Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Short A. Willis
MSA SC 3520-15248


Archival Sources:

CAROLINE COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Accounts of Sale) Short A. Willis, 1861, LIber GHM no. E, pps. 57-63 [MSA T1264-3, 0/14/10/31]

CAROLINE COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Administration Accounts) Short A. Willis, 1862, Liber GHM H, pps. 214-215 [MSA T1266-2, 0/14/11/10]

CAROLINE COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Docket) Short A. Willis, 1860, Liber 2, p. 42 [MSA CM225-1, CR 9457-1]

CAROLINE COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Release, Mary Willis to Short A. Willis, 27 August 1814, Liber L, p. 241 [MSA CE94-11]

CAROLINE COUNTY COURT (Marriage Licenses) Short Willis and Polly Griffith, 25 November 1812, MdHR 9140 [MSA C534-2, 1/2/1/10]

Newspaper Sources:

"Bible Society." Meeting notice. Easton Gazette, 14 June 1828.

"Electoral Candidates." Easton Gazette, 27 September 1828.

Election returns. Easton Gazette, 11 October 1828.

"Died." American Union (Easton), 13 November 1860.

"Died."  The Denton Journal, 6 December 1873.

"The Late Peter J. Willis." The Denton Journal, 13 December 1873.

"A Fashionable Wedding."  The Denton Journal, 29 May 1875.


U.S. Federal Census. 1860. Population Schedule. Bethlehem Post Office, Caroline County, Maryland, p. 380.

U.S. Federal Census. 1850. Population Schedule. Caroline County, Maryland.

U.S. Federal Census. 1850. Slave Schedule. Caroline County, Maryland.

Published Sources:

Brown, John Henry. Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas. 1880. University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History.

Cochrane, Laura C.,  et al. History of Caroline County Maryland From Its Beginning. Clearfield Co., 1920; reprinted Genealogical Publishing Co., 1994.

Journal of the Proceedings of the House of Delegates of the State of Maryland, 1828. Annapolis, MD: J. Green, 1828. Archives of Maryland Online M3200.

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