of the House of Delegates, 1826 Session.
DATE UNKNOWN - Committee ordered
to inquire into expediency of making arrangements to heat the apartments
in the state house in some manner more safe and comfortable than the mode
use now. (272)
DATE UNKNOWN - Report on roof
conditions and need to replace the roof. (440-1)
DATE UNKNOWN - Bill sent to
Senate. (459)
A walk was paved of stone or
brick from the Governor's House to the State House. (Radoff,
the State House at Annapolis, 34)
Old Methodist Meeting House
on State Circle, built circa 1788 on the former site of the old market
house and used for a few years as a print shop, was torn down after passage
of Resolution 26 from the 1825
General Assembly session. (Radoff, Buildings of the State of
Maryland, 112)
of the House of Delegates, 1827 Session.
25 January 1828 - Report from
Washington G. Tuck re: covering State House roof. (142)
Date Unknown - House votes to
pay Washington G. Tuck for covering the roof. (214-5)
Date Unknown - Committee reports
$1,389.98 to be paid for covering the State House. (246)
8 February 1828 - Resolution
re: payment for W.G. Tuck sent to Senate. (248)
11 February 1828 - Senate endorces
and assents to the bill. (264)
of the House of Delegates, 1829 Session.
1 February 1830 - Committee
on Ways and Means instructed to inquire into expediency of having a chimney
constructed in the east end of the House Chamber for comfort and accomodation
of the members. (290)
Maryland Pinch Her Dome Designer?" by Roxana White (date and source
unknown). Newspaper article stating "a paper found among the effects of
the late Dr. Gordon Claude, by his son, William Tell Claude indicates that
part of the debt to Joseph Clark, the designer, is still outstanding."
Found paper dated January 19, 1829. (MSA SC 1456-1010 / 0-10-7-70)
of the Senate, 1832 Session.
28 February 1833 - Committee
on finance reports favorably to the resolution relative to the roof of
the State House. Bill assented to and returned to the house of delegates.
of the House of Delegates, 1833 Session.
4 March 1834 - Report from committee
to examine public properties in Annapolis. Building adjacent to State
House is is a ruinous condition and needing immediate repair. Wall
around Public Circle is in such bad order, that suitable and prompt measures
should be adopted. Bill ordered to lie on the table. (428)
7 March 1834 - Governor and
Council authorized and requested to cause the out houses on the hill, and
the wall around the Public Circle to to be repaired and some suitable covering
placed thereon. (494)
"The General
Assembly passed the following resolution: 'Resolved, That the Governor
and Council be, and they are hereby authorized and requested to cause the
outhouses on the hill and the wall around the Public Circle to be repaired
and some suitable covering placed thereon.' At this time a shingle roof,
or copeing was built on the top of this brick wall which was torn down
three years later." "The
Old State House[...]" The Baltimore Sun, 1907 (MSA SC
of the House of Delegates, 1834 Session.
19 March 1835 - Resolution submitted
re: repairs to buildings on State Circle, surrounding walls and grounds,
and rendering the buildings fire-proof. Ordered to lie on the table.
21 March 1835 - Resolution amended
and assented, sent to Senate (608), and engrossed. (617)
of Maryland, 1834 Session. (Archives of Maryland, Volume 210)
No. 85 - authorizing the Governor and Council to contract for the building
of a small gunhouse. (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 210, p. 482)
This building,
a small two story frame structure, was erected just at the head of Maryland
avenue between the present [1907] Circle and the old wall, shown in the
print, which barely encircled the Old Treasury" "The
Old State House[...]" The Baltimore Sun, 1907)
(MSA SC 2852)
of the Senate, 1835 Session.
18 January 1836 - Senate proposes
the appointment of a joint committee to look into the expediency of providing
fire-proof offices for records and papers of the Court of the Chancery
and Court of Appeals and the Executive Department. (45)
4 April 1836 - Resolution relative
to the repairs of the public circle referred to the committee on finance.
of the Joint Committee upon Fire Proof Offices. Committee ascertains
that several fire proof offices can "conveniently and very effectually
be constructed within the State House. (1-7)
by Dr. E.C. Papenfuse, State Archivist:
"It was not until 1835 that funds were expended to enclose the grounds
with an iron fence although resolutions authorizing the work were passed
by the General Assembly in 1833 and again in 1834. Jeremiah Hughes,
Dennis Claude, and George Wells were commissioned to oversee the work.
The work may well have encompassed completing the wall at this time as
well. Governor Veazey's new message of December 20, 1836 refers to
the completion of the new stone wall and iron railing. Grading had
not [been] completed and Veazey suggested there was a need for an additional
appropriation to complete the work. Gates at three entrances were
provided in 1837. One of the entrances was at Francis Street.
