Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 68
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 68
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CI'rI'l.E\'SIIIP AND SI'FFIL.1(=h, IN MARYLAND. 69 Governor to appoint Mr: C. .T. Bonaparte as the minority Supervisor. Under the pressure of this popular action, the Governor on tile next day appointed him, and associated with-him, to fill the other vacancy, a man recommended by the regular Democra=tic organization. This seems to introduce the princi- ple, practised in other States, of appointing Supervisors nominated. by the party organization, subject to approval of the executive. In the counties' the Governor appoints, biennially, with the consent of the Senate, an officer of -i•egistration for each election district, who shall sit, with open doors, from S A. M. to 8 P. Al. for the five days,' beginning with the third 1londay of September. and for the four days, beginning with the first Mundav in October,-._-and for revision of lists one the second Monday in October.' If the district be divided into precincts, they shall sit a. due amount of time in each; and, if not so divided, they shall sit in various places, not over three in number. In Baltimore, they are to sit from 9 A. M. to 9 P. 1I., for the same days in September, and in October on the first Dion- da.y and Tuesday, and for revision of the lists on the ensuing Wednesday. Before sitting,5 however, the registers must take the Constitutional oath before the Supervisors of Election, or the clerk of the Superior Court in Bal- timore, and before the Clerks of Court in the counties. They are next to demand from the Sheriffs' the registration books, two of which the Governor must cause to be prepared for each district or precinct. In these are to be entered alphabetically, as far as the first letter, the name of the applicant for registry, his color, age, birthplace, place and time of residence in the pre- cinct ; if naturalized,, the elate thereof, whether he was sworn or not, whether qualified or not, and if not. qualified, a line is to be drawn across his name in the "qualified" column, and the cause stated in the column headed "disquali- fied." There is also to be space for remarks and fur check-marks, to be made at elections when he votes." No questions are to be asked as to causes of disqualification, not found in the State Constitution, and in doubtful cases a final decision may he postponed to any subsequent day of the sitting. These books were sent, with copy of the law, to the Sheriffs of the counties by the second Monday in July, 1590. This registration, corrected from time to time, is still in force in the counties. In 1691, and in alternate years thereafter, the registration hoofs are to be opened en the second Monday in .Time in Annapolis to prepare for the election' in that city. (1) Statute of 1882, ell. SXII, C'7iSSZ' ; Statute of 1884, ell. CCLXSI. Code. Public Laws, art. 31, sec. 1. 12) Statute of MO. ch. DLSxIII. tai In the recent race of Blackford vs. Robinson l8(1 '3Id. Reps`.. 4191, appeal from Washington county, it was decided that the officer: for registration are authorized to register voters who make application on the clay in ctober when such officers sit for revision of the registry list. t4) Statute of 1RR=, ell. \•Ih sec. 12; Statute of iRRB, chs. Civ and CLV, sec. 5. Board of Supervisors in Baltimore are to dive notice of registration five days before-hand in six papers of lamest circulation, one to be in German and one of the opposite party to majority of registers. In the counties collective notice is given by registers in two papers of larrestcircnlation, and of opposite parties, if such thereare, and by handbillsin public places. Chances in place and time are to he advertised in alt dailies in Baltimore, and in all county papers, and by handbill.. (5i statute of 1892. ch. CCCV. Oath is to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose. ith Statute of 1830, ell. DLSXIII. 6) Naturalized voters need notshow papers, if they prose they bare voted for the past five years. Statute of 1R9., ell. CCCLU\'llt. (8) at end of each days registration one of the registers shall sign his name or initials below the last name regis- tered in each letter to prevent fraud. Statute of 1892, ell. CCaX%W. (9) Statute of 1890, ell. 1)l\XVIII. Five days' notice to be given.