Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Thomas McCormick
MSA SC 3520-16870
Archival Sources:
COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Indentures) 1794-1913, Indenture of Thomas
McCormick, 5 January 1808, Liber 6, p. 391. [MSA C337-6].
MARYLAND HISTORICAL TRUST (Inventory of Historic Sites) Longwood, M:
23-63, Montgomery County [MSA SE5-17389].
MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) 5 March 1830, Deed, Mary Moore
to Thomas McCormick, Liber BS 2, p. 474 [MSA CE 148-28].
COUNTY COURT (Land Records) 7 February 1842, Liber BS 11, p. 43, Deed,
Roger Brooke Thomas to Thomas McCormick [MSA CE 148-37].
MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) 9 November 1844, Liber BS 12, p.
409, Deed, Thomas McCormick et
ux. to Sophia R. Hammond [MSA CE 148-38].
COUNTY COURT (Land Records) 8 February 1851, Liber STS 5, p. 203, Deed,
Thomas McCormick to Leonard Weer [MSA CE 148-43].
Published Sources:
City Directories," Baltimore
City Archives, online, accessed 2 Dec. 2013.
Ancel H. A concise
history of the Methodist Protestant Church from its origin.
Pittsburg: Press of Charles A. Scott, 1877.
T.H.S. The history of
Montgomery County, Maryland, from its earliest settlement in 1650 to
1879. Baltimore: W.E. Boyle & Son, 1879.
Thomas Henry. Sketches
of the Founders of the Methodist Protestant Church, and its bibliography.
Pittsburgh: Methodist Protestant Book Concern, 1880.
Edward J. History of
Methodist reform, synoptical of general Methodism, 1703-1898.
Baltimore: The Board of Publication of the Methodist Protestant Church,
Nolan B., ed. The
Encyclopedia of world Methodism, volume II. Nashville: The
United Methodist Publishing House, 1974.
Charles. The Baltimore
directory for 1822 & '23. Baltimore: R.J.
Matchett, 1822.
Newspaper Sources:
"Address of Miss A.E. Devaughn, to Mr. Thomas McCormick." Alexandria Gazette.
30 June 1848.
"The Alexandria Sunday Schools." Alexandria Gazette.
6 November 1850.
"Brookeville Academy." Daily
National Intelligencer. 6 July 1836.
"Married." Alexandria
Gazette. 6 November 1834.
"Meeting of the Sons of Temperance." Alexandria Gazette.
30 June 1848.
"Morrison's Pills." The
Baltimore Sun. 23 August 1838.
"Obituary." The
Baltimore Sun. 21 February 1883.
to Thomas McCormick's Introductory Page
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