The others most likely were at Chancery Lane to the southwest and at the
head of East Street."(MSA S 1259-121-1706)
13 January
1835 - Article
about Joseph Clark, architect of the State House dome, ice skating from
Baltimore to Annapolis in 1784. (Probable source - Maryland Republican)
20 December, 1835 - Message
by Governor Veazey; "The repairs of the public grounds around the State
house have not yet been entirely completed. The new stone wall and iron
railing appear to be executed in a substantial and workmanlike? manner,
and with the exception of the gates to be placed at the three entrances
to the circle, those portion of the work may be said to be completed.
There are some trifling improvements which remain to be done on the interior
of the circle, such as removing rubbish and grading the grounds, ?? which
objects we think a small additional appropriation should be directed.
After these repairs and improvements shall have been thoroughly consummated,
it will be with you to decide upon the expediency in appointing a suitable
person, with a small salary, to take care of the public grounds and other
state property, and to keep them in suitable order." (printed
in unknown newspaper MSA S 1259-121-1706)
![Click here to return to TOP of page](../../../jpg/topbut.jpg)
of the House of Delegates, 1836 Session.
4 January 1837 - Proposal
to appoint joint committee to enquire re: cost and expediency of warming
the Senate Chamber, hall of House of Delegates and offices attached to
them, and all other apartments of the State House occupied and used for
public purposes; heated air will reduce the annual cost to the State.
9 January 1837 - Committee on
claims assigned to enquire into the expediency of causing lamps to be placed
in front of State House and at each of the entries. (79)
11 January 1837 - Joint committee
appointed to examine the condition of State House and other public buildings
and determine need for preservation, repairs or alterations. (95)
3 March 1837 - Report from committee.
20 March 1837 - House assents
resolutions from Committee and sends to Senate. (703-4)
of the Senate, 1836 Session.
Resolution authorising Dr. Dennus
Claude, George G. Brewer and David Ridgely, to cause to be constructed
under the Hall of the House of Delegates, a furnace for warming said Hall
by means of heated air, &c. (3)
4 January 1837 - House proposes
the appointment of a joint committee to enqiure into the expediency of
warming the Senate Chamber, the Hall of the House of Delegates, and the
offices attached to them respectively, the Council Chamber, and all other
apartments of the State House occupied and used for public purposes, or
any one or more of them, by means of heated air, introduced by flues, or
by any other mode which shall promote the comfort of the members of the
Legislature. (46)
20 January 1837 - Senate agrees
to appoint three members to the joint committee. (92)
20 March 1837 - Resolution authorizing
the house of delegates to be heated by a furnace referred to Committee
on Finance. (319) Bill assented and returned to the House.
Thomas W. Veazey in his message to the Legislature December 28, 1836 says,
'The new stone wall and iron railing appear to be executed in a substantial
manner' . . . [t]he granite wall surmounted by the iron fence stood for
45 years [until] 1881 . . . [and the] contractor who furnished and put
up the iron fence and gates in 1836 was Vachel Seyler" ("The
Old State House[...]" The Baltimore Sun, 1907)
(MSA SC 2852)
to State House 'extensively graded, a curbing with an iron fence erected,
and three gates gates provided for acess to the site'. (MSA S 1259-121-1706-863)
of the House of Delegates, 1837 Session.
2 January 1838 - Ordered that
Special Committee on Public Buildings enquire into the expediency of causing
one or more chandeliers to be provided for use of this house. Ordered
that the Committee on Public Buildings enquire into the expediency of causing
a doorway to be cut from the committee room of this house leading to the
outer hall. (40)
11 January 1838- Discussion
re: previous repairs by W. Tuck and Richard W. Gill. Lists work done,
new work suggested, ask that a person be appointed to be in charge of the
State House and its upkeep. (76-7) Reports from committees
are available in pamphlets H and I. (81) (We need these
27 February 1838 - General Assembly
appropriates unnamed funds for repairing, painting and furnishing the Senate
Chamber, the Executive Chamber, for repairing and white washing the State
Library and the Centre Hall, for repairing and painting the exterior of
the State House, for preparing a suitable place under the State House to
store wood and coal for the use of the public offices, for grading, paving
and improving the grounds within State Circle, and also lamps and and additional
pump to be placed in the same. Bill to lie on the table (304-5)
3 March 1838 - Committee on
Public Buildings ordered to enquire into the present condition of the furnaces
and kind of fuel used in warming the hall of the House of Delegates, Library
and Committee Rooms. (334)
10 March 1838 - Treasurer of
Western Shore presents communication with work done over the last 12 years
for furnishing public buildings and Public Circle. (394)
July 1837 - Richard McGill and
W.G. Tuck were given the contract to lay a new pavement at the South End
of the State House. Apparently this pavement joined with the flagging in
front of the gate and so for the first time one could go from Government
House to the State House dry shod." (Radoff, the State House at Annapolis,
Acorn on the State House dome
was gilded on top and painted dark red on bottom, middle and pedestal were
covered with lead, and it was signed and dated by its installers, T. Bennett
and P.J. Herold. ("The
Story of the State House and Its Dome")
"The final
improvement appears to have been the installation of flagging from the
entrance at Francis Street to the portico. This contract was let
in July of 1837 and may have replaced a gravel path referred to in the
work done in 1818" (Notes
by Dr. E.C. Papenfuse, State Archivist.,
MSA S 1259-121-1706)
and locks installed to prevent stock from wandering about the grounds.
