Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 88
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 88
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~ t ! INDEX. PAGE. i Miens in 'Maryland, 7i>;13fs of .............................. . .- 1S, 19 .. -y 18, 151, 20 p~( prtyileges.of citizenship enjoyed by ............. '.- Allegiance, oath uf . :<;~ . ....................... Annapolis, relreseututioii of ................................... 5, 6 .' . 'li '~ ')~ 3')~ 33 ~~I ?.i, (iSl °il elections-in 22i ly :lsselnulies, constitution of early ................... 2(i r 1 vacancies--in ............. 23, 2,5, 27, 35 election of ............... ' ............................. .i5 I, biennial sessions of .......... - ............................................ `) i •;:, Senate . : _ .................................. , • ''r House Of Delegates, power of, over contested elections 84 Attainder, Bill of . 451, 50 Ballots, introduced .. .. ................ ..... 26 ................... r. 31 exclusively used ...................... official or Australian . - . :ih, i ;, iS, SO SO' 81 printing of ...... .. -y sample - ................. .............................. S~ tl disposition of unused ' ...................... 82 rejected ......................... .'-S", 8:3 counting of ::: ........................ •: 57, R`' Ballot t>oxes . : Baltimore, Lord, sends out Oath of Fealty . ~: _ liberal policy towards strangers i City of : 2 i , 2S, 3'3, 33, 34, :iii, .'TS, 39, 40, 4652, 53, 54, 5ti, 57 , :i.), (10, 6 1, 63, 6-1, 65, 61, 67, 68, (4l, 70, 71, 7-~, 75, 76, 77, il), 80, Sl, 8'', 83, 88 d~ t, t Betting on elections y , 3~, 3i, 83, t;4 23 Bicameral syt.etn, beginning of _ ... i pradfunl, Governor, action of . ~; 4 40 .,1 Brent, '\Irs. 'Margaret ......... (i%, 69 Brown, Governor, action of •y .''R, :i0, 37, 38 bribery of voters , C'alv in's Caee . 8 Cau=in, I,n