Proceedings of the Senate re: State House

6 December - "RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to employ some person to paint and make
repairs on the stadt-house, as they may think essential to the preactivation of the building, so far as the sum of one thousand dollars may suffice for that purpose, and that
they draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, to be paid out of any unappropriated
money in the treasury."  (43)
6 December - "The resolution for the repairs of the stadt-house, was read the second time by especial order, assented to, and sent to the house of delegates by the clerk."

DATE UNKNOWN - Senate receives bill.  (38)

5 January 1812 - Resolutions for the repair of the stadt house read a second time by special order and assented to. (410)

10 Feb 1824 - Senate discusses fire protection of state house and government house, and the lack of funding--because of recent improvements--to protect the buildings.

10 February 1826 - Resolution relative to repairs to the state house was read a second, and a third time, assented to and returned to the house of delegates.  (95)
8 March 1826 - Resolution relative to repairs of the state house was read, assented to, and returned to the house of delegates.  (222)

28 February 1833 - Committee on Finance reports favorably to the resolution relative to the roof of the State House.  Bill assented to and returned to the house of delegates.  (202)

14 March 1834 - Resolution relative to the state house is referred to the committee on finance.  (365)

18 January 1836 - Senate proposes the appointment of a joint committee to look into the expediency of providing fire-proof offices for records and papers of the Court of the Chancery and Court of Appeals and the Executive Department.  (45)
4 April 1836 - Resolution relative to the repairs of the public circle referred to the committee on finance.  (373)
Report of the Joint Committee upon Fire Proof Offices.  Committee ascertains that several fire proof offices can "conveniently and very effectually be constructed within the State House.  (1-7)

Resolution authorising Dr. Dennus Claude, George G. Brewer and David Ridgely, to cause to be constructed under the Hall of the House of Delegates, a furnace for warming said Hall by means of heated air, &c.  (3)
4 January 1837 - House proposes the appointment of a joint committee to enqiure into the expediency of warming the Senate Chamber, the Hall of the House of Delegates, and the offices attached to them respectively, the Council Chamber, and all other apartments of the State House occupied and used for public purposes, or any one or more of them, by means of heated air, introduced by flues, or by any other mode which shall promote the comfort of the members of the Legislature.  (46)
20 January 1837 - Senate agrees to appoint three members to the joint committee.  (92)
20 March 1837 - Resolution authorizing the house of delegates to be heated by a furnace referred to Committee on Finance.  (319)  Bill assented and returned to the House.  (322)

20 March 1840 - Resolution relative to the purchase of a carpet for the House of Delegates assented to and returned to the House.  (287)

7 March 1844 - Resolution in relation to the furnace under the Library is referred to the Committee on the Library.  (147)  Resolution assented to on 9 March, and sent to the house of delegates.  (174)

6 March 1845 - Senate returns resolution providing for the payment due for furniture and repairs to the senate chamber, and asks that $40.14 be appropriated to the clerk for the execution of the order of the Senate.  (157)
10 March 1845 - Resolution in payment for furnishing the Senate Chamber assented and returned to the House of Delegates.  (202)

10 March 1847 - Resolution for the painting of the dome of the State House is referred to the Committee on Finance.  (212)
10 March 1847 - Senate approves resolution for repairing the State House, and returns it to the House.  (221)

9 March 1850 - Reolutions for the repair of the Treasury Office, and to the Public Buildings assented to and returned to the House.  (264)  Also, Messenger, Door-Keeper, and Clerk of the Senate put in charge of repairs to be made as shall be proper for the preservation of furniture, and putting the said furniture and chamber in condition for the accomodation of the Senate.  (273)

4 February - Communication between Joseph H. Nicholson and Edward Lloyd, President of the Senate, re. sundry bills for work done and materials furnished for the repair of the Senate Chamber, and its furniture, under an order of the Senate, of December session 1849.  Read and referred to committee on finance.  (59)
5 February - House proposes a joint committee to examine into the condition of the Public Buildings, with a view to ascertain if the same do not require repair.  Also, House proposes a joint committee to examine the Treasurer's Office, with a view to ascertain if there are sufficient accommodations in the office for use of the Comptroller.  (64)
6 February - Senate appoints members to each of the aforementioned committees.  (66)
4 March - Report from the Committee on Finance for fitting up the Senate Chamber.  Lists workmen and expenditures for work done under resolution of December session, 1849.  Also, Committee on Finance recommends appropriations of $100 to Wm. Glover and Andrew Slicer for ventilating the Senate Chamber during the recess,  Also, bill entitled an "Act appropriating a sum of money to pay for repairs made in, and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber."  (130-131)
12 March  - Bill entitled an "Act appropriating a sum of money to pay for repairs made in and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber, passed and sent to the House.  (153-154)
18 March - House returns bill appropriating a sum of money to pay for repairs made in and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber, with proposed amendments regarding appropriations suggested by the Committee on Finance.  Bill ordered to lie on the table.  (164)
7 April - Letter from Mr. Farnandis, of the Committee on Finance, to the House re: amendments proposed by the House for payment for repairs and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber.  (247-248)
27 April - House repsonds to letter from Senate dated 7 April.  (310-311)
7 May - Committee of the two Houses reports the bill and amendments for repairs and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber.  Amendments approved, and the bill is sent to the House.  (359-360)
14 May - Bill entitled an "Act to authorise (sic) the construction of cisterns on the State House hill" is read for the first time.  (392)
29 May - Bill entitled an "Act to provide for the custody of the public buildings and grounds within the State House enclosure, and the fire apparatus belonging to the State, and appropriating a sum of money therefor," is passed and returned to the House.  (543-544)
31 May - Report of the committee appointed in pursuance of the order directing an inquiry into the subject of alterations now being made in the rooms in the northwest corner of the State House.  Condemning the workplan, the Committee recommends that the "brick pavement be restored to the said rooms, and that the flue leading from the furnace under the Library, be closed up in a permanent manner; the said furnace having already during the present session, endangered the buildings, and in the judgment of the committee being incapable of being made safe."  (562)

