Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 33   Enlarge and print image (75K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 33   Enlarge and print image (75K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN 6C`. WEBSTER. [Here Mr. Tukey produced a box containing the bones found in the furnace, which had been examined and assorted by Professor Wyman, as afterwards explained by him in his testimony; also, the knife with the silver sheath, called the yata.ghan,-a knife, with a silver handle four or five inches long, and a slender blade some eight or ten inches in length, slightly curved, and sharply tapering towards the point.] Resumes.-These articles have been in my office, locked up, and the office watched, day and night, since they were discovered. A smaller box, sealed up, containing the teeth, I delivered to Dr. Noble, the dentist, in the Attorney General's presence, and by his direction, on Monday last. After the discovery of the remains, I left the Medical College, and did not return there again that night. I was too unwell to accompany Dr. Webster when he was carried down there. Cross-examined by Mr. Sohier.-The first notice or hand-bill, was written Saturday night, I think, and by myself. Some alteration was made by the family before it was published. I think the second one was also submitted to the family, and altered, before it was published. The third, relating to the watch, was mine alone. The last was sub- mitted to the family. As nearly as I can recollect, the privy-hole was not more than eighteen inches or two feet from the rear wall, and the aperture in the cross wall was as close to the angle as one could con- veniently work. It was in a line underneath the hole, about half way from the ground to the floor. The remains were not found immediately under the hole. One piece was nearer the rear wall; which, I don't know; nor can I say how far from a precise perpendicular line under- neath it, any of them lay. The ground was shelving towards the outer wall, so as to naturally incline them nearer to that wall. Direct, resumed.-The vault under the privy was not an enclosed one, but the privy-hole opened into all the enclosed space beneath the labora- tory, or west wing of the building. The tide seems to flow in and out: but I think that there are no openings through the foundations large. enough to let solid substance float through. I noticed that earth adhered to the limbs, as if they had been washed by the tide. Calvin G. Moore, sworn,-examined by Mr. Bemis. I reside at No. 34, Bridge street, in this city, near the corner of Vine street. I knew Dr. George Parkman. I saw him, on the twenty-third day of November last, in Paul Holland's store, at the corner of Vine and Blossom streets. I went in there, that day, to purchase something, between one and two o'clock, P. M., and while there, Dr. Parkman came in. I should think it was not later, than, twenty to ten minutes of two. I fik the time, because the next day, Saturday, Mr. Kingsley asked me about being in the store, which brought it to my mind that it was the day before. I fix the hour, because I recollect leaving my house fifteen or twenty minues past one, and I had been in there fifteen, or twenty minutes before the Doctor came in. The Doctor came in from Vine street, bowed, and passed the time of day with Mr. Holland. He made some inquiry about purchasing sugar, and asked, if he had anything to put some up in for him. Mr. Holland pointed to a bucket, and he told him to put some up. He also bought some butter, six pounds, which came to a dollar. The Doctor, after making these purchases, said to me, "We cannot find fault with such weather as this," and passed towards the Blossom street door. As he went out that door, he made some remark .to Mr. Holland, which I didn't hear. He might have been in the store, some five minutes. Cross-examined by Mr. Sohier.-I was not in business at this time. My house was quite near the store. I went in there to make some pur- chases myself, I, believe I paid for them at the time of making them; am sure, that I did so, before going out. The Doctor was just as he always is. I never saw him slow. I don't know that I was in a hurry myself. I had been to dinner; dined, not far from half-past twelve. I fix the time of my leaving my house, from the time of my dining, and