Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 177   Enlarge and print image (29K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 177   Enlarge and print image (29K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER BEFORE THE' SUPREME JUDICIAL COUwr OF MASSACHUSETTS. HON. LEMUEL SHAW, Chief Justice. HON. SAMUEL S. WILDE, HON. CHARLES A. DEWEY, Associate .Justices. HON. THERON METCALF, Counsel fox the Commonwealth. HON. JOAN H. CLIFFORD, Attorney General. GEORGE BEMIS. Esq. Counsel for the Prisoner. 7ION. PUNY MERRICK. EDWARD D. SOWER, Esq. TENTH DAY.-Friday, March 29th. The Court came in at the usual hour, and the trial proceeded. Mr. Sohier stated that the defence had no further testimony to offer. The Attorney-General desired to call the attention of the counsel for the defence more distinctly than he had done in his opening, to the fact that there appeared to be still due, on the note of $2,432, five hundred dollars, and upwards, to Mrs. Prescott and other parties beside8 Dr. Parkmap, which had never been paid, and which would not fall due, till January, 1851. If there were any proof that those parties had been settled with he should desire it to be introduced, now, as he should contend, that they still had an interest in the note and mort- gage, according to their tenor. The counsel for the defence, stating that they should rest where they had aA. -dy stopped, the counsel for the prosecution proceeded to introduce`',, ~, ~ , following rebutting testimony. iA Joseph Sanderson, sworn,-examined by Mr. Bemis. I am once of police-officers of Cambridge. - Mr. Sohier.-We should like to be informed, to what point this wit- ness is mlled, for the purpose of rebutting; to know if the evidence is admissible. 11