1 March - Leave granted Messrs. Wells, Dennis and Berry to report a bill entitled, an act to provide for the introduction of gas light into the State House, treasury building and public grounds.  (246)
2 March - Mr. Wells reports a bill re: the introduction of gas lighting in the State House, treasury building and public grounds, which is read and referred to the committee on finance.  (252)
4 March - Committee on finance reports unfavorably on the the bill re: introduction of gas lighting, and the bill is read and ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (274)

4 February - Message to the House, proposing a joint committee to inquire into the expediency of constructing a fire-proof building for preserving the records of the State, of increasing the dimensions of the present chamber used for the sittings of the House of Delegates; of adding two committee rooms for the accommodation of each branch of the Legislature; of lighting the whole building with Gas, and warming the same with Furnaces.  (133)  House appoints members to the committee.  (139)
23 February - Bill entitled, "an Act appropriating a sum of money for the rendering the more secure, against fire, the State House and the public archive, for erecting a fire-proof record office, and for enlarging the State Library room, and the Hall of the House of Delegates."  Bill referred to committee on Finance.  (294-295)
24 February - Bill entitled, "an Act appropriating a sum of money for the rendering the more secure, against fire, the State House and the public archive, for erecting a fire-proof record office, and for enlarging the State Library room, and the Hall of the House of Delegates," is considered, and amendments proposed.  (325-326)  Bill passed by the House on 26 February.  (359)

23 January - Message from the House proposing a joint committee to examine the work done under the Act of 1858, "appropriating a sum of money for the erection of a fire-proof Record Office, and for the repair of the buildings within the State House Circle," and report what other repairs, if any are necessary, and what amount will be required for that purpose.  (71)

(Extra Session) -  7 May - Resolved by the Senate and the House of Delegates, that the National Flag be hoisted on the State House while the General Assembly is in session.  (75)
(Special Session) - Ordered that the President of the Senate be requested to have one of the committee rooms in the rear of the Senate Chamber fitted up as the President's Room.  (54-55)

6 January - Message of Governor Bradford to the General Assembly.  Governor comments on the repairs and alterations about the public buildings.  Notes that the builder has "very lately...converted the room under the library into four comfortable Committee Rooms and room for a Post Office."  But also explains, "The necessity for repairs about the State House will attract your attention.  The outside of the building, and especially the its roof and dome stand much in need of pant.  The venerable edifice should by no means be neglected..."  (37-38)
20 January - Committee appointed to examine the condition of the State House.  (57)
3 March - Leave granted Messrs. Ricaud, Stirling and Eichelberger to report a bill for the protection of the State House.  (359)
9 March - Bill providing for the repairs of the State House read for the second and third times, passed and then returned to the House.  (455)

22 January - Secretary of the Senate directed to cause the Senate Chamber to be furnished with mats similar to those now in use in the House Chamber.  Secretary also directed to have covered with matting, the entrances leading to the Committee Rooms of the Senate.  (80)
24 January - Noted that the Secretary has made and put up good and substantial steps to the back entrance of the Senate Chamber.   (97)
4 February - Secretary of the Senate authorized to have the lobby of the Senate Chamber re-arranged and more comfortable seats furnished therein.  Also, the State LIbrarian directed to cause a plan to be prepared for the enlargement of the State Library, embracing four additional Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate, beneath said enlargement, and also an estimate of the probable cost.  Report to be furnished to the Senate by 15 February.  (141)
19 February - Secretary of the Senate directed to cause the register to be removed from its present position, and placed in the center of the Senate Chamber, beneath the chandelier.  (264)
22 March - Secretary of the Senate authorized to have constructed, in the interval between the session, some suitable means of ventilating the Senate Chamber by a ventilator or ventilators in the ceiling of the Chamber to communicate with the open air by openings in the outside walls, between the ceiling and floor of the Executive Chamber.  (794)

30 January - Committee on Public Buildings, of the Senate and the House reports re: site of Government House.  Committee notes that Government House's "contiguity to the State House, convenient both to the Governor and the people; will protect the State House in a great degree from being in the future marred by improvements of a character not in harmony with it."  (127-128)
5 February - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair and paint the State House, and improve the grounds surrounding it," is passed and returned to the House.  (172)

