Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 52
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 52
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CITIZENSHIP AND S1JII'ItA(il: IN MARYLAND. 5 H the former disfranchisement of those disloyal : "deprived men of privileges, while it left them liable to tasii,tion, to the performance of military duty, and subject to laws, in whose enactment they can have no participation, all of which is contrary to the principles on which Republican governments are established."' If this be wrong in the case of men formerly disloyal, why not wrong in the case of ne;;roes '? In January, 187, the Le(;isl.atlre provided for a. vote on the question of holding a Constitutional Convention. This was taken on April 10, and showed thirty-four thousand five hundred and thirty-four votes for a, Convention, and tw-eniy-four thousand one hundred and thirty-six against, with forty-ei-lit blanla. Deleira.tes were elected at the sy a vote of forty-seven thousand one hundred and fifty-two to twenty-three thousand and thirty-six,2 with twenty-seven blanks. The Constitution went into effect on October 1:~. The Union party had tried to stall the proceedings of the Constitutional Conven- tion with an injunction, but had failed. The Constitution was ulat.ion.:` Baltimore ranks as three of the most populous counties, and by a rather strange carrying ant of that principle, a man nu>vinri from on(- leiyislativu district 'of Baltimore to another is placed on the same footing with one nwving from one county to another. 'file provisions for amendment are the same as in 1864 and the amend- ments so fai• adopted. gigue been those adopted by the Legislature and ratified by the people. In 1867, the expiration of the twenty wears' term, when the question of a Constitutiova l Convention was to be placed before the people, they voted, by a decided majority, not to have one. In 157, beemucratiu candidate fur governor received 63,094 votes; the Republican. -2.0:,0. In 1870, after the enfranchisement of the ne,,rues, the Democratic candidate received 70,790; the Republican, :17,7:29. Scharf Ili, 1a1). .01, 712. t:;) After every \ational census, the Governor issues a proclamation stating how many representatives each county shall have fur nest decade, according to this table : Less than 1tS,tN:O people, 2: less than :LN,000 people, 3: less than 40.000 pcolUe, 4 ; less than :1,,000 people. 5 ; over ;>J,tNHt people, :i. t4) Statute of 1507. ch. <'CCXXX\'I, ride eh-. II, CXLI, C•CCLX\i1', C'COL7vXVII. ~5) In Baltimore notice of election should be published in all daily papers.