Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 76
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 76
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(`I'1'i7•i•',•sllll' A\I) 51'1'F'RACi•; TN MARYLAND- 77 Fraudulent re~istra,fi-on, tampering with lists, intimidation of registers loss of lists by their legal guardians, &o., are made misdeineamors, and as such, punishable by law."-.- Errors in the regisfml.tion book or poll-list given to the ,judges of elec- tion may be corrected from the copy in tile possession of the Clerk of Court, who is to sit on_ election d- ay to issue certificates of c;orrec'tion to such as apply.2 The Board of Sit iii Baltimore. and the Sheriffs in the counties, are to net one of .the dnh~lcatt' books of registration from the Clerks of Court and deliver them to the--e~ec.tiun judges at the polls on the nuwnin g of elec- tion day. In Baltimore, the siTpervisurs appoint registration officials before August 1, election officials two months before the election. at least five weeks before election, the names of election officials mast be published in the newspapers. For t\vo weeks, after such publication, the supervisors receive and consider complaints against these-ufticials, filed in writing, and, remove them, if they .Midge the complaints proven. 'the supervisors, on October 23, 1895 ' voted that they considered their authoritv to receive complaints against their appointees expired with the two weeks above mentioned., The Supervisors' tlireno-lumt tile State appoint, before the second llun- day in September, yearly, three ;judges of election, two clerks of election and two ballot-clerks for click precinc.t,v and five days after appointment give a \\-arrant to the Sheriff, who nlTist deliver it in ten days. X11 these election officers are to be duly sworn, and must serve unless excused. '.though tile law intended that tile appointees of the minority party should be acceptable to the minority Supervisor and the organization of his party, the spirit of the la\v is constantly disren, ch, 1>X!>>VIII. iGi e. ., in Somerset and Iloware~. in Baltimore cite. " to the effect that they ]it the rteht to name mnntrtty election officers, 1 he3' p~roceeMe