9 January - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to cause a survey of the State House to be made by one of more competent persons, to ascertain the probably cost of thoroughly repairing it; also os a suitable portico of marble or granite; also the cost of paving the streets around the State House circle, and to report such estimates to the Senate.  Assistant Doorkeeper, John Wallace, is appointed to this task.  (23)  Also, Committee on Public Buildings authorized to inquire into the probably cost of removing the water closets from the first floor of this building to that of the cellar; also, to convert the present rooms occupied for water closets to committee rooms, and report to this House.  (28)
13 February - Committee on Public Buildings authorized to have a suitable drawing made for a portico for the State House; provided said drawing shall not cost over $30.  (206)
22 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to build a portico in front of the capital building, is debated and amended.  Amended bill is entitled, an act to "Pay for necessary repairs to the State House, and for paving the carriage way to the Governor's Mansion."  (588-589)  Bill passed and returned to the House on 23 March.  (615-616)

12 February - Leave granted to the Committee on Public Buildings to report a bill to appropriate a sum of money to grade and pave the street around the State House.  (253)
12 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to remove the water-closets from their present locality, and place them in the cellar of the State House, and to make two Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate, out of the space now occupied by said water-closets," is read a second time.  The names of R.C. Holliday, John R. Blake and Augustus Gassaway added to the second section of the bill.  (540)
16 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair the foot-ways, and pave the streets around the State House is determined in the negative.  Senate to reconsider the bill.  (581)  Also, bill to remove the water-closets into the cellar is passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (584-585)

19 January - Committee on Public Buildings instructed to employ a competent engineer or expert, to make a survey of the State House grounds, and plans thereon for their improvement, with an estimate of the probably cost of the same; as also the cost of paving the carriage way and side walks around the State House Circle, and be authorized to report by bill to otherwise.  (49)
30 January - Secretary of the Senate directed and authorized to place such screens in front of the Registers in the Senate, as will protect the Senators near them from the excessive heat.  (115)

16 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the improvement of the State-House Grounds, and paving the Circle around the same," passed and sent to the House.  (664)

11 March - Leave granted to Mr. Lane to introduce a bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the boilers of the heating apparatus from the State House to the Record Office."  Read and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.  (573)
13 March  - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the boilers of the heating apparatus in from the State House to the Record Office," passed and sent to the House.  (609-610)
25 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for necessary repairs in the State House," is considered.  Amendment to strike out $550 and insert $700 is adopted.  Bill ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (813-814)
26 March - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of refitting and refurnishing the State Library," passed and returned to the House.  (870)
27 March - House bill entitled an "Act to pay John E. McCusker a sum of money for work done and materials furnished, for use of the Senate and House of Delegates during the Session of 1884," with the adopted amendment: strike out $994 and insert $724.45, is read for the second time.  (888)

12 March  - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Charles N. Magne for extra work done on ventilating apparatus in the State House," passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (379)
23 March - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor," read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (502)
31 March - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of $3,220 for certain repairs at the State House and Governor's Mansion, and the further sum of $4,000 for repairs at the State Normal School Building, in the City of Baltimore,: read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (685-686)
1 April - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor," read for the second time with amendments proposed.  Mr. Jackson submitted proposed amendment to section 2 of the bill, directing the Library Committee to contract with and employ a good practical and experienced architect to prepare plans and drawings for the annex, and to award the contract for the annex to the lowest bidder.  Bill amended and read for the second time.  (691-692)
3 April  - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor," passed and returned to the House of Delegates.  (837)
5 April - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Charles N. Magne for extra work done on ventilating apparatus in the State House," returned from the House endorsed "Read the third time and rejected."  (901)

