42 N. Paul St.
Balto' Md.
3rd Sept 1880.
To the Board of Public Works
            State House Annapolis
                I beg most respectfully to offer
to lay the "Seyssel Mastic Pavement" on the floor
of the vestibule at State House Annapolis for the
sum of Eight hundred and fifty Dols.        $85000/100
The pavement in front and covered with
the old flagstones for the sum of Seven hundred
and sixty eight Dols.                              $76800/100

I will lay the two pavements for the sum of
Fifteen hundred and sixty eight Dols.  $156800/100

I will remove the old material--give you a first rate job--
and guarantee to keep the same good condition for
the term of five years free of cost to you.
                Hoping to get your order to proceed with the cont[ract]
                I am      Gentlemen
                            Most respectfully
                            Your Ser't
                            [signed] Geo Gray