Baltimore Dec 17.1902
The Executive Committee of the State House
Commission met in the Merchant's Bank
Building at 11 o'clock a.m.  There were
present Messrs Vandiver, Jones, Hering, also
the Governor and Mr. Pennington the Architect.
On motion  the action taken by the architect
as per his report dated Dec. 9, was confirmed
and approved.
The architect asked authority to make contracts
for certain heating apparatus in the new
Annex as the building progresses.  This
he was authorized to do and also to contact
for plumbing and lighting apparatus and
he was directed to report at the next meeting
what action he had taken.
The Architect was directed to make a list
of old plumbing and heating apparatus now
in the State House with a view to its sale.
The Architect was authorized to contract
with Bailtell[?], Hayward & CO. for putting in
an elevator provided they are willing to wait for
payment until the Legislature makes an appropriation.
Upon motion the Governor was requested to sit
for his portrait to be paid for by the Commission
and hung in the New Senate Chamber when
Upon motion adjourned.
T.J.C. Williams. Sec.