Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 321   Enlarge and print image (45K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 321   Enlarge and print image (45K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. 321 you. And- though we have no word of present consolation, or of earthly hope to offer you, in this hour of your affliction, yet we devoutly com- mend you to the mercy of our Heavenly Father, with whom is abun- dance of mercy, and from whom we may all hope for pardon and peace. And now, nothing remains but the solemn duty of pronouncing the sentence which the law affixes to the crime of murder, of which you stand convicted, which sentence is-[The Court, jury, members of the bar, and audience rising,]- That you, John W. Webster, be removed from this place, and detained in close custody in the prison of this county; and thence taken, at such time as the Executive Government of this Commonwealth may by their warrant appoint, to the place of execution, and there be hung by the neck until you are dead. And may God, of His infinite goodness, have mercy on your soul! At the conclusion of the sentence, the prisoner, who all through the Chief Justice's address had preserved a composed and firm demeanor, resumed his seat, and, leaning his head against the bar, appeared to give way freely to tears. After a few minutes of solemn silence, the Court directed the pris- oner to be remanded, and the crier to make proclamation of adjourn- ment. HEARING UPON THE APPLICATION FOR A WRIT OF ERROR. Pursuant to notice previously served upon the Attorney General, an application was made, on the 4th of May, succeeding the sentence, to Mr. Justice Fletcher, then holding the jury term of the Supreme Judicial Court for Suffolk County, for the issuing of a writ of error on behalf of the prisoner. Messrs. Merrick and Sohier appeared for the petitioner; the Attorney General and Mr. Bemis, for the Commonwealth. At the suggestion of His Honor, that the application had better be deferred, and made to the Court in bank, which would meet in a few weeks for law-hearings for Suffolk, the hearing was postponed till the 12th of June. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. Law Session, June 12th, 1850. Present the whole Court consisting of HON. LEMUEL SHAW, Chief Justice. HON. RICHARD FLETCHER, HON. SAMUEL S. WILDE, ~ Associate HON. CHARLES A. DEWEY, Justices. HON. THERON METCALF, Pursuant to the previous arrangement, the application of John W. Webster, for the issuing of a writ of error upon the judgment rendered against him in this Court, on the first day of April last, was this day taken up. Hon. Pliny Merrick, Charles B. Goodrich, and Edward D. Sohier, Esqs., appeared on behalf of the application; and Hon. John H. Clifford, Attorney General, and George Bemis, Esq., on behalf of the Common- wealth. 20