands, no cap. Marked F. B. Adams & Sons, St. John-street, London. No. 61351. FRANCIS TUKEY, City Marshal. Police Office, City Hall. Boston, November 27th. $1000 REWARD! Whereas, no satisfactory information has been obtained respecting Dr. GEORGE PARKMAN, since the afternoon of Friday last, and fears are enter- tained that he has been murdered, the above Reward will be paid for information which leads to the recovery of his body. Boston, November 28th, 1849. ROBERT G. SHAW. SUFFOLK $$. AN INQUISITION, taken at the City of Boston, within the County of Suffolk, the thirteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, before Jabez Pratt, Esquire, one of the Coro- ners of said County, upon the view of sundry parts of the body of a dead man,