New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 31
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30 tray be one, or two, or three'veeks. Q. You stated that two faces of the sledge were rounded q A. Yea. Q. One end was shorter than the other 1 A. Yes. . Did you ever use it ? A. No. Was there any other sledge there! A. Yes, there was a small one that had but. one face, and weiglied about two or three pounds ; that was in the aboratory Mr. Bemis. Tell me, was not that what they call a geologist's hammer 1 Witness. I don't know wbat they call it. (Loud laughter.) Mr. Sohier. What time did you dine that day? A. One o'clock. Q. What time do you usually dine 1 A. At one o'clock. I always dine at one o'clock. Q. You say that on this particular day you were detained out longer than usual! A. Yes; T had tickets to settle about that day-that day was appointed to examine the tickets; I had to examine them with Dr. Holmes. Q. How long did it take 1 A. About fifteen, minutes after the class came up and stood at Dr. Holmes's door; the class came up and went in-they mae a considerable rush. Q. You say that it took fifteen minutes ? A. I think it did, because I always stop behind. Q. Was the door shut ? A. The door is always shut; there is a spring to it. Q. Do Tou know how long you remained there at that time 1 A. To about ten minutes of two o'clock. Q. Did you go to sleep when you were in the room? A. No; I sat down upon the settee. Q You stated'in your direct examination that it was in the afternoon of Friday, that you think you heard somebody walking in the laboratory, are you certain of this 1 A. The.sound came from it; I took it for the laboratory; I thought the sound was from there. Q. What were you listening there for? A. What was I listening for? lean't~ay; I believe I was waiting for water. Q. How long did you listen? A. I can't say. Q. Which way did you go back ? A. I went back in the kitchen. Q. You stated in your direct examination, that when Dr. W. went down to the kitchen you saw him- did he say anything ? A. No, sir; he didn't say a word. Q. You say you went to a party that night; what time did you get home 1 A. I went about six o'clock and came back early. Q. What time did you return? A. 1 called at the Albion House at my return. Q. Before you went to the party did you try the doors? A. Yes; to try if they were secure ; I always do so; it sometimes takes me half an hour to do them up, and sometimes more. Q. fter you got back from the part you locked the second room door 1 A. No; it shut itself. Q. Did you put out the light ? A. es. Q. Were there any persons there at the time 1 A. No; I saw no one and heard no one. Q. Did you try Dr. .'s door? A. No, I did not. Q. How often did you try it that day 1 A. 1 tried it after Dr. Holmes's lecture. Q. i am speaking now of the evening of the party. A. I tried all the doors excepting his lecture-room up4taiHrs. Q. How many doors led to that lecture-room ? A. There are two doors ; one of them I never -saw open. Q. Is there not a slide in the door? A. No sir, there is not. Q. The panels open, don't they? A. They have buttons on the inside. Q. Do they ever open ? A. I have seen some washpans through them. Q. Where were ~'ou on Thursday night previous to Dr. #'.'s departure ; what time were you home ? A. I was home at 1 o'clock. Q Were you there that night? A. I can't say. Q. What time did you go out to the ball? A. I went there and remained until 12J o'clock. Q. On the last occasion until after you left home that last night, on the 23d. November, and after you loft the room, were you there 1 A. I don't know as I was. Q. Have you not made use of the, dissecting-room on that night to play cards ? A. I decline answering that question. (Roars of laughter.) Q. Had you not been there gambling ? A. I decline answering that question. (Renewed laughter.) Q. Do you know that the Doctor found out you were gambling ? A. I don't know; he never said any- thing to me about it. Q. When examining on lrrlday, the 30th, was the water running all the time 1 A. 11 To Sir. Q. How were the pipes kept from freezing ? A. The water was left running. Q. During"the day, was there any object in leaving the water running ? A. We used it all to keep the pipes from freezing, and for that purpose. Q. Upon the Friday you used to draw the pies ? A. Yes. Q. How long did you see to the pipes ? A. I don't know. Q.. This was previous to the arrest ? A. Yes. Q. You state in your direct examination that you had changed your testimony in some respects I wish yon now to state in what particular ? A. I changed it after the coroner's inquest, and certified it before the ,grand jury Court. In what respect? Witne88. In regard to when 1 was asked About the turkey, as to whether I received it on Tuesday or Wednesday '6 Mr. Sohier. How did you state it before the coroner's jury 1 Witness. I said it was on Wednesday. Q Did yen say before the coroner's inquest, that he gave you the turkey before or after the search 1 A. I said it was on Wednesday. Q. What I now ask you is simply this: and you may answer me if you please : did you say before-the coroner's inquest that it was before or after the search, or before 4 o'clock 1 A. I said it was before 4 _ o'clock. Q Now answer my questions which I shall put to you: did you say before the coroner's inquest that it was before or after the search this turkey was given to you? , Court. You said that the examination was made in the same day; was that on Wednesday instead of Tuesday a a