New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 8
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9 Direct examination resumed-I got the mortgage•which has just been read, from Dr. P's. hou" after death, and before the session of the Coroner's Jury. At this juncture, it being nearly seven o'clock, the Court adjourned until Wednesday, at nine o'clock, A. M. On motion of the Government Counsel, the Court instructed the Jury to proceed, in the charge of three constables, specially sworn in for the occasion, to view the Medical College in Nor Grove street. His Honor Chief Justice Shaw instructed the officers to exhibit to them the rooms occupied b~ Prof. W. as laboratory, &o., together with .the privy, and the perforation of the central wall made by Littlefielil, before.his discovery of the remains in the privy vault. His, Honor charged the officers and the counsel to tell the Jury merely what apartments they were shown, without com- ment. The Jury were further instructed to proceed to the Medical College at half-past 7 o'clock, A. M., and return in time to attend Court by 9 o'clock. . SECOND DAY.' FRANCIa Tu$Ex; City Marshal, ailed..-I am City. Marshal, and ap such have the direction of the police under my direction; all the search was made that could be made to discover the body of Dr. Parkman; Mr. Blake came to my office at half-past ten or eleven o'clock, tlr. M., on Satur- day, the 24th November, and told me that he wished to see me at his office; I went with him, and met at'his office Mr. R. Shaw; they then told me that Dr. P. was missing, and that they wished me to institute a search for him; at 2 o'clock, P. M., the same information and order was, given to the whole police. After that, Messrs Blake and Shaw came to my office and asked what was to be done; I advised them to advertise; of the press the police learned nothing further, than that he had been seen at the west end at half-past one o'oloeli, Friday afteFnoto~t; .tJbe fqikt,49tioe,given of the fact was given November 26th,'snd merely stated the fact that the Ds. was missing; on Monday, a hand- bill, offering $8000 reward for the recovery of the Dr. appeared. A day or two after; s reward of $100 was offered for a watch, without stating whose watch it was. We gave in that notice a description of the watch known to have been in the possession of Dr. Parkman at the time he disappeared. A reward was afterwards offered amounting to.$1000, for the recovery of the body of Dr. Parkman. Of these handbills about 28,500 were distributed. All efforts that could be made by me with the fore at my disposal, were made. A story was ' Circulated in the city that Dr. P. had been seen at 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon, in Washington street, going south. ' 4n the Friday of the neat week succeeding the disappearance of Dr. P., I was informed by Lit- , tlefield, while at my office, that he had succeeded in piercing the center wall of the Medical Col- lege, and had found in the vault of the privy of Pi•of. W.'s laboratory, the remains of a human body ; I put a revolver in my pocket, and started immediately for the house of Robert G. Sliow, Jr., informed him of the fact stated by Littlefield, and he went in my company and that of Dr. Henry Bigelow the younger, to the Medical College in North Grove street; we entered the build- ing, and descended through the trap-door before referred to, into the cellar; we passed. along the foundation of the center wall of the building until we came to the hole in the wall made by Littlefield; it looked as though lately made; pieces of broken brick lay around the spot. [A well executed model of the Medical College, together with ,» map or plan of the ground floor and building, were heF&iutrfoSlnced, with * yi.Ae t9 facilitate the inquiry aid fix the localities in the building where the--searehoe were made and the remains found; t~t;.b0.odel was neatly exe- cuted, each story of the building being well represented, and finished-in such a manner as to draw off like the cover of a trunk or band box; its construction, according to the plans and spe- cifications of the building, was most ingenious, and presented ;afaeaurate representation of every locality. The model was examined with great care and axtegtion by' the Court, Jury and Coun- sel, and seemed to excite much attention in Court. It was made by Mr. James 'Ilobbs, of Boston Mr. BEnrrs, juAior Counsel of the Government, exhibited the plan of the building, to be intro- duced in evidenoesto the Jury, giving a full and elaborate description of it.] ~T _~,~_-, , _., [For Outs representing tree above models, see pp. 10 and 11.] t