Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 9
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PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITTON. THE great interest taken in the trial of Prof. Web- ster -- a trial which, since its commencement, has absorbed the attention of the entire community - has induced the publishers to furnish an accurate edi- tion, for preservation, and future reference. They have spared no expense to secure the most thorough and correct report which it was possible to make. All, except the testimony, was phonographically reported by Dr. Stone, and we have reason to believe that it will meet the expectations of the public. Arrange- ments of the most complete character were also effect- ed with other reporters, to obtain a faithful report of the evidence. The charge of Chief Justice Shaw, and the argu- ments of Mr. Clifford, have been carefully corrected by their authors. The arguments of Messrs. Merrick and Sohier have not been revised by themselves ; but we present our report of them to the public with the assurance that it can be relied upon as substantially correct. Of this, the established reputation for fidel- ity and accuracy of the reporter, Dr. Stone, is a suffi- cient guaranty; and the publishers cannot but believe that those of our citizens who were present during the trial will agree with them, that the report is a faith- ful transcript of the speeches as delivered by their authors. This edition contains, in an Appendix, the verdict of the Coroner's Jury, the deposition of Dr. Martin Gay, and other valuable and interesting papers, not contained in any other edition.