Annapolis Nov. 30 1904
The State House Building Commission met
in the Office of the Treasurer of Maryland.  There
were present, The Governor, The Comptroller,
The Treasurer, Hon Spencer C. Jones, Hon
Peter J. Campbell, Hon S.D. Schmucker, and
T.J.C. Williams and the Architect Mr.Josias
Mr. Pennington reported that it will cost about
$1080 to reduce the width of the desks in the
Chamber of the House of Delegates so as to
afford more room on the floor.  He wea di-
rected to have the work done.
Mr. Pennington submitted 4 proposals for
the interior marble work on the Annex not yet
ordered.  Upon motion of Mr. Campbell the
nid of $79,993 by the Watertown Marble
Companym being the lowest bid, was
accepted and the Architect was directed
to have the contract executed.  The Contractor
Henry Smithn was was present, promised
that the building will be complete in every
respect by August 1.1905.
Mr. Williams stated to the commission
that he had been informed that there is
for sale in Baltimore a portriat of Queen Anne
after whom the capital of Maryland is
named.  Upon his motion it was ordered that
the Governor be requested to examine the said
portrait, inquire into its artistic merits
and price and that if in his opinion the
portrait is meritorious he shall call the
Executive Committee of this Commission
together and report to them and that the
Committee be authorized to purchase the
said portrait as a part of the furnishing
for the State House.
It was decided not to put an elevator
in the Building and that the space provided
for it shall be used for an additional
House Cloak room.
Upon motion of Mr. Vandiver the Archiect
was directed to proceed at once to [?] and
refurnish the Executive Offices and that
of the Adjutant General and to provide estimates
for restoring the Old Senate Chamber to its
original form.
Upon motion adjourned.
T.J.C. Williams