Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 30
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Steiner, Suffrage, 1895,
Image No.: 30
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i , - c'tl'tzxl\attty AND srt•rn:Wr, tN wwt5n„wn. 31 In 1801,1 the pow of apporntin g election, judges was transferred to the !' Levy Courts of the rvolinties, and as these; were gradually succeeded by boards r', of Cunnty Commissioners, this function was transferred to them. The ~yrowYII of democratic ideas and, at tire same tinge, the increasing dread of neorro equality, led to the passing of f the allulitioh-a,l election, on April 4th, 1870.' I may here add that the granting the suffrage to negroes iv Maryland has been fairly successful. and that they have = slut\vn themselves in general able to exercise it. _1s a result of the Amendment, of 1802, an Act was passed proviclin<, foi- -i the use (1F ballots in all oases, rr, voce voting now being given up. Folded ballots are to be handed by voters to the judges, and all who wish may lie present while the votes are counted." In 180;1, the election laws were codified, ;with some important changes. In case any one or two of the judges be absent, the renlailling one or two may conduct the electiun.7 If none appear within an hour of the tinge of opening tile polls, the justices of the peao.e present, or one justice, if there be no more there, may choose judges; and, as a last resort, it' none of these are here, the voters present may, by majority vote, choose .jll(hes. 'This provision, to prevent the possible failure of an election, is still in f(irce. 'three weeks public notice of elections -was to be given.' At the same time, another provision, still on the Statute Books. was a un,i<•ted, providing that no troops should 1>e mustered, paraded or recruited in .j()-Iit of a pullin g place on election clay for fear of influencing the voters. _-- .t ~ statute of 1•eqt. ell. 1,\1I\', sec. ;"=. Judges met after election at counts seat, counted tote an (I turned over books tm Clerk of (ouotW Court. W Not in Poor, Charters and Constitutions. :\mendts. art. 7. Statute of IHOI, ell. \('. statute of t8N. ch. \\, .8. Itodnccd to twelve months in State and six months in county or city by- :lmcndt. \i\. t1t;l0i Statute of 1809. ell. I,SSSILI : Statute of 1s10, ell. SSSIII. a' Ai p. alii. ,:in Scharf'., Hist. of Nld.. 111. p. 713. W statute of 19021. ell. LS\'I, cf. cps. L\S, L\S\IT, CIII. Fine of $50 was imposed for unfolding ballot before c)..•.• of election. ;; ~ ~ statute of 1R0.',, sit. \C\'T I. Election. 9 -1. ~f. to G P. Nf. The clerk was to notify sheriff of the appointment of .ittd--< in live days. and the sheriff was to notify the judge within ten days more. s I'i.rr 1NG(t, ell. \, requiring notice in news papers. :i a i