Peter Hardcastle
MSA SC 3520-18123
Archival Sources:
Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, NARA M881, from
Queen Anne’s County Register of Wills, Wills, Robert Hardcastle, 1760, Liber WHN 1, p. 222 [MSA C1495-3, 2/2/4/21].
Return of the Maryland troops, 13 September 1776, Revolutionary War Rolls, NARA M246, folder 35, p. 85, from
Return of troops in garrison at Annapolis, May 1781, Maryland State Papers, Revolutionary Papers, box 7, no. 52, MdHR 19970-7-52 [MSA S997-7-53, 1/16/1/36].
Published Sources:
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 1 to December 31, 1776, Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 12.
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution, Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 18.
Papenfuse, Edward C., Alan F. Day, David W. Jordan, and Gregory A. Stiverson. A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1653-1789, Volume 1: A-H. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.
Tacyn, Mark Andrew. "To the End: The First Maryland Regiment and the American Revolution." PhD diss., University of Maryland College Park, 1999.
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