12 January - Message to the House proposing a Joint Committee to make necessary arrangements with the Contractor for the building of the annex to the Library, for the furnishing and occupancy of the Committee Rooms in said annex, for the use the Legislature.  Message assented to and sent to the House.  (44-45)  House and Senate each appoint three members on the provision that the Committee on the annex appointed under the Act of 1886, be required to act in conjunction with the Joint Committee.  (49-50)
17 January - Senate bill entitled an "Act to pay George A. Frederick commissions as Architect of State House Improvements," read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (64)
18 January - Report of the Joint Committee to furnish the Committee Rooms in the Annex to the Library.  Report states that occupancy of the Committee Rooms is permitted, all furniture except carpets has been purchased, and the eleven rooms are furnished at a cost of less than $800.  (69-70)
26 January - Resolved by the Senate that the Joint Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution, be authorized and directed, to investigate allegations of unpaid wages of workmen employed in construction of the Annex, and if not paid, to what extent and and through whose fault and responsibility.  (105-107)
7 February - Joint Committee appointed by House and Senate to proportion the Committee Rooms between the two Houses.  (190-191, 201)
13 February - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to examine into the amount of money required to furnish the Annex to the Library, and put in order the grounds adjacent thereto.  (238)
14 February - President ordered to appoint a practical engineer to take charge of heating the annex during the remainder of the Session of the Legislature.  (253)
15 February - Committee appointed to purchase furniture and gas fixtures in the rooms assigned to the Senate, is authorized to have said rooms carpeted, and matting put on the corridors, and also, to provide a sufficient number of cuspidors for said rooms.  (257)  Also, the Special Joint Committee, appointed to apportion the Committee Rooms, announces the apportionment of the eleven rooms.  (265)  Also, Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of McDowell & Co., W.L. Pfeiffer, L.S. Clayton & Co. and others therein mentioned, for work done and material furnished in preparing the State House for the meeting of the present General Assembly," passed and sent to the House.  (268)
17 February - Senate Joint Resolution authorizing the Committee created by the Act of 1886, to superintend the erection of the Annex to the State House, to draw under said Act, a sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears of wages due, and certain other unpaid claims.  Committee also authorized to inquire into other claims of unpaid work.  Resolution referred to Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution.  (286-287)  Also, Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution reports that the disputed claims stem from unpaid difficulties between contractor and subcontractors.  (288-289)
2 March - House passes and returns Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of McDowell & Co., W.L. Pfeiffer, L.S. Clayton & Co. and others therein mentioned, for work done and material furnished in preparing the State House for the meeting of the present General Assembly."  (429)  Signed by Governor Elihu E. Jackson on 7 March.  (505)
6 March - INCOMPLETE.  GATHER ALL PAGES.  459-461  General Assembly authorizes Joint Committee, on article 3, section 24, of the Constitution, to reserve a sum sufficient to pay the workmen and laborers for unpaid work done on the Annex.  Committee also authorized to inquire into the correctness of other claims.  (459-461)
7 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the expenses of heating and lighting the State Library Annex, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1888," reported favorably.  Proposed amendment to strike out $1000 and insert $500 in lieu thereof, adopted.  (487)
8 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the taking care of the State House and Government Buildings, and grounds, at Annapolis, and appropriating a sum of money therefor," passed and sent to the House.  (536-537)
14 March - Ordered that John Boucher be paid the sum of $10, for repairs in plastering and pointing up the plastering in the hall of the State House.  (597)
16 March - Senate Joint Resolution authorizing Committee created by the Act of 1886, to draw under said act a sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears of wages due, passed and sent to the House.  (650)
20 March - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the keeping and guarding of the Public Buildings and grounds in the City of Annapolis, and the movable property of the State therein," passed and returned to the House.  (685)
23 March - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to complete the basement of the Annex to the State House and to furnish said Annex," is read and amended to add hardwood bookcases for the first floor of the Library Annex.  Bill passed and returned to the House.  (820)
27 March - Senate reports unfavorably on House bill entitled an "Act to provide for lighting the public buildings and grounds at Annapolis, by electricity."  Bill returned to the Senate.  (850)  Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the expenses of heating and lighting the State Library Annex, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1888," passed and sent to the House.  (872)
29 March - Joint Resolution to retain out of the amount appropriated by the Act of 1886, a sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears of wages due to them for work on said buildings, were considered and indefinitely postponed.  (942)
31 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the expenses of heating and lighting the State Library Annex, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1888," returned from House, endorsed unfavorably reported.  (1004)

16 January - Joint Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution authorized and directed to investigate whether the workmen have or have not been paid for their work on the Annex to the State Library, and whether or not there are unpaid bills for materials.  Resolution referred to committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution.  (59)
30 January - Joint Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution directed to investigate by what authority the electric lights were introduced into the State Buildings in Annapolis, and what contract, if any, was made in regard to the cost of the use of the electric lighting.  (130)
11 February - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to inquire into the present system of heating the State Library and Library Annex, and what is necessary to be done in that particular to render the Library Rooms comfortable in cold weather.  (235-236)
13 February - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of furnishing and carpeting the State Library Annex," passed and sent to House.  (278)  Returned endorsed unfavorably by the House.
14 February - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of grading and sodding the public grounds around the State Library Annex and constructing the necessary pavements thereon," read, amended to read $250, and engrossed for a third reading.  (289)  18 February - Bill passed and sent to the House.  (309)  28 March - Signed by the Governor.  (1065)
21 February - Senate Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for introducing steam radiators into the old Library of the State House, and for repairing said Library," read, amended, and engrossed for a third reading.  (337)  25 February - Bill passed and sent to the House.  (373)
25 February - Report of the Committee on Article 3, section 24 of the Constitution, in response to the order dated 16 January 1890.  Committee finds that there are workmen that have not been paid, and suggests that a bill to satisfy these claims be given serious consideration.  Report also includes an itemized cost of building the Annex to the Library, listing contractors, materials and cost of labor.  (365-369)
19 March - Message to the House requesting reconsideration of the bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of furnishing and carpeting the State Library Annex."  (786)  21 March - Request denied by the House.  (850)
26 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of furnishing and carpeting the State Library Annex," passed and sent to the House.  (983-984)  Also, House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money, which...will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and labor done, and materials furnished in the erection of the Annex to the State House, at Annapolis," passed and returned to the House.  (986-987)
28 March - Message to the House requesting the return of House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money, which...will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and labor done, and materials furnished in the erection of the Annex to the State House, at Annapolis." (1077)
29 March - Senate inserts "Enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland" in House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money, which...will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and labor done, and materials furnished in the erection of the Annex to the State House, at Annapolis," passes and returns it to the House.  (1133-1134)

