General Edward Shriver, a well know
citizen, and who until a few months ago
was water registrar of Baltimore city,
died suddenly last night at the boarding-
house of Mr. Pennington, on Eutaw
street, between Hoffman and Dolphin,
Baltimore, where he had lately been mak-
ing his home.
He was eighty-three years of age, and
had been in failing health for some time.
General Shriver was a son of the late
Judge Abram Shriver, of Frederick, and
a grandson of David Shriver, a member
of the convention which framed the first
Constitution of the state, in 1775. Gen-
eral Shriver was a prominent citizen
of Frederick. He studied law with his
cousin, the late Wm Schley, and prac-
ticed with him; was clerk of the
Circuit Court of Frederick, a member of
the Legislature and of the constitutional
convention of 1851. For the past 25
years he has been president of the Fred
erick College.
He was a prominent Union man during
the war. In 1866 he was appointed post-
master of Baltimore by President John-
son, and the appointment was confirmed
by the Senate without reference to a
committee. Upon the expiration of his
term of office the postmaster general said
the Baltimore office was the best organ0
ized and managed in the country. For
the past 14 years he had been water reg-
istrar of Baltimroe, resigning this posi-
tions in December last on account of ill
health. He leaves three daughters-Mrs.
John A. Tompkins, of No. 1212 Linden
avenue, Baltimore, to which place the
remains were removed last night; Mrs. C.
L. Johnson, Utica, N.Y., and Mr.s Chas.
T. Reifsnider, Tifflin, O.
General Shriver during his long and
honored career as a resident of Frederick
won the unqualified esteem and respect of
his fellow citizens, and took a foremost
position in the community. He was a
gentleman of the old school, refined,
cultured, of dignity bearing, and living
always up to the measure of the highest
standard of integrity and sterling worth.
He was one of the few surviving early
members of the Independent Hose Com-
pany, No. 1, and served as the efficient
president of that organization from 1845
to 1879.
The body of the deceased will be
brought to Frederick tomorrow, and in-
terment will be made in the family grave
yard on Bentz street.
Published in The (Frederick) Daily
25 February 1896.