the Senate, 1852 Session.
4 February - Communication between
Joseph H. Nicholson and Edward Lloyd, President of the Senate, re. sundry
bills for work done and materials furnished for the repair of the Senate
Chamber, and its furniture, under an order of the Senate, of December session
1849. Read and referred to committee on finance. (59)
5 February - House proposes
a joint committee to examine into the condition of the Public Buildings,
with a view to ascertain if the same do not require repair. Also,
House proposes a joint committee to examine the Treasurer's Office, with
a view to ascertain if there are sufficient accommodations in the office
for use of the Comptroller. (64)
6 February - Senate appoints
members to each of the aforementioned committees. (66)
4 March - Report from the Committee
on Finance for fitting up the Senate Chamber. Lists workmen and expenditures
for work done under resolution of December session, 1849. Also, Committee
on Finance recommends appropriations of $100 to Wm. Glover and Andrew Slicer
for ventilating the Senate Chamber during the recess, Also, bill
entitled an "Act appropriating a sum of money to pay for repairs made in,
and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber." (130-131)
12 March - Bill entitled
an "Act appropriating a sum of money to pay for repairs made in and materials
furnished for the Senate Chamber, passed and sent to the House. (153-154)
18 March - House returns bill
appropriating a sum of money to pay for repairs made in and materials furnished
for the Senate Chamber, with proposed amendments regarding appropriations
suggested by the Committee on Finance. Bill ordered to lie on the
table. (164)
7 April - Letter from Mr. Farnandis,
of the Committee on Finance, to the House re: amendments proposed by the
House for payment for repairs and materials furnished for the Senate Chamber.
27 April - House repsonds to
letter from Senate dated 7 April. (310-311)
7 May - Committee of the two
Houses reports the bill and amendments for repairs and materials furnished
for the Senate Chamber. Amendments approved, and the bill is sent
to the House. (359-360)
14 May - Bill entitled an "Act
to authorise (sic) the construction of cisterns on the State House hill"
is read for the first time. (392)
29 May - Bill entitled an "Act
to provide for the custody of the public buildings and grounds within the
State House enclosure, and the fire apparatus belonging to the State, and
appropriating a sum of money therefor," is passed and returned to the House.
31 May - Report of the committee
appointed in pursuance of the order directing an inquiry into the subject
of alterations now being made in the rooms in the northwest corner of the
State House. Condemning the workplan, the Committee recommends that
the "brick pavement be restored to the said rooms, and that the flue leading
from the furnace under the Library, be closed up in a permanent manner;
the said furnace having already during the present session, endangered
the buildings, and in the judgment of the committee being incapable of
being made safe." (562)
of the House of Delegates, 1853 Session.
1 February 1853 - Letter from
State Librarian H.E. Batemen to Elias Ware, Jr. Speaker of the House re:
condition of the north chimney, containing flues from Executive and Senate
Chambers, Comptroller's and Adjutant-General's Office, Senate committee
room and library. The wall of chimney heats up where in contact with
woodwork in Adjutant-General's office and base of dome, and thus is a fire
hazard. Joint committee proposed to study the above problem.
4 February 1853 - Report from
Committee appointed to study better method of warming the chamber.
Committee recommends: erection of new and improved furnace, cellar
under hall excavated walled and plastered. (113-114)
15 February 1853 - Act providing
for the payment of expenses in repairing the furnace in the House, and
for materials furnished, and work done in the Chambers and committee rooms
in the 2 houses and the State Library. (179)
19 February 1853 - House takes
up above act, approves it, and sends it to the Senate. (210-211)
11 March 1853 - Senate endorses
said bill, and passes it. (304)
of the House of Delegates, 1854 Session.
18 January 1854 - Select Committee
of three ordered to enquire into expediency of contracting for lighting
the State House, Government House, and State Circle with gas. (66)
11 February 1854 - Select Committee
reports that the State will save two-thirds with the introduction of gas
lighting. Bill introduced. (252-253)
of the Senate, 1854 Session.
1 March - Leave granted Messrs.
Wells, Dennis and Berry to report a bill entitled, an act to provide for
the introduction of gas light into the State House, treasury building and
public grounds. (246)
2 March - Mr. Wells reports
a bill re: the introduction of gas lighting in the State House, treasury
building and public grounds, which is read and referred to the committee
on finance. (252)
4 March - Committee on finance
reports unfavorably on the the bill re: introduction of gas lighting, and
the bill is read and ordered engrossed for a third reading. (274)
Gas company charted. The pair of gas lamps, seen in photographs at
the entry to the grounds and at the porch to the State House, must then
have been installed after 1856. (Notes
by Dr. E.C. Papenfuse, State Archivist. MSA S 1259-121-1706)
of the House of Delegates, 1858 Session.
4 February 1858 - Correspondence
between House and Senate re: appointing joint committee re: constructing
a fire-proof building to preserve the records of the State; to increase
the dimensions of the House Chamber, and adding two committee rooms for
the accommodation of each branch of the Legislature lighting the whole
building with gas and warming the same with furnaces. (247-248)
11 February 1858 - Librarian
directed to have American Flag displayed from dome of the State House each
day as soon as the House of Delegates shall be in session, and not lowered
until both Houses shall have adjourned. (330)
15 February 1858 - Joint Committee
on Public Buildings requested to examine and ascertain whether the State
House is safe from the accident of fire by the mode now used to heat House
Chamber and the Library. (381)
25 February 1858 - Senate endorses
House bill from 4 February 1858. (603)
26 February 1858 - Senate passes
said bill. (623)
of the Senate, 1858 Session.
4 February - Message to the
House, proposing a joint committee to inquire into the expediency of constructing
a fire-proof building for preserving the records of the State, of increasing
the dimensions of the present chamber used for the sittings of the House
of Delegates; of adding two committee rooms for the accommodation of each
branch of the Legislature; of lighting the whole building with Gas, and
warming the same with Furnaces. (133) House appoints members
to the committee. (139)
23 February - Bill entitled,
"an Act appropriating a sum of money for the rendering the more secure,
against fire, the State House and the public archive, for erecting a fire-proof
record office, and for enlarging the State Library room, and the Hall of
the House of Delegates." Bill referred to committee on Finance.
24 February - Bill entitled,
"an Act appropriating a sum of money for the rendering the more secure,
against fire, the State House and the public archive, for erecting a fire-proof
record office, and for enlarging the State Library room, and the Hall of
the House of Delegates," is considered, and amendments proposed.
(325-326) Bill passed by the House on 26 February. (359)
of Maryland, 1858 Session.
Chapter 105 - An Act appropriating
a sum of money for the rendering the more secure, against fire, the State
House and the public archive, for erecting a fire-proof record office,
and for enlarging the State Library room, and the Hall of the House of
Delegates, &c. (140-142)
"The old semi-octagonal bay
was removed from the western side of the State House and replaced by a
larger octagonal annex." (Radoff's "Buildings of the State of Maryland
in Annapolis," 95)
'[B]rick Comptroller's officer,
or land office, on the hill facing Maryland Avenue, which was built in
1859 and torn down in 1906 occupied almost the same site upon which [the
old] gunhouse stood" ( "The
Old State House[..." The Baltimore Sun, 1907)
(MSA SC 2852)
of the Senate, 1860 Session.
23 January - Message from the
House proposing a joint committee to examine the work done under the Act
of 1858, "appropriating a sum of money for the erection of a fire-proof
Record Office, and for the repair of the buildings within the State House
Circle," and report what other repairs, if any are necessary, and what
amount will be required for that purpose. (71)
January 1860 - Documents from
the House of Delegates, 1860 Session.
of the Senate, 1861 Session.
(Extra Session) - 7 May
- Resolved by the Senate and the House of Delegates, that the National
Flag be hoisted on the State House while the General Assembly is in session.
(Special Session) 21 December
- Ordered that the President of the Senate be requested to have one of
the committee rooms in the rear of the Senate Chamber fitted up as the
President's Room. (54-55)
of the House of Delegates, 1864 Session.
26 February - Committee on Public
Buildings reports favorably on bill entitled "An Act providing for
repairs of the State House." (576) Passed on 7 March and sent
to Senate. (781)
4 March - Bill entitled "An
Act appropriating a sum of money for the protection of the State House
and Public Property from fire" is referred to the Ways and Means Committee.
(758) Passed and sent to Senate on 10 March. (958-959)
of the Senate, 1864 Session.
6 January - Message
of Governor Bradford to the General Assembly. Governor comments
on the repairs and alterations about the public buildings. Notes
that the builder has "very lately...converted the room under the library
into four comfortable Committee Rooms and room for a Post Office."
But also explains, "The necessity for repairs about the State House will
attract your attention. The outside of the building, and especially
the its roof and dome stand much in need of pant. The venerable edifice
should by no means be neglected..." (37-38)
20 January - Committee appointed
to examine the condition of the State House. (57)
3 March - Leave granted Messrs.
Ricaud, Stirling and Eichelberger to report a bill for the protection of
the State House. (359)
9 March - Bill providing for
the repairs of the State House read for the second and third times, passed
and then returned to the House. (455)
of the House of Delegates, 1867 Session.
19 March - Committee on Ways
and Means introduces bill entitled "An Act to appropriate a sum on money
to pay for paving the public property in the city of Annapolis called the
State House circle." (1018-1019)
of the Senate, 1867 Session.
22 January - Secretary of the
Senate directed to cause the Senate Chamber to be furnished with mats similar
to those now in use in the House Chamber. Secretary also directed
to have covered with matting, the entrances leading to the Committee Rooms
of the Senate. (80)
24 January - Noted that the
Secretary has made and put up good and substantial steps to the back entrance
of the Senate Chamber. (97)
4 February - Secretary of the
Senate authorized to have the lobby of the Senate Chamber re-arranged and
more comfortable seats furnished therein. Also, the State Librarian
directed to cause a plan to be prepared for the enlargement of the State
Library, embracing four additional Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate,
beneath said enlargement, and also an estimate of the probable cost.
Report to be furnished to the Senate by 15 February. (141)
19 February - Secretary of the
Senate directed to cause the register to be removed from its present position,
and placed in the center of the Senate Chamber, beneath the chandelier.
22 March - Secretary of the
Senate authorized to have constructed, in the interval between the session,
some suitable means of ventilating the Senate Chamber by a ventilator or
ventilators in the ceiling of the Chamber to communicate with the open
air by openings in the outside walls, between the ceiling and floor of
the Executive Chamber. (794)
of the House of Delegates, 1868 Session.
31 January - Bill entitled an
"Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair and paint the State House
and improve the grounds surrounding it ordered to be engrossed for a third
reading. (210-11) 5 Feb - Passed by Senate on 5 February.
(274) Signed by Governor Thomas Swann on 14 February. (403)
of the Senate, 1868 Session.
30 January - Committee on Public
Buildings, of the Senate and the House reports re: site of Government House.
Committee notes that Government House's "contiguity to the State House,
convenient both to the Governor and the people; will protect the State
House in a great degree from being in the future marred by improvements
of a character not in harmony with it." (127-128)
5 February - House bill entitled
an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair and paint the State House,
and improve the grounds surrounding it," is passed and returned to the
House. (172)
of the House of Delegates, 1870 Session.
26 Jan - Committee on Public
Buildings submits report relative to constructing a door from Rotunda to
room occupied by Committee on Claims. The Committee deems it inexpedient
to have the door opened from the Rotunda to the room occupied by the Committee
on Claims. (146)
15 March - Committee on Ways
and Means reports negatively on a bill to appropriate a sum of money for
repairing the sidewalk and paving the bed of the street, on the public
circle surrounding the grounds of the State House. (773)
of the House of Delegates, 1872 Session.
20 March - Committee on Claims
introduces bill to pay a balance due on sewerage for the State House and
Governor's Mansion. (985)
21 March - Bill entitled an
"Act to appropriate a sum of money to heat and ventilate the State House"
is read favorably. (1023) Bill sent to Senate 30 March. (1342-1343)
30 March - Bill entitled an
"Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for necessary repairs of the
State House, and paving the carriage way to the Governor's Mansion" passed
and sent to the Senate. (1326-1327)
of the Senate, 1872 Session.
9 January - Committee on Public
Buildings ordered to cause a survey of the State House to be made by one
of more competent persons, to ascertain the probably cost of thoroughly
repairing it; also os a suitable portico of marble or granite; also the
cost of paving the streets around the State House circle, and to report
such estimates to the Senate. Assistant Doorkeeper, John Wallace,
is appointed to this task. (23) Also, Committee on Public Buildings
authorized to inquire into the probably cost of removing the water closets
from the first floor of this building to that of the cellar; also, to convert
the present rooms occupied for water closets to committee rooms, and report
to this House. (28)
13 February - Committee on Public
Buildings authorized to have a suitable drawing made for a portico for
the State House; provided said drawing shall not cost over $30. (206)
22 March - Senate bill entitled
an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to build a portico in front of the
capital building, is debated and amended. Amended bill is entitled,
an act to "Pay for necessary repairs to the State House, and for paving
the carriage way to the Governor's Mansion." (588-589) Bill
passed and returned to the House on 23 March. (615-616)
17 March 1872 - Roger Brooke
Taney (1777-1864) statue unveiled on the anniversary of Taney's birth (Radoff,
The State House at Annapolis, 40)
"The installation of the Taney
Statue in 1872 was made directly on the flagging. No arrangements
to set the monument apart from the entry were made. The statue appears
to be off center as well." (Notes
by Dr. E.C. Papenfuse, State Archivist. MSA S1259-121-1706)
1 April
1872 - Laws of the State of Maryland,
Chapter 412. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for
repairs of the State House, and paving the carriage way to the Governor's
mansion. From Laws of the State of Maryland, Annapolis, 1872,
of the House of Delegates, 1874 Session.
4 March - Bill entitled an "Act
to improve the ground in front of the State House in Annapolis" was referred
to the Committee on Ways and Means. (615)
11 March - Amendment proposed:
to insert $500 for payment for act dated 4 March. (719) Vote
postponed on 24 March. (1010-1011)
18 March - Act to appropriate
a sum of money to heat and ventilate the State House is engrossed for a
third reading. (871) Passed and sent to Senate on 31 March.
18 March - Senate bill entitled
an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to remove water-closets from their
present locality, and place them in the cellar of the State-House, and
to make two Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate, out of the space
now occupied by said water-closets" is referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means. (888) (Bill doesn't pass the House vote on 2 April,
27 March - Bill entitled an
"Act to authorize the payment of balance due for sewerage and furnishing
water-pipes for the State House and Governor's Mansion." Passed and
sent to Senate. (1140)
of the Senate, 1874 Session.
12 February - Leave granted
to the Committee on Public Buildings to report a bill to appropriate a
sum of money to grade and pave the street around the State House.
12 March - Senate bill entitled
an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to remove the water-closets from
their present locality, and place them in the cellar of the State House,
and to make two Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate, out of the space
now occupied by said water-closets," is read a second time. The names
of R.C. Holliday, John R. Blake and Augustus Gassaway added to the second
section of the bill. (540)
16 March - Senate bill entitled
an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair the foot-ways, and pave
the streets around the State House," is determined in the negative. Senate
to reconsider the bill. (581) Also, bill to remove the water-closets
into the cellar is passed and sent to the House of Delegates. (584-585)
"Earliest known photograph
of the State House", view from Francis Street
Copy by Mame Warren
MSA SC 985-01-012, another
copy at MSA SC1890-02-2739A
Lithograph of the State
House and grounds
Copy by Marion E. Warren
MSA SC 1890-3043
Photograph of the State
House, stereographic view
Photograph of the State
House fountain that preceeded DeKalb monument, stereographic view