(MSA S 1259-121-1706-865)
of the House of Delegates, 1838 Session.
16 February 1839 - Committee
on Public Buildings ordered to contract for the paving of the front walk
leading from the State House to the front gate. (257)
26 February 1839 - Keeper of
public circle asked not to lock East Gate around said circle. (325)
7 March 1839 - Committee of
3 appointed to examine into the expediency of constructing fire-proof offices
in the State House for security of judicial and other records. (399)
Resolutions from the Laws of
Maryland, 1840 Session.
"Resolved by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That the State will accept the piece of ordnance
presented by the Reverend Joseph Carberry, and that his Excellency the
Governor, be requested to communicate this resolution to him, and cause
the same to be transported to the seat of government and placed at some
suitable place within the entrance hall of the State House, and to draw
on the treasury for such amount as may be necessary to defray the expenses
thereof." (Resolution 16 from the 1840 Laws
of Maryland, 21)
The cannon was lifted from the
St. Mary's River by Captain Thomas Carberry in 1824. (Radoff, The
State House, 38)
The dates on the bronze plaque
are not the same as those in the Resolution. (Radoff, 38)
"The hill
on which stands this noble edifice [the State House] is inclosed by a neat
and substantial granite wall, surmounted by a handsome iron railing which
is entered by three gates, one situated at the head of Francis street,
the second to the southwest and the third to the northwest of the circle.
The main entrance to the building is through a portico of but modest pretensions
. . ." (qtd. in "The
Old State House[...]"
The Baltimore Sun, 1907)
(MSA SC 2852)
of the State House after original construction in 1795. From
David Ridgely, Annals of Annapolis, 1841, 146-7. (MSA SC 232)
of the Senate, 1843 Session.
7 March 1844 - Resolution in
relation to the furnace under the Library is referred to the Committee
on the Library. (147) Resolution assented to on 9 March, and
sent to the house of delegates. (174)
of the Senate, 1844 Session.
6 March 1845 - Senate returns
resolution providing for the payment due for furniture and repairs to the
senate chamber, and asks that $40.14 be appropriated to the clerk for the
execution of the order of the Senate. (157)
10 March 1845 - Resolution in
payment for furnishing the Senate Chamber assented and returned to the
House of Delegates. (202)
of the House of Delegates, 1845 Session.
20 February 1846 - Committee
of 3 appointed to enquire into causes of ignition of the fuel or coal on
19 February 1846 in the basement of the State House. Ordered that
Treasurer, Clerk of Court of Appeals and David S. Caldwell of Annapolis
be empowered to have necessary repairs and improvements to State House
for its preservation of decay and secure it against fire...thus purchase
a fire engine. (293) Bill sent to Senate 28 Feb. (367)
21 February 1846 - Report from
Committee re: deplorable conditions of interior and exterior of State House,
need for repairs. (306-308)
24 February 1846 - Proposal
from James Johnson to render the State House fireproof. Select Committee
appointed. (316)
25 February 1846 - Report from
Committee of 3 appointed to enquire about fire on 20 February 1846, and
repairs done in connection with the fire. (332-333)
4 March - Bill regarding public
buildings is engrossed. (396)
of the House of Delegates, 1846 Session.
1 January 1847 - Committee appointed
to ascertain what further repairs are needed and what appropriation of
money may be required to preserve this building from the ravages of time.
10 March 1847 - House approves
Senate resolution in favor of proposals for painting State House.
of the Senate, 1846 Session.
10 March 1847 - Resolution for
the painting of the dome of the State House is referred to the Committee
on Finance. (212)
10 March 1847 - Senate approves
resolution for repairing the State House, and returns it to the House.
of the House of Delegates, 1847 Session.
9 March 1848 - Committee appointed,
and has power to have erected a suitable building to the rear of State
House, having a private entrance thereto, to contain an apartment for fuel
and the State's Fire Engine. Ordered to lie on the table.
9 March 1848 - State Librarian
authorized to contract with someone to repair the roof. (476-7)
Approved and sent to Senate on 10 March. (489) Passed by Senate
10 March. (503)
of the Senate, 1849 Session.
9 March 1850 - Reolutions for
the repair of the Treasury Office, and to the Public Buildings assented
to and returned to the House. (264) Also, Messenger, Door-Keeper,
and Clerk of the Senate put in charge of repairs to be made as shall be
proper for the preservation of furniture, and putting the said furniture
and chamber in condition for the accomodation of the Senate. (273)
1826 - 1850
of the State House and grounds
by Marion E. Warren
![Click here to see full stereograph of the State House](../jpeg/mdhs_1tmb.jpg) |
Photograph of the State
House, stereographic view
![Click here to see full stereograph of the State House](../jpeg/mdhs_2tmb.jpg) |
Photograph of the State
House fountain that preceeded DeKalb monument, stereographic view