Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 74   Enlarge and print image (67K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 74   Enlarge and print image (67K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
74 TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. would say, " Dr. Parkman is in the Medical College, and will be found there, if ever found anywhere." I never could go out of the building,. without hearing such remarks. All other parts of the building had been searched, and, if nothing should be found in the privy, I could con- vince the public, that Dr. Parkman had not met with foul play in the College. I went down the front scuttle, with a lamp, to the back side of the building, where Mr. Fuller, and 1, went the Tuesday before. The tools I used, were a hatchet, and a mortising chisel. I worked an hour, or an hour and a half, but found that I could not make much progress, with the tools I had. I got out two courses of brick, and then gave up the job for the night. Nothing further occurred, on that day. I was out that night, until four o'clock the next morning, at a ball, at Cochitu- ate Hall, given by a Division of the Sons of Temperance. There were twenty dances, and I danced eighteen out of the twenty. On Friday, I got up, a little before nine o'clock. My wife had called me, a little before eight, and wanted me to finish digging through the walls. I did .not, however, get up, when she called me. While we were at breakfast, Dr. Webster came into the kitchen. He came in, and took up a newspaper, and asked, " Is there any more news?-do you hear anything further of Dr. Parkman?" He said, that he had just come from Dr. Henchman's apothecary-shop; that Dr. Henchman had said, that a woman had seen a large bundle put into a. cab, that she had taken the number of the cab, and that they had found the cab all cov- ered with blood. I said, "There are so many flying reports about Dr. Parkman, that we do not know what to believe." Dr. Webster then went up stairs. Some time in the forenoon, towards noon, I was up under the anatomi- cal lecture-room, helping some men carry some plaster-busts, from Dr. Warren's museum, into Dr. Holmes's lecture-room, .when I had some conversation with Dr. Henry J. Bigelow, about digging through the wall. [Mr. Bemis here stated, that he proposed to ask the witness, " If he had sought, or had received any directions from the Professors having charge of the College, in regard to digging through the wall, before so doing?" Objected to, by counsel for the defence; but ruled admissible, by the Court.] I asked Dr. Henry Bigelow, if he knew, that there was a suspicion about Dr. Webster. As near as I can recollect, he said, that he did. I told him, that I had commenced digging through the wall; and I under- stood him to say, " Go ahead with it." I told him all about Dr. Web- ster's keeping his doors shut from me. In a few minutes, I went into the demonstrator's room, and there found Dr. J. B. S. Jackson, alone, at work. He is a Professor, also. I told Dr. Jackson, that I was dig- ging through the wall; and he said, " Mr. Littlefield, I feel dreadfully about this; and do you go through that wall, before you sleep, to-night." He did pot give me any directions about secrecy. He asked me, "If I foupd anything, what I intended to do?" I told him, that I should go .to Dr. Holmes. Said he, " You had better not go to him; but go to the elder Dr. Bigelow, in Summer street, and then come and tell me. If I am not at home, leave your name on my slate, and I shall under- stand it." In the afternoon, about two o'clock, I went and asked Mr. Leonard Fuller, if he would lend me a crowbar. He went and got it, and asked me what I wanted to do with it. I told him, that I wanted to dig a hole in a brick wall, to carry a lead pipe in, to let water pass through. He replied, " I guess you do." He said no more; and I took the crow- bar and left. I spoke jocosely; suppose that he suspected what I was doing. I went to the house, and locked every door, so that Dr. Web- ster, could not get in, nor any one else. I dropped the dead-latch of the front door, and put my wife to watch the doors, telling her to let no one in, unless she saw who it was. I told her, if Dr. Webster came