28 January - Sanitary Committee instructed to inquire into the sanitary condition of the State House.  (141)  Also, Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to furnish for each of the Committee Rooms of the State House a thermometer, and to see that the heat does not exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise directed.  Referred to the Committee on Finance.  (155-156)
10 February - Finance Committee authorized to audit and settle the expenses incurred in procuring the necessary furniture and supplies for the use of said committee, and the expense incurred in coloring the walls and ceiling of the rooms of said committee, which said work was done to remove the discolorations and stains from dampness on said walls and ceilings.  (229)
11 February - Senate adopts unfavorable report on the order to require the installation of thermostats in the committee rooms of the State House.  (245)
10 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the water closets from the State House, and for the erection of the same in building elsewhere, and for the ventilation of the State House, the cleaning of the basement, and the renovation of the foundation of the Executive Mansion," passed and sent ot the House.  (663)  Bill returned by the House on 24 March.  (934)

10 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to furnish such appliances to the Senate Chamber as will properly ventilate the same, at a cost not to exceed $200.  (54)
17 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to purchase one dozen settees for the hall, at a cost not to exceed $150.  (75)
21 February - Ordered that Mr. J. Appleton WIlson and Mr. Frank B. Mayer be required to investigate and report on the feasibility of restoring the Senate Chamber to its original conditions and the probably cost of making the required changes.  (342-343)
19 March - Ordered by the Senate that in its opinion the restoration of the Senate Chamber to the condition it was in when Washington resigned his commission is right and proper.  As the report of Messrs. Wilson and Mayer indicates that the sum of $4,250 is required for the restoration only of the Chamber without including the furniture, the finance Committee instructed to include the sum of $4,250 in the general appropriation act to be passed in this session.  Senate also orders the President of the Senate to appoint a commission of three persons to superintend the work of restoration.  (618-619)
19 March - Report of Messrs. Wilson and Mayer find the restoration feasible and practical.  Recommendations to the Committee include: replacing the niche behind the Speaker's chair, with columns and entablature; replacing the ladies gallery and stairway to reach it from the lobby; rebuilding the chimney breast; replacing pannelled [sic] window seats, and restoring the original sashes; and the removal of the beam in the center of the ceiling by sinking it in the depth of the floor, because its present position entirely changes the original character of the ceiling.  Also includes a list of the existing original furniture, as well as the cost of reproducing the chandelier with electrical candles.  (623-625)
22 March - House bill entitled an "Act to authorize the Board of Public Works to repair and refurnish the rooms occupied by the Land Office," ordered to lie on the table, and then returned to the House.  (699-700)

13 January - Committee on Public Buildings directed to make a full inquiry into the condition of the State House, in respect to danger from fire, either from electrical wiring or otherwise; also the present means of protection against fire.  (47)
7 February - Superintendent of Public Buildings authorized to properly heat the room of the Senate Committee on Corporations, either by placing a stove therein, or in some other suitable.  (212)
15 February - Senate bill entitled an "Act to authorize the State Treasurer to take necessary steps for the protection of the State House and other public buildings in Annapolis against fire," amended, and engrossed for a third reading.  (275)  Bill passed and sent to the House on 15 February.  (281-282)  Returned by the House on 28 February.
17 March - Senate bill 387, entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the improvement of the State Library and to continue the card catalogue system therein," amended and engrossed for a third reading.  (820)  Bill passed and sent to the House on 23 March.  (1042)  Returned by the House on 4 April.  (1643)

29 January - President authorized to appoint George Linthicum as the keeper of the furnace under the annex to the State House at $5.00 per day until the end of the session.  (161)
8 February - Order to pay Henry B. Meyers and Edwin A, Seidewitz for work done in the State House in connection with the Committee on Inauguration.  (255)
23 March - Ordered that John E. McCusker be paid $37.93 for repairs to the Senate Chamber, Committee Rooms and furniture during the session.  (924)  Also, Senate bill 75 entitled an "Act to provide for the acquisition of a lot of land and the erection thereon by the State of Maryland of a building, in the city of Annapolis, in which shall be located the court room, consultation and other rooms of the Court of Appeals, the State Library, or portion thereof, the Comptroller's office, the Land Commissioner's office, the Tax Commissioner's office, the Treasurer's Office...; and to appropriate a sum of money therefor, and to provide for the removal of the building upon State House hill, known as the Comptroller's office," amended and ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (927-928)
27 March - Senate bill 75 amended, the sum of $290,000 is inserted, and the bill ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (988-989)
28 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the paving of the driveway and certain streets around State Circle, and certain streets around  the Executive Mansion, in the city of Annapolis, by the State of Maryland and the Mayor, Counselor and Alderman of Annapolis," passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (1066-1067)
2 April - House passes and returns Senate bill 75.  (1436)

30 January - Ordered that the Pullman Automatic Ventilation Company be authorized to place 10 ventilators in the Senate side of the State House at a cost not to exceed $116.00.  (161)  Also, Senate bill 52 entitled an "Act to provide for the construction and erection of an addition to the State House, in the city of Annapolis, in which shall be located the State Senate Chamber, and the Hall of the House of Delegates and for such purposes as may be deemed proper; and to remove and demolish the State Library Building and Annex, and to appropriate a sum of money for said purpose," is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (161-162)  Also, Senate bill 53 entitled an "Act to provide for the issue of $500,000, Maryland State bonds, for the purpose of erecting an addition to the State House, in the city of Annapolis, for the removal and demolition of the State library building, and the annexes thereto...," read and referred to the Committee on Finance. (162)
20 February - Ordered that W.G. Higgins, Charles A. Howard & Co. and R.E. Strange be paid for work done; their bills approved by the Superintendent of Public Buildings.  (399-400)
27 February - Order that William Hollidayoke be paid $20.00 for carpenter work in the Senate Chamber and Committee rooms, is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (460)
5 March - Ordered that the sum of $116.00 be paid to the Pullman Automatic Ventilation Company as per bill attached.  (530)
6 March - Senate bill 52 and Senate bill 53 are both read, amended and ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (587-590)
10 March - Senate bill 52 passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (645)
11 March - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to have the Senate lobby covered with linoleum the same as the engrossing room at a cost of not more than $1.00 per yard.  (659-660)
29 March - House passes and returns Senate bill 52.  (1412)

3 January - Final report of Baldwin and Pennington to Governor Edwin Warfield and the State House Building Commission regarding the restoration of the Old Senate Chamber (dated 14 December 1905).  (64-70)
17 January - Order that the private room of the Senate shall not be used during the sittings of the Senate by any person or persons unless accompanied by a Senator is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (93)  Order adopted 24 January.  (128-129)
28 February - Order that the Superintendent of Public Buildings be directed to equip the doors opening into the Senate Chamber with rubber or felt strips, so as to reduce the noise which now tends to interfere with the dispatch of business, is read and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.  (752-753)
8 March - Report of the State House Building Commission (dated 8 February 1906).  (906-908)  Also, report from Baldwin and Pennington of the Special Committee in charge of the State House Annex Building (dated 5 February 1906).  Includes details regarding work completed, summary of cost, and an approximate estimate for further contemplated work.  (909-918)
12 March - House bill 399 entitled an "Act to provide for the furnishings of the Land Office in the new Public Building at Annapolis with furniture, book and file cases and the making, changing and alteration of the rooms assigned the Land Office in said building as may be necessary, and appropriating a sum of money therefor," amended, adopted and returned to the House.  (978-979)

22 January - Order that the private room in the Senate shall not be used during the sittings of the Senate by any person or persons unless accompanied by a Senator, and that the President of the Senate appoint some person to take charge of said room, who will see that the provisions of this order are strictly enforced, is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (136)  Order adopted 24 January.  (150-151)
28 January - Ordered that furniture be purchased for the use of the Committee on Printing, and the Committee on Railroads and Canals, to be placed in the Presidents' Room in the old Senate, said furniture to cost not more than indicated.  (165)
27 March - Ordered that a committee of seven Senators be appointed to investigate the furnishing and equipment of the portion of the State House devoted to the uses of the Senate, and that further they shall meet during the recess in the city of Annapolis, and personally inspect and make arrangements for the erection or fitting out of more rooms for the use of the various committees for the session of 1910; they shall provide a room for the Senate stenographers; and investigate the question of heating and ventilating the chamber of the Senate, and also the removal of the sofas and carpet therein contained.  (1562-1563)
30 March - Ordered that Charles W. Haslup, Superintendent of Public Buildings be paid $150.00 for cleaning up Senate Chamber and Committee rooms, and taking up carpets and moving furniture in same after adjournment of the Legislature.  (1823)

26 January - Resolved that permission be granted to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Printing and on FIsh and Game o have frame partitions erected, to make a temporary room for said Committee in the ante-room of the Old Senate Chamber of the State House.  Resolution read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (160)
11 February - Ordered that the Superintendent of the State House have erected a glass partition to close the open space on the north side of the building adjoining the room of the Senate Committee on Corporations, so that the sane may be used temporarily as a committee room for the Committees on Library and Federal Relations.  (283)
17 March - Ordered that the sum of $54.36 be paid Peter J. Campbell, Chairman of the Commission appointed at Session of 1908 to investigate and recommend improvements of the Senate side of the State House.  (800)
29 March - Senate Bill 537, entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to construct and install an elevator in the State House at Annapolis, Maryland," amended and laid over under the Rules.  (1360)
30 March - Senate bill 537, amended, and ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (1491-1492)
1 April - Senate bill 537 passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (1688)  Also, Order that all laborers employed in cleaning the State House, currently receiving $1.50, be paid an extra 50 cents per day, is referred to the Committee on Rules.  (1702)
4 April - House passes and returns Senate bill 537.  (2083)

27 March - Senate bill 511, entitled an :Act to appropriate a sum of money for the repair of the public buildings at Annapolis, and for the repair and relaying of the side-walks in and about the State House grounds and the Executive Mansion," read a third time, passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (1737)
30 March - Senate bill 511 passed by the House and returned to the Senate.  (2078)

3 April - Committee on Claims ordered to pay the Governor the sum of $906.50, being the expenses of cleaning the halls, committee rooms, corridors, etc., of the State House during the session of the General Assembly of 1916, as supervised by the Superintendent of Public Buildings and as ordered by the Legislature.  (1264)

29 January - Committee on Public Buildings authorized to urge the Governor to include in the Budget Bill a special appropriation a sum of money for the purpose of providing a sanitary flooring, preferably of hard rubber, or some other material that can be readily and easily cleaned, for the House and Senate chambers, in place of the present carpeting now upon the floors, and for the purpose of providing such additional ventilators in the skylights of the Senate and House chambers as may be necessary to provide adequate ventilation for said chambers.  (92)

1 April - Senate Joint Resolution 16 requesting the Governor to provide for the use of the Old House of Delegates Chamber by the Department of Legislative Reference, and to make any alterations or changes which may be necessary for this purpose.  Resolution read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (1199)
3 April - Resolution 16 passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (1409)
5 April - House amends Resolution 16 and returns it to the Senate.  (1612-1613)

19 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to install in the corridors of the State House electric bells to be used for informing the members of the legislature that the General Assembly is about to proceed.  (74)
23 March - Senate Resolution requesting the Governor to include in the Supplemental Budget funds for decorating, painting and improving the Old Senate and House of Delegates Chambers and the State House generally, to be done under the direction and supervision of the Board of Public Works, is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (923-924)
25 March - Senate adopts favorable report from the Committee on Finance regarding the resolution dated 23 March.  (1082-1083)
3 April - Senate passes and returns House Joint Resolution 30, A Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to provide in his budget for certain lounge rooms in the State House.  (1693)

12 February - Order that the Senate doorkeeper lock the front door to the chamber when the Senate is debating a question before it, is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (235)
31 March - Senate passes and returns House Joint Resolution 7, A Joint Resolution providing for floodlighting the dome of the State House.  (1621)

21 March - Senate adopts resolution to request the Governor to investigate the feasibility of the establishment of an attractive and modern lunch bar in some suitable room in the State House for the use of the legislators.  (1280)

3 March - Ordered that the State Roads Commission be authorized and directed to remove the snow and ice from the Circle around the State House.  (1124)

26 May - House amends, passes and returns Senate Bill 8 entitled, "Authorize the creation of a state debt in the aggregate of $525,000, the proceeds of which to be used for constructing and furnishing committee rooms, etc., and a tunnel connecting the State House and Court of Appeals Building.  (229-231)

20 February - Senate Bill 151 entitled an "Act to repeal Chapter 8 of the Acts of the Special Session of 1948 entitled an 'Act to authorize the creation of a state debt in the aggregate of $525,000, the proceeds of which to be used for constructing and furnishing committee rooms, etc., and a tunnel connecting the State House and Court of Appeals Building,'" is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (207)
28 February - Senate Bill 151 passed and sent to the House.  (385)

16 February - House Joint Resolution 4 asking the Governor to appoint a commission to investigate and study the possibilities of developing the eastern half of the State Circle for undergorund parking facilities for use of members of the General Assembly and its employees, is passed and returned to the House.  (246)
20 March - Senate Joint Resolution 19 requesting the Department of Public Improvements, the Board of Public Works and the Budget Bureau Engineers to study the present heating system in the Court of Appeals Building and the State House in Annapolis and take remedial steps so that the excessive heat which now prevails may be
corrected, is read and referred ot the Committee on Finance.  (825)
3 April - Senate Joint Resolution 19 is passed and sent to the House.  (1788)

18 February - Senate Resolution 15 requesting that a study be made of the inadequate parking facilities in Annapolis for the members of the General Assembly, is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (207)
20 February - Senate Resolution 15 referred to the Judicial Proceedings Committee.  (220)
27 February - House Joint Resolution 15 directing the Board of Public Works and the State Roads Commission to provide adequate parking facilities for members of the
General Assembly and certain State House employees attached to the Legislature passed and returned to the House.  (403-404)
27 February - Senate Resolution 25 requesting the State Planning Commission to study the feasibility of  concerted action between the State and the City of Annapolis in providing additional parking facilities near the State House, is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (410)

14 March - Senate Joint Resolution 24 requesting appointment by the Governor of a Committee to consider the construction of a combination atomic radiation shelter and
underground parking facility under State House Circle is referred to the Committee on Finance.  (626)
22 March - Senate Joint Resolution 24 is passed and sent to the House.  (896)  Also, Senate Joint Resolution 26 proposing that a Prayer Room be constructed and maintained in the State House, is passed and sent to the House.  (897)

23 February - Senate Resolution 11 requesting the installation of escalators in the State House is referred to the Committee on Rules.  (120)
26 February - Senate Resolution 11 requesting the installation of escalators in the State House is re-referred to the Finance Committee.  (157)

13 March - Senate Resolution 15 expressing appresulted in a first-aid room in the State House, is read and adopted.  (730)

2 March - Senate Resolution 18 commending State Use Industries for the new furniture installed in the State House during the 1964 Session of the General Assembly, is read and adopted.  (556)

16 March - Rules Committee reports favorably on Senate Resolution 55 requesting placement of the Irish flag on the State House dome on St. Patrick's Day.  (727)

21 February - Ordered that subsection 5 (c) be added to the Rules of the Senate as adopted for the 1968 Regular Session to read that: "Cameras, recording instruments and similar equipment or electronic devices are not permitted in the Senate Chamber without the permission of the President.  If such permission is granted, the President shall immediately notify the Senators.  (311-312)
27 February - Senate Resolution 56, a resolution to correct the faulty and aggravating elevator service in the State House is read and adopted.  Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds is ordered to have the proper mechanical and maintenance agreements to assure rapid and elective elevator transportation in the State House.  (389-390)
28 February - Senate Joint Resolution 62 requesting the Governor to appoint a Commission to study and report on the advisability of possible practical architectural changes to preserve the Georgian authenticity of the original State House and to bring the new section in harmony with it, is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (420)
8 March - Senate Resolution 83, a resolution relating to the flying of the United States and Maryland flags over the State House and other State buildings in Annapolis, is read and referred to the Committee on Judicial Proceedings.  (623)
11 March - Senate Resolution 62 is read a second time and ordered printed again for a third reading.  (660)

12 February - Senate Bill 399 creating the office of Architect of the State House and relating generally to the appointment, tenure, compensation and duties of this office, is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (228)
11 March - Committee on Finance reports favorably with amendments on Senate Bill 399.  Bill now titled "The State House Trust: The restoration and preservation of the Statehouse shall be the responsibility of the Governor of Maryland, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House and Chairman of the Maryland Historical Trust, acting as trustees for the citizens of Maryland.  The Trust shall retain an architectural consultant who shall be registered with the Maryland Board of Examiners and Registration of Architects, and he shall be familiar with all phases of 18th Century architecture to restore Maryland's State House in that manner befitting its majestic history and its present role as the Capitol Building of Maryland."  Bill laid over under the rules.  (793-794)
12 March - Senate Bill 399 read, amended and made the Special Order for 12 March 1969.  (816-817)  Also, Senate Bill 399 amended, read and ordered printed for a third reading.  (854-857)
14 March - Senate Bill 399 passed and sent to the House.  (1002)
25 March - House passes and returns Senate Bill 399.  (1776)

21 January - Senate Bill 87 authorizing the Board of Public Works to acquire certain interests in and to the street area and the adjacent sidewalk area up to the building lines of the public thoroughfares known as State Circle and School Street in Annapolis is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (35)
23 January - Senate Bill 87 is read, amended and ordered printed for a third reading.  (89)
26 January - Senate Bill 87 passed and sent to the House.  (97)

21 January - Senate Resolution 8 requesting the Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds to standardize the evening appearance of the venetian blinds in the State House, is read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (58)
1 March - Committee on Finance reports favorably on Senate Resolution 8 to provide uniformity in the height and adjustment of all venetian blinds in the State House, particularly during the evening hours, which is read and adopted.  (407)

31 March - Finance Committee reports favorably on House Bill 314 to authorize the creation of a State debt in the aggregate of $74,464,000.00 to be used for certain necessary construction, demolition, planning, deferred maintenance and equipment purposes of this State, etc., is read a second time and ordered engrossed for a third reading.  $500,000 appropriated to supplement the appropriation 'acquisition of properties in the area of State Circle.  (1782-1792)  Also, House BIll 314 passed and returned to the Senate.  (1808)

20 March - Committee on Finance reports favorably on Senate Bill 333 entitled an "Act to authorize the creation of a State debt in the aggregate if $90,755,300.00, the proceeds thereof to be used for certain necessary building, construction, deferred maintenance and equipment purposes of this State..."  Includes provision for planning and analysis of the proposed location and construction of an "Executive House," perhaps on the State Circle areas.  Bill read a second time and engrossed for a third reading.  (1527-1532)
24 March - Senate Bill 333 passed and sent to the House.  (1857-1858)

23 March - Senate Resolution 156 commending the Housekeeping Staff of the State House, is read and adopted.  Also, Senate resolution 157 expressing deep appreciation to the Quick Copy Room Employees, is read and adopted.  (2110-2111)
5 April - Senate Resolution 174 commending the staff of the Information Desk and the Tour Guides, is read and adopted.  (2778)

3 March - Senate Bill 969 concerned with establishing of the Council on the State Capital to advise and act for the Board of Public Works with respect to certain properties within the City of Annapolis; establishing the membership and duties of the Council on the State Capital providing for the operation and maintenance of the Paca House and Paca Gardens in the City of Annapolis, is amended and referred to the Committee on Constitutional and Public Law.  (1263-1264)
26 March - Senate Bill 969 is amended, read and laid over under the table.  (3007-3008)
27 March - Committee on Constitutional and Public Law reports favorably on Senate Bill 969, which is amended, read and ordered prepared for a third reading.  (3117-3119)
31 March - Senate Bill 969 passes and is sent to the House.  (3477)
6 April - Senate discusses and passes House amendments to Senate Bill 969.  (4465-4467)