Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 325   Enlarge and print image (59K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 325   Enlarge and print image (59K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. 325 being present, and the prisoner being placed at the bar, the Attorney General moves that sentence of death may be given against him. Upon which it is demanded of the said John W. Webster if he has anything to say wherefore the justices here ought not, upon the premises and verdict aforesaid, to proceed to judgment against him; who nothing further says. Whereupon, all and singular the premises being seen and understood, it is considered by the Court, that the said John W. Webster be taken to the jail from whence he came, and thence to the place of execution, and there be hanged by the neck until he be dead. A true copy, as appears of record. Attest, GEO. C. WILDE, Clerk.' The Copy of the Record of the Municipal Court, after setting out the Term of the Court and the caption of the indictment, proceeds as follows:- "And now, at the present January Term, and on the twenty-sixth day of said January, the grand jurors of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, attending the Municipal Court of the City of Boston, found and returned. into said Municipal Court an indictment, in which John W. Webster, of Cambridge, in the County of Middlesex, gentleman, is charged with the murder of George Parkman, alleged to have been com- mitted by said Webster at said City of Boston, on the twenty-third day of November, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-nine. And now, on the twenty-sixth day of January, A. D. eighteen hun- dred and fifty, the said Municipal Court passed the following order:- `It is ordered by the Court, that the sheriff of Suffolk County notify John W. Webster, now in custody in the common jail in -the County of Suffolk, that the indictment this day returned into said Municipal Court by the grand jurors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in which said Webster is charged with the murder of George Parkman, will be transmitted to and entered in the Supreme Judicial Court, now in session in the City of Boston and County of Suffolk. And it is further ordered, that said sheriff deliver to said Webster a copy of said indictment, certified by the clerk of said Municipal Court; which copy, so certified, is herewith delivered to said sheriff.' And on the twenty-sixth day of January, A.. D. eighteen hundred and fifty, the following return is made and indorsed by the sheriff of our County of Suffolk, upon the original order issued in this case:- Boston, January 26, 1850. `Suffolk, ss. In obedience to the within order, I this day notified the within-named John W. Webster, as required by said order, by giving to said Webster, in hand, a certified copy of tile within order; and I also at same time gave to said John W. Webster, in hand, the certified copy of the indict- ment mentioned within. JOSEPH EVELETH, Sheriff of Suffolk County.' Notice of the finding and return of this indictment against said Web- ster, and that it would be certified and transmitted to, and entered in, the Supreme Judicial Court, now in session in said City of Boston, was forthwith given to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court by the clerk of said Municipal Court. And on the thirtieth day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty, the aforesaid original indictment against said Webster was trans- mitted to, certified, and entered in, said Supreme Judicial Court, by the clerk of said Municipal Court, on said thirtieth day of January,-said Supreme Judicial Court being then in session in our said City of Boston, within and for said County of Suffolk.