Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 60
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 60
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CITIZENSHIP A.\'I) STTFFRAGF IN MARYLAND. home for a, definite or an indefinite period of time, and if, with such intention, he continues to reside in the State, or in the county to which he has removed, for the length of time prescribed by the Constitllt.ion, he is untitled to be registered as a voter." (See Appendix.) This sound and excellent decision, was soon followed b y another, which stated that no length of time of residence in a ward , and is one of the worst it has over made. It is assuredly bad morals, and I believe it to b u bad law-. The circnmstanc;es of the case wore these: In August, 1894, me one using their names, registered from that house ; but its occupant (lid not. sue them than, or subsequently. A petition, claiming that they did not reside at the address given, was filed to strike, off their names front the registration lists. They were summoned to appear, but could not be found. The Baltimore Court refused to strike off the names, and an appeal was taken. DIr. Charles T. Bonaparte, in an able ar. yL, l.anghammer, vs . 'Mt» rter, HO Md. ltopts., 51R. 0 '1'he names of these men were nut in the police census. The court ri,htlc said this was not conclusive against, their right to vote. fI The decision in Anderson as. Baker, 23 lid. Reports. 531, is also one leaning toward the side of thepetitioners. (51 .see Schaeffer vs. Gilbert and Anderson as. Baker.