Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 103
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94 Cross-examination. I have no means of knowing how many stu- dents attended Dr. Webster's lectures,, except by the tickets sold ; the bills that were paid on the check for $195 were probably on the New England Bank. I have only ninety-nine on my list who took chem- ical tickets of me. I had no other business with Dr. Webster, on the morning of Friday, the 23d of November, than to pay him the money in my hands. The expressions of Dr. Parkman, when I told him that I had paid over the money to Dr. Webster, were very harsh, and he appeared to be quite excited. Direct resumed. I communicated to Dr. Webster, I think, no such language from Dr. Parkman, as that he was a - rascal and a - whelp. If I had communicated such language, I think I should have remembered it. JOHN B. DANA, sworn. -I am cashier of the Charles River Bank. I have known the defendant for .the last twenty years ; he kept an account at our bank in November last. [A bank book, found at Prof. Webster's house by Constable Clapp, was here put in.] On the 10th of November, a check on the Freeman's Bank for $2 75.90 was deposited in our bank by Professor Webster; November 15th, he deposited $150 in bills; November 24th, a check for $90. On the 23d of November, the balance in the bank to the credit of Professor Webster was $139.15 cents; this balance is struck from the checks actually drawn up to that time. On the 1st of November, his balance in the bank was $4.26 cents. There were no deposits after the 24th of November. On the 1st of December, we paid a check of Prof. Webster's for $93.75, for rent. Do not know when it was drawn. December 3d, (Monday,) paid $5, $13, and $19; those are the last checks that were paid; for the balance, found to be about $68, a trustee process was issued on the 1st of December, which we paid into the hands of the party who trusteed. DANIEL HENCHMAN, sworn. -I am a druggist in Cambridge-street; am acquainted with Dr. Webster. On the 23d of November, Dr. Webster asked me if I would give him bills for a check for $10. I gave him the bills; he gave me a check on the Charles River Bank. The check in question was here produced.] t is dated November 22d, but was handed to me on the 23d, (Fri- day.) On Friday, the day of the arrest, (November 30,) the check was sent out to the bank for payment; and the answer returned was, that there were no funds of Dr. Webster's there. I have never re- ceived payment for the check. JAMES H. BLAKE, sworn. -I am nephew of the late Dr. George Parkman; I assisted in the search for Dr. Parkman, after his disap- pearance. On Sunday afternoon, about three o'clock, I went on to the ]ail land, and, in returning, went up North Grove-street, toward the IVIedical College. Near the College, I stopped, and was talking to sew eral police officers. While there, Dr. Webster came from the direction of the College towards me; think he bad no overcoat on; it was a cold, disagreeable day. He took me by the hand, and said that, on the Pvening before, he saw in the Transcript a notice of the disap- pearance of Dr. Parkman, and that he had come in on purpose to notify the family that he was the person who went to Dr. Parkman's house on Friday morning, and made an appointment with him at the