Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 96
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87 Parkman, signed J. W. Webster. There is also an account, of memorandum, in Prof. Webster's writing. The signatures of the notes are erased, and also the face of the notes is crossed. A memorandum on the first note states that this was to be given up on the payment of Webster's mortgage of January, 1847. On the back, 1845, July 10, is the memorandum - °' Interest is accounted by receipt, and seven dollars principal, leaving due $393. Oct. 10, $75." On the top of the note there is a memorandum - « $483.64 paid Nov. 22." The large note was payable in four years, with interest and one quarter of the principal to be paid yearly. This note was witnessed by Charles Cunningham. Below, in pencil-mark, is a memorandum -'° $500 of the above is G. P.'s plus 332 -832 ; for balance, see Mr. Charles C." ; and on the top of it, '° A payment to G. P. of $832. Dr. W.'s other mortgage, and other note' to G. P., of June 22, 1842, to be cancelled." Then six words in pencil, '° $832.832." On the back, Nov. 3, character for 7, °° $17.56 as per receipt." Then, in writing,,, 1848, April 18, received one hundred and eighty-seven dollars 50-100," signed " G. P." °' Nov. 11, one hundred and eighty- seven dollars," by G. P., and receipt; and written across, in what would be shown to be the prisoner's hand-writing, °` paid." The memorandum is in the form of a letter, signed °° C. C." and addressed to Dr. Webster, showing the amount of his indebtedness to Dr. Parkman, dated in 1849. In pencil-mark, at the bottom, is a memorandum, in the hand-writing of Dr. Webster, stating that the balance due Dr. Parkman, including interest, was $483.64. The paper was done up in the form of a letter, and addressed to Prof. Webster. There was a memorandum on the back of it, in Dr. Webster's handwriting, '° C. Cunningham, on debt due Dr. P." [ Mr. Clapp now produced a memorandum, which he said he took frpm Prof. Webster's wallet on the night of his arrest, and put his marks upon them to identify them. ] Mr. Bemis read " Nov. 9, Friday, rec'd $510.00 234.10 out for Dr. Bigelow. Cash from Mr. Pettee, $275.90. Dr. Parkman came to the lecture-room, and staid till students went out. He came to me and asked for money. I told him to call Fri- day, Nov. 23. He was a good deal excited. Friday, Nov. 23, went to his house and told him to call at half past one, and I would pay him. He called, and I paid him $483.64, and he gave up two notes, and said he would go and get the mortgage cancelled." [ The $234.10 out for Dr. Bigelow, was a note of Prof. Webster's for that amount held by Dr. Bigelow, which was placed in Mr. Pettee's hands, and deducted by him from the amount, $510, which he was to ;ay Prof. Webster. This left the amount which Mr. Pettee paid rof., Webster in cash, $275.10. Mr. Bemis said they also Proposed to put into the hands of the Jury two memoranda in pencil-mark, that were taken from Prof. Webster's pocket; one of which was- $483.64." On the other was; `° A jug molasses; keys; tin box; paint; solder." ] Mr. Clapp. On Tuesday, 27th, I Nvas directed by the Marshal to go