Annapolis May 15.1902
The Committee met in the Executive
There were present Gen. F.C. Latrobe, Chair-
man; Hon. Joshua W. Hering, Hon. Murray
Vandiver; Hon. James McSherry; Hon.
John Wurt Randall and T.J.C. Williams.
Mr. Randall the Committee of one rep [?]
a plat of the Claude lot.  It being
doubtful whether the lot could be ap-
proached with ease by a railroad switch,
Upon motion of Dr. Herring it was ordered
that a committee consisting of Mr. Randall
amd Gen. Latrobe have authority to negociate
with the owners to purchase of the Hughes
lot, the same to include a right of way
of at least 15 feet wide from the lot to
Bladen Street.  This lot was offered to the
Commission by Mr. Robert Moss Connad [?] to
Mrs. Mary Hughes for $5,500.
    Upon motion adjourned.
[signed] T.J.C. Williams