Proposal from Mr.
Woolley for putting
new porch to front
of State House.

                                           Annapolis July 20, 1882

The Honorable Board of Public Works
                            Gentlemen, -

By our request - I here in
submit an estimate for building
a double Portico to the front - of
State House, in accordance with
plans made and explained by
Proff. Meyer. the said Portico to
extend out sixteen feet with a
thirty eight-feet-frontage.
    By advice of Proff. - Meyer I
have counted to put-in four
columns less than the drawings
show.  He thinks when the work
becomes finished, it will add to
the appearance of it by not having
so many columns.
            I will build and complete
the above described Portico and
furnish the materials for the
same for the sum of five thou-
sand two hundred and fifty
           Respectfully submitted,
        C.C. Woolley