Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 12
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SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. TRIAL-OF DR. JOHN W. WEBSTER, INDICTED FOR THE MURDER OF DR. GEOTGE PARKMAN. HON. LEMVEL SHAW, Chief Justice. HON. SAMUEL S. WILDE, C CHAIt,LEs -A. DEWEY, Associate Justices. C THERON METCALF, -Counsel for the Comnnonweallk. HoN. Josh H. CLIFFORD, Attorney General. GEORGE BEMIS, Esq. Cozaisel for the Prisoner. HON. PUNY MERRIOIf, EDWARD D. SOHIER, Esq. Tuesday, March 19, 1850. Tim Court met at 9 o'elock, A. M.- The Clerk read the names of sixty jurors. All but four answered. Fourteen were excused from serving, on account of their health, or, military commissions. The counsel for the Commonwealth then stated that JOHN W. WEBSTER was present; to be tried for the murder of Dr: George Paikman, the Grand Jury having found an indictment against him, to which he had pleaded Not Guilty. He then moved that the Jury be, em pa.~nelled to try the case. The Clerk then called the name. of John W. Webster, and the pris• oner stood up. He was then informed by the Clerk, that he was put. to the bar to be tried for the murder of Dr. George Parkman-that the Court would now proceed to empanel a jury-that he had by. law a right peremptorily to challenge twenty jurors, and that if he had