Minutes of the Proceedings
            of the
Executive Committee
            of the
State House Building Commission
Baltimore May 2.1902
The Executive Committee of the State
House Building Commission met at
11 o'clock a.m.  All the members were
present as follows.-
    Hon Murray Vandiver, Treasurer of Maryland
    Hon.Joshua W. Hering, Comptroller
    Hon James McSherry
    Hon Samuel D. Schmucker
    Hon Spencer C. Jones
Upon motion of Comptroller Hering Mr.
Vandiver was made Chairman of the
Committee and T.J.C. Williams Secretary.
Mr. Pennington, the Architect in charge of
the improvement, produced skteches of
a proposed arrangement of the apart-
ments in the new additon to the State
Hous. This sketch was discussed and
various suggestions made.  The Architect
was directed to complete these skteches
and submit them to the Committee
on Monday May 12.
The Committee adjourned to meet
on Monday May 12 at 11 o'clock am.
T.J.C. WIlliams