Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 32
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 32
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The je had been=-=prullibited front political hrivile(;es by the provision in tile Constitution requiring the profession of the Christian religion. Tit 17•.7, the first movement was made to free them from this restriction, but not until 1618-was a determined attempt made. Then Mr. Kennedy, of W`asllington county, introduced a resolution to have a committee of three " consider the justice and expediency-of exteilding to persons professing the Jewish religion, the same privileges tha.-t'are enjoyed by Christians.'-" The Dill was lost in the Mouse of Delegates bye a vote of twenty-four to fifty. In 1822, the bill amending the Constitution in that particular passed the legislature, but failed u>f ratification in the newt year. In 182:> and 1826, however, it passed the he•,'islature, and so the Constitution w as amended, and the dews given the same 1)rivile(,~es as Christians:L- Mr. Solomon Eating, of Baltimore, himself a. .few, eatinlated that there wire nut over one hundred and twenty-five Jews in cj1j1j7,I,,TNSl1lP AND SUFFRAGE IN MARYLAND. Maryland at that time. -_ ~.In 18:Bi, occurred the strualtinlore voted in favor of their continuance, at an elecvtion held oil October '), I s:;s. This election eras held tinder the provisions of the law and the returns aicl\wd a very close v I'mr. and six thousand three ry,i~terNtl, but did not vote. cite-six thousand three hundred and fifty-two hundred against. Six hundred aril sixty-four 111. 1). 1:>3. 's 1•,lcetoral College for the senate of did., in Proceedings of Am. nist. Ass. for 189:i. r; kmmnlt. Art. 11'II. -eit, - an 15.(W,-3 delegates:less than '.115SM-4 dele- -I N , I -kl I It v was to I o, ;,)I*ON isional number of(lelegates; less tit, f v)ters thereon 5 1. 77, . provided for an elect ion to t a ke opinion., 0 1- I; Sr,,tu2•: of IS-37, cps. CSLIS. CUCXSSIII : Ib39, ch. xL\'II; Debates Reform Convention, 1851, pp.:i9, El, 8(i. Sites Reg. L1', p. 81.