Spiro Theodore Agnew

Biography from Grolier Interactive
Born: 9 November 1918, Baltimore, Maryland
Served: 1969-1973
Died: 17 September 1996, Berlin, Maryland
Buried: Timonium, Maryland
Not yet found!

For the first time in my adventures, I was unable to take a picture of the grave I was aiming for. I was visiting some old friends in Washington, DC and on the way back home to Connecticut I thought I'd stop off in Timonium, a suburb of Baltimore, and visit Spiro Agnew's grave. The previous day I achieved my goal of visiting Elbridge Gerry so the grave of the most recently deceased Vice President would give the whole trip a comforting sense of closure.

Instead I left Maryland with the albatross of Agnew's unfound grave dragging behind my car.

Finding the cemetery was no problem. Once I got to Timonium I stopped at a convenient fire station and asked the men who were hanging out in front. Nice guys.

But as soon as I saw the cemetery I could sense my doom. This is a modern cemetery with very few markers which rise above the grass. Unless I was standing right on top of him, I wouldn't have a chance. And it was a big cemetery. This was a Sunday afternoon, so there was no one in the cemetery's office to ask and there was no helpful map or anything to guide me. I wandered about in a more or less (mostly less) orderly fashion, hoping to find him. No luck.

Would he lie in an unmarked grave?
He lied about lots of other things...

So, after two hours of hiking around the cemetery, I conceded defeat and slinked back home with my tail between my legs.

The story will not end here. I shall return and find Spiro Agnew's grave or die in the attempt!

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© 1998 Bartholomew